
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantaisie
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178 Chs

0085 You need to recognize your mistakes in time as well as ways to

  "Your Mobile auction cannot be held as scheduled ..."

  Lynch was reminded of some TV series he used to watch when he heard these words, the last sentence of the episode that ended the previous day's broadcast would never match up with what was in the recap of the first episode the next day, there was a very abrupt feeling.

  It was like a cow with a horse's face, there was a serious sense of incongruity, his TV series shouldn't be like this, it wasn't something from the script.

  Of course he didn't get mad, he just looked at the man across the desk, keeping his approach to his work with a smile, "Mr. Ferrell, can you tell me what this is about?"

  He repeated, "Why my Mobile auction isn't happening on time anymore, maybe we can work that out."

  Ferrell looked at Lynch with a bit of satisfaction, he had expected Lynch to get angry, or say some swear words to him, or even come at him with his fists swinging, he was ready to deal with all of that, but what he didn't expect was that Lynch didn't do that.

  He just sat behind his desk like before, calmly and rationally talking about solutions, such a person would always give off a very reliable feeling, even if you didn't like him, you wouldn't hate him too much.

  Ferrell nodded a little, "That's exactly why I'm here, according to the laws of this state and the laws and regulations of this city, initiating a gathering of more than fifty people in public requires an application to the Department of Social Services in advance, Mr. Lynch, you seem to have forgotten ... ", he pursed his lips and gave a regretful expression, the corners of his mouth collapsing downward.

  Obviously, it should be an unhappy expression, but it was Lynch, and even everyone, who could sense that he was actually smiling, which was a manifestation of his inner self, which also reflected the fact that human beings were a very strange creature.

  What people see doesn't interfere with the subjective feelings inside people, it's like a pile of shit made of chocolate, the eyes can't shake the subjective and materialistic judgment.

  Those who did taste it also didn't have eyes that swayed their decision, but they really wanted to eat it, even if it was real shit.

  Looking at the "smile" on Ferrell's face, Lynch knew that this matter wasn't that troublesome, "I indeed didn't know that there was such a rule, I thought that only marches and demonstrations needed to apply in advance."

  "Rallies too!" , Ferrell added again, immediately after he raised his wrist and glanced at his wristwatch, "There's less than an hour left before the Social Services Bureau finishes its work, but this kind of application needs to be made at least a week in advance, and your Mobile auction is going to be held tomorrow, it's too late."

  Lynch pursed his lips and considered for a moment as he suddenly asked a question that had nothing to do with this matter, "Mr. Ferrell, as you can see, this company of mine, including myself, doesn't have enough knowledge about something that may be more common sense ..."

  Ferrell nodded a bit, it wasn't quite common knowledge, but it wasn't cold knowledge that could be said to be unknowable.

  Baylor Federation's domestic culture is relatively ... free, at least the federal government said so, everyone has the right to organize rallies, many people have also organized such activities, but there are just as many people who are not clear about these things.

  The laws and regulations are not quite the same in every area, for example, in some areas you can't make splashing noises when peeing, you can't sing in the shower, and if someone calls the police you'll be arrested.

  In some places you need to whistle when peeing outside, this is to alert others that someone is defecating here to avoid misunderstandings, and if you don't whistle when peeing you will be arrested ...

  The different laws and regulations in different areas are enough to make most feds dizzy, you may do one thing over here that is in line with the rules, but after a ride, do the same thing again and get arrested by the police.

  Sometimes people realize the uncertainty and go to the Social Services Department for advice, but that place is slow and slow, so more people go to lawyers.

  Using "common sense" to make money refers to some low-end law firms, who often won't stand in court, but can only help their employers to solve some day-to-day problems.

  The corner of Lynch's mouth rose, "Thank you very much for coming to remind me, Mr. Ferrell, this has allowed me to avoid a great deal of trouble, and at the same time I have a new idea, I wonder if you are interested."

  Ferrell showed some appropriate curiosity, honestly from the moment he entered the room until now the initiative had been firmly held by the young man in front of him.

  In Ferrell's prediction before he arrived, no matter what Lynch's reaction, outburst, or whatever, the initiative would change hands in an instant, leaving him to take a firm hold of this conversation, and control the pace, and direction of it.

  The plan was perfect, just like Lynch's plan was perfect, there was just a little accident, Lynch didn't get angry, let alone rage, or sigh, he was calm as if he wasn't a party to it, at the same time, he also took the initiative, and tried to dominate the conversation, Ferrell's attitude towards Lynch changed a little bit as well.

  He could look down on a young man with little town, because he could play these people anytime he wanted to, but there was no way he could look down on a smart man with the ability to execute, hell he didn't know when the other guy was going to put a rock in his hand and come and tickle himself.

  "Please say ...", he not only straightened his attitude, but also straightened his sitting posture, as a sign of respect for Lynch.

  Lynch smiled again, "Your arrival made me realize that I need an advisor, someone who can help me with my work and also find some mistakes and omissions that I haven't noticed and help me with some of the details."

  He said spreading his hands, "As I'm sure you know Mr. Ferrell, I'm just starting out in my career and I don't know many people in Sabine yet, but God is merciful ..."

  Ferrell frowned, he had already realized what Lynch was going to say, immediately after Lynch said what he had guessed, "If you don't mind, Mr. Ferrell, I would like to take up some of your time outside of work, and hire you to be my consultant, of course, I will offer a reasonable salary for that."

  Lynch casually pulled out his checkbook, took out a fine fountain pen, and wrote a number on the checkbook, then tore the check out of the checkbook and pushed it over with his forefinger pressed against it, "Here's this month's salary ...," Lynch also didn't forget to warn , "After taxes, I'll have my accountant pay them for you."

  The average person at this point in time, even if they were to refuse, would pick up this check to see how much money was written on it, not that people were greedy for money, but a curiosity.

  Curious about their own such a person can be worth how much money in the eyes of the other side, which is also a reference to their own specific value in society, and later bragging when this is also a kind of talking point - "so-and-so gave me when I opened the xxx, I did not help him", which can be extremely This can be extremely effective in raising their own value.

  They read it and then put the check down to prove that they are not who they think they are.

  Ferrell gingerly picked up the check and glanced at it, his eyebrows scratched tightly, five thousand dollars, a month, that amount was not a small amount.

  His monthly paycheck as the mayor's personal attendant at City Hall added up to just over a thousand dollars a month, in addition to the five hundred dollars he received on the surface.

  He put the check back on the table, his tone a little troubled, "What do you mean by that?"

  Lynch shrugged, "I think what I just said was clear enough, there are some things I don't quite understand about some of the laws and regulations, and there are some things I don't quite understand about some of the formalities that have to do with the government, the process."

  "As far as I know the pro-tem officer is not an official position of Sabine city hall, and the dealings between us can't be talked about as unethical dealings, at the same time I don't need any illegal help from you."

  "It's just that once in a while I need to consult on some issues I don't understand, or when I'm in trouble and don't know how to solve it for a while I'll look for you to think of a solution together, it's as simple as that."

  Lynch's tone was very sincere, "Can you help me, Mr. Ferrell, I'm very much looking forward to getting your help!"