
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantaisie
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178 Chs

0056 The most terrible force in society is man himself.

How luxurious can an office be?

This is a bullshit question, and there are many different kinds of luxury when people have different interpretations of luxury, but this is certainly a luxurious room.

The gilded ceiling and the natural crystal chandelier, together with the bear's head on the wall, the lion's head and the two one-person-high ivory tusks on the display cabinet, such "simple" furnishings are enough to illustrate how luxurious the decoration of this room is.

But the contents of this office, like most offices, are the property of the company, and only a very few personal items belong to the company employees who use the room.

His name is Joe Gleeman, manager of the credit department at the Sabine City branch of GOLD WAY BANK.

This kind of administrative manager is a completely different concept from those account managers out there, and he's one step away from being promoted to the level of bank branch president, but it's a difficult step to cross.

Not quite like most official institutions, where the second highest ranked official at the local level moves up one more rank to the top ranked position at the local level, within GOLD WAY BANK, Joe Gleeman, if he were to move up, he would probably move from the branch to the regional branch or headquarters, and start over from the middle and lower levels.

There's more to being a governor than just the difference in title, and certainly Joe Gleeman didn't think he'd ever become one, something that basically had a high probability of not happening.

He lacks a lot of capital, he has no backing in the board of directors of the head office, and those people can't look at the general manager of the credit department of a branch in a second-tier city, which makes the road to promotion a long one, and it's good to know that he's easy to satisfy and be satisfied with the status quo.

Just forty-two years old, with a successful career, a young and beautiful wife, and three very active children, he might have made it to forty-eight on this side of Sabine City without too many problems, and then transferred to the branch to make way for others.

The bank's favorable treatment made him never consider some problems after he was removed from his important position; high benefits and high pay were enough for him to spend his life happily.

Of course, anyone can have a hiccup of one kind or another, and it has nothing to do with whether they are scenic or not, and scenic as in the case of His Excellency, the President of the Baylor federal union, can't have everything going for them.

The thing that's bothering Joe Gleeman right now is that the volume of lending business in Sabine is consistently declining, and the amount of business doesn't have a lot of direct relevance to a manager of his caliber anymore.

Accomplish more than that, and he may be talked about in meetings by his division superiors.

The ones who are unlucky to accomplish less are also the front-line account managers who are responsible for the loans, even though everyone is a manager.

But this is ultimately a little bit not taste, the end ofeach year GOLD WAY Bank will have a paid public travel, we all work in the same group of companies, just belong to different regions, when the time will inevitably be together to talk about their respective work situation.

Those who do well are sure to be touted, and there are more chances that they will be able to move up in the future, perhaps to become their superiors, if they do well in their tasks.

If you don't do a good job, you won't be openly mocked, but you'll be [shit] as the green leaf that sets off the others in all kinds of comparisons, and that's not a good feeling at all.

He wanted to solve these problems, but there was not much he could do about it. As one of the six major banks in the Baylor Federation, GOLD WAY BANK, the knowledge and mastery of the financial market and the international economic trends had become their daily homework.

Since the end of Baylor Commonwealth's explosive economic development some years ago, the economy has been a little sluggish in the last few years.

The financial markets are still very active and there is no clear downward trend, which has led to the persistent claim that this is a "short" lull after the outbreak, and that after the "rebound" of the upswing is over, the federal economy will have another significant growth spurt.

People believe in these words, but the question is whether this rebound period is too long, it has been almost three years, the weak market and the declining economy have begun to prick people's nerves, especially as the explosive growth dividend period is gradually coming to an end, and people arebeginning to comeout from the blind cheers, there is a dark current surging under the surface of the entire Baylor Commonwealth which seems to be thriving.

Sabine City has registered a total of more than two thousand enterprises since seven months this year, while more than six hundred small and medium-sized enterprises have gone bankrupt and liquidated, not that the banks can't find people to borrow money, but they are not too afraid to lend money.

In case you put out and can't recover the trouble will be big, the above said good, every year will give each branch a part of the bad debt target, but you really fill this target try, a phone call can change the whole branch of the personnel structure.

As the final approver, Joe Gleeman was always cautious, preferring not to put a penny out than to be whisked away and rolled over, and he'd stay in the position for a few more years until all three of his own children were of age and he could place them all in the bank.

When a man reaches his age and doesn't have much to pursue, he starts thinking about the kids, as most people do.

Was killing time at his desk reading some somewhat nasty magazines when one of the four telephones at his desk rang, a private number, only people who were close to him knew the number, and took a moment to adjust his emotions before picking up the phone, "Joe Gleeman here ... "

"It's me, Johnson, are you free at noon?" , appeared on the other end of the line from the local tax collector.

The bank side deals with the IRS far more often than they say hello to the Bureau of Investigation, and while they do deal with the Bureau of Investigation on a regular basis, they don't really like those guys at the Bureau.

On the contrary, it is better to contact the tax bureau, which is considered mutually beneficial, especially the middle and senior management of the bank, their income is more than ten times or even dozens of times that of other people, and how to legally avoid taxes has become a headache for them, but if someone from the tax bureau comes to help them organize the materials, then everything will be much simpler.

In return, they will also give very positive cooperation to the IRD side, and occasionally push some insider information, such as the recent good market of a certain fund, the change of the board of directors of a listed company, and so on.

Joe Gleeman was exposed to mostly mid-level guys like Michael, Johnson he knew and was exposed to a few times, but the exposure and frequency was low.

When you get to a position like Johnson's, Baylor's federal watchdog department checks up on him from time to time to see if he's involved in any crimes of office.

The Federation pays little attention to grassroots and frontline workers, and even if these people use their authority to commit crimes, the damage to the Federation as a whole, and to society, is extremely limited, but it is different for local principals, who, once they are involved in job-related crimes, cause incalculable damage.

The IG has nothing to do but stare and watch, and even when Joe Gleeman has a chance to sit down and make friends with Johnson, he tries to avoid suspicion.

This time it was the other party who approached him, and he couldn't avoid it, so he could only say he was free.

Johnson invited him to join him for lunch, a request that was frankly strange; there was no friendship between them, and it was clear that the other man had something for him.

After hanging up the phone he pondered for half a day but couldn't find a reason for Director Johnson's sudden invitation, so he could only prepare himself in advance with a belly full of doubts.

On the other hand, twenty minutes ahead of their appointment, Lynch and Johnson had arrived at their date.

Joe Gleeman is just pulling his brain out and eating it again and can't figure out that Johnson is really just a medium and it's Lynch, a mediocre ' little man', who really wants to meet him.