
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantaisie
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178 Chs

0049 Everyone's here, so let's get started!

Lynch sat in his office and looked out the window at the unchanging view of the warehouse district, where there were only a few Blue Ribbons in addition to the industrial forklifts that came and went.

The so-called "blue belts" are people who work as casual laborers in the warehouse districts, who do not have stable jobs and incomes, but need to support themselves and even their families.

These people are at least thirty-seven or eight years old, and they no longer have the basis to learn certain survival skills, have no time, no energy, and lack the brainpower to do so.

They can only exchange their physical labor for a meager income here. Not everyone who rents a warehouse can afford to buy a forklift or rent a forklift, and not all goods are suitable for forklifts, which gives these people room to survive.

The door to the office suddenly slammed, and Lynch called out "Come in," and Vera stood by the door for a few seconds before stepping into the room.

She wasn't too comfortable being alone with Lynch in a more enclosed environment, which could be a bit of a wild goose chase, for better or for worse.

Her hand was a little unsure of what to do with it, one hand resting on the elbow of her other arm while the other ran through the hair in her ear, "When I was standing in the doorway just now, I noticed that there seemed to be people around watching us."

Lynch raised an eyebrow as he turned and stood up, walking over to the window and glancing out, and it was with that glance that he spotted "those people" that Vera had been talking about.

It simultaneously reminded him of the first time he had met Mr. Fox, and the reason why the other man could be sure that he was not working for the federal government.

Those people outside are wearing formal dress, with sunglasses, full of hair wax, give a person a kind of at any time will take their own documents and badges out of the feeling, to know that the daytime temperature in Sabine City is now close to thirty degrees, wearing long sleeves will feel a little stifling, and these people ...

He withdrew his gaze, law enforcement was never stupid, if they were, there wouldn't be so many criminals caught by them.

These people's unbridled surveillance was more like a warning, warning Lynch not to mess around, while at the same time applying a kind of psychological pressure, waiting for him to make a mistake.

The law enforcement power of the FBI has been heavily criticized, especially the excessive power of proximity. According to the current regulations and laws, when the FBI believes that a certain person may be suspected of committing a crime, and in the process of requesting the other party to cooperate with the investigation, or in the process of monitoring the other party, the target person suddenly makes a dangerous move, such as hurting other people, hurting himself or attempting to run away, the agent in charge of the relevant operation The agent in charge of the operation can immediately make an arrest before searching for evidence and applying for an arrest warrant.

Lin Qi was just a twenty year old young man, if he could be forced to escape, then those people outside now now didn't even need to be notified of their actions from the headquarters side, they could just grab Lin Qi and bring him back.

Of course, that's only part of the reason.

"You go back first, there's going to be some danger here next." , Lynch pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, he had been using his brain a lot lately and couldn't help but want something to use as an emotional aid while he thought.

The human brain fluctuates in mood when it is active, but it is such fluctuations that rational thought dreads the most, and whether they are exciting or irritating, they have little meaning or value for thought itself.

A cigarette will take care of all that and separate thinking from emotions.

He lit one and looked at Vera, "They're not going to hurt you, so you can go back to work without worrying, and wait for my call when you're coming back to work!"

Vera tried to say something but ended up saying nothing, just nodding her head as she started to pack up her things and leave, just as she was about to leave, Lynch, who had come out of the inner room, pointed to the garbage bags in the room, "Please take the garbage with you by the way."

Watching Vera go out the door, Lynch smoked a cigarette and closed the door to the warehouse, he picked up the phone and dialed 911, "I'm calling the police ... Yes, I've got someone watching me ... No, it's not my visions, they're right outside the outside the door ... Yes ... my address is ...", he hung up the phone after giving his address, thinking slowly about something.

The bulb of the ultraviolet lamp had been removed, and he had placed it with several other ordinary bulbs to smash and entrust to Vera to take out.

Chemical cleaners are also poured down the drain, something that is commonplace in warehouse districts and nothing noteworthy.

After thinking about it and not finding much wrong, he sat down at a table by the warehouse door, smoked a cigarette, and waited for the police to arrive.

From the beginning, he knew that these people would eventually strike, and of course he took care of everything, his business may have had that little problem from the current point of view, but overall he was innocent.

What is not legally ordered to be prohibited does not necessarily make it legal, but equally it does not necessarily make it illegal, it is a blurred line, and it is because of this line that many new bills are pushed through every year.

Calling the police was just a way to eliminate in some ways the possibility of those outside falsifying evidence, and in the meantime he'd been learning more and more about the world, and the Federal Revenue Service had always been anything but a sunny department - he hadn't realized that the ones outside the door were in fact the Feds, but his caution was key.

In some of the information centers that Lynch had learned about, the Federal Revenue Service had some unclean methods of solving cases; they would encourage certain people to come forward and report and grant pardons, and they would also withhold information about whistleblowers from the outside world because of certain confidentiality systems.

There was so much that could be manipulated here, and removing that, Lynch also thought that they would falsify evidence, especially now that public opinion across the federation was continuing to fester, and in order to turn the tide, it was an acceptable thing to properly create perjured evidence.

So he called the police, who are not part of the same system as the Federal Revenue Service, and who have some unseen rivalry with each other that makes the whole "process" a little fairer.

A few minutes later, the guy in charge of staking out Lynch watched in disbelief as two police cars pulled up outside the warehouse, and a couple of them spotted him as they got out of their cars and pulled out their weapons towards him, and he walked towards a couple of the cops as he reported back on his short-range radio about what was going on here.

Meanwhile, Lynch, who was inside the warehouse, looked through the window and saw that the guy who looked like he worked for the federal government had his hands up with his credentials in his hands, and after he withdrew his gaze he signaled with the two police officers who were making a statement, and the two officers came over to the window to look at it and detached one of them to go out and see what was going on.

About a minute later, the two FBI agents entered Lynch's office along with the police officer, and it was only then that Lynch realized that these people were not from the IRS, they were from the FBI, and that they weren't here to do a stakeout, or at least not just a stakeout.

Due to the sudden intervention of a third party force, that is, the police, it led to the arrest operation ... To say that it was destroyed, the person was there and did not run, but to say that it was not destroyed, it seems to be a little bit not right.

The agent immediately reported this side of the situation to the action team that was in charge of forensics on Sheng Rong's side, and the head of the action team made an immediate decision to request that Lynch be brought to the bank as well, on the grounds of cooperating with the investigation.

Investigate who?

It must be an investigation into Mr. Fox. The crime is money laundering.

The decision could be described as very decisive, bringing Lynch in would add more psychological pressure on Mr. Fox's group and give them a sense of being caught in a net.

In such an environment, perhaps they originally intended to fight to the death for some time, but now they will be pressurized to choose to give up resistance.

It was not long before Lynch arrived in a special car from the Warehouse District to the Shing Wing Bank and appeared in sight of Mr. Fox, who had appeared even a little before Mr. Fox's attorney.