
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantaisie
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178 Chs

0018 Miraculous ultraviolet light

With an address and a business card obtained from Mr. Fox, Lynch found what Mr. Fox called "a friend's store", a small store called "Space Light Bath".

It wasn't quite what Lynch expected, there didn't seem to be too many people here, especially at the entrance, there wasn't much of a queue, which wasn't quite what he'd expected somehow.

He had just pushed his way in when the young girl at the front desk, who was being bored, greeted him, "Can I help you, sir?"

The girl looked like she was only in her early to mid-twenties, with some freckles near the bridge of her nose and a youthful aura that gave her a comfortable feeling.

Lynch's gaze shifted from the girl's body to an aisle behind her, which had doors every few meters on either side of the aisle that contained light bathrooms.

Since one organization claimed that light baths are effective in exterminating pubic lice and some mildly visible skin diseases, many people have begun to enjoy the effects of light baths naked.

It's hard to say if it worked or not, but it clearly satisfied the urge of some people to get naked in semi-open public, releasing stress and making some of the content that could have been a lot of people having a light bath together, cringe-worthy.

Eventually most light baths went from semi-open settings to semi-enclosed private rooms to protect some people's privacy, and some people's eyes.

The girl was about to say something when she heard the sound of a door opening in the hallway behind her, followed by a naked girl with sunglasses standing in the aisle, stretching her body to look at the two men outside the hallway, exposing herself to the air without any concealment whatsoever.

The sunglasses she was wearing were something similar to aviator glasses, which basically hid most of her face when she wore them, retaining only her nose and mouth on the outside, along with a diving cap that could wrap all her hair, making it difficult for even the more familiar to discover the other person's true identity through the thick camouflage at the back.

That's why these people dare to strip naked in public; they're not at all worried about being recognized by anyone.

The front desk girl screamed and apologized as she rehomed the not-so-restful lady back to her room and warned the other woman that if she wandered off again she would be canceled from the rest of her appointments, which settled the lady down a bit.

"I'm very sorry for making you feel troubled ...", the girl apologized to Lynch as she took care of that and returned to the counter.

"It's okay, that lady has a great body, I think I took advantage of it." , This sentence made the girl blush a little, and she felt at the same time that Lynch ... she didn t know what to say.

Call him a bad guy, he's honest, call him a good guy, and he doesn't hide the nasty things in his heart.

For a moment the girl who didn't know how to express her feelings at this moment stood there dumbfounded, while Lynch smiled and said, "Get in touch with your boss for me, and say that Mr. Fox introduced me here, and that I want to meet up with him."

The girl breathed a sigh of relief as she lifted the phone after saying wait a moment, and about thirty-four, five, six, seven, eight seconds later she put it down and pointed to a side door not too far away and said, "The boss is waiting for you in the back, so you can go over there."

Lynch thanked the girl and then entered a back office through a side door, where a boss who looked to be in his thirties with some balding hair took the initiative to greet Lynch.

The name of this proprietor was Tobin, and he had not quite enough money in his hands when he opened this light-bath store, and borrowed some from Mr. Fox's side, and as the business of the light-bath store grew more and more prosperous, he soon returned the money he owed.

It was a very ordinary, foolish, and funny little businessman who always felt that he owed Mr. Fox a debt, and had always wanted to repay the favor, so Mr. Fox was the first person Mr. Tobin thought of when Lynch talked about the light-bath store.

"Mr. Fox is very important to me, he gave me a lot of help when my business started, you are his friend, then naturally you are also my friend ...", he didn't let go of his hand after shaking Lynch's hand, but warmly dragged him to the sofa edge and sat down, "What is it that I can serve?"

His look was focused, not like he was faking; this society can produce bad people, but it can produce more good people.

"Mr. Tobin, I'm in need of a UV light bath lamp unit, and I was wondering if you have any extras here?"

This statement caused Mr. Tobin to freeze for a moment, and after a brief change in his expression, yo even wrote a less than certain question, "I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have inquired, can you let me know what you want the ultraviolet light bath lamps for?" , he said and added in an apologetic tone, "You may not answer, I'm just a little curious."

Lynch shrugged his shoulders, even the best of people would have special times, such as when his core interests were involved, he didn't want to have an additional enemy for nothing, although he wasn't afraid of such an enemy, but it would be a trouble after all, wouldn't it?

So he explained anyway, "I've heard that the water we're using has a lot of horrible bacteria in it, and that irradiating it with UV light for a period of time effectively kills those bacteria ..."

Mr. Tobin froze for a moment, then laughed as he nodded a little, accepting that some waterworks in developed cities had indeed begun to disinfect their water with ultraviolet light, but how much it would do was hard to figure out.

Lynch gave an okay argument that Mr. Tobin didn't really care what the other party wanted the light bath lamps for, as long as they didn't plan on opening a light bath store as well to increase their competitiveness.

"No problem, you give me an address, I'll arrange for someone to send it ... to you", Mr. Tobin was very generous, and he didn't even talk about whether or not Lynch needed to pay for the sale.

At the end of the day it was Lynch who took the initiative to ask, and after a few excuses, Lynch paid three hundred and fifty dollars, counting it as the purchase of the next individual light stand.

A little later, Lynch returned to the warehouse he had rented with the workers Mr. Tobin had dispatched and, at Lynch's request, the workers set up the ultraviolet light bath lamp before leaving.

After the workers had all left Lynch found a small restaurant nearby and ate something before returning to the warehouse, where he closed the door to his room and peed under the light bath lamp .... (24/08/2023 is the start time for Japan's Tokyo Electric Power Company to discharge nuclear contaminated water for 30 years, so if you love seafood, see if you'll glow under UV light as a result of receiving nuclear contamination)

The next morning about nine o'clock an excited Richard came into the office carrying a somewhat old school bag, his face slightly flushed and the bag making a metallic clanging sound as it unclipped from his back.

He wiped some sweat stains from his temples, "This is what I collected ... yesterday," he reported, looking at Lynch rather expectantly.

This job honestly might not be quite up to code, after all, there wasn't even a contract of employment between him and Lynch, and maybe the job was even that much less legal.

But he doesn't care, as long as he can make money, who cares if it's legal or not, if there's no money, even if it's law-abiding, what's the point?

"Just tell me straight out how much ... you should take," Richard's breath caught in his throat as Lynch pulled open a drawer and pulled a stack of twenty dollars in cash out of it and clutched it in his hand.

"You're going to give me twelve hundred dollars, boss!"

With every tenth bill laid out in a pile, Richard's eyes locked on Lynch's hand, his mouth whispering as he counted and counted the bills that would soon be his!

After Richard had contentedly left with the bills and assured him that he would be back soon, Lynch pushed a cartload of coins into the office room.

He put the cart under the ultraviolet light and turned on the switch, the coins lay quietly under the light ...