
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantaisie
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178 Chs

0015 Awakening Demons of the Heart

Masthead returned suspiciously to his abode, which was not a small place.

It was an abandoned factory that he bought at a low price and transformed into his base.

There was a courtyard, a two-story building, which was where he lived for himself, and a four-story building, which was where the newsboys lived.

In addition to this there is a warehouse with piles of newspapers that can't be sold and trash that the newsboy pick up from the streets that can be recycled.

Yes, the newsboy are out on the streets selling papers in the morning and at night, so where do they go the rest of the time?

People like newspaper heads are by nature just very bottom-feeding businessmen who are still making profits by squeezing and exploiting, and they don't waste every second of these newspaper boys' lives, so the rest of the time they spend picking up trash on the streets.

There were even rumors of child thieves burglarizing homes and such in some neighborhoods, and in short they would not have a moment's peace, except for the girls, and the rest of their nights off.

In the warehouse, the newspaper head met the five hanged newsboys, hanging naked in mid-air, each with a few whip marks on their bodies, and looking like they were in a sorry state as well.

Long-term hanging makes their arms joints have obvious misalignment phenomenon, everyone's face with a look of panic and pain, lost the newspaper head of more than two thousand dollars to these children scared, but they do not know what link out of the problem.

At that moment, when they saw the head of the newspaper come back without a smile on his face, they realized that the head of the newspaper didn't get the results he expected on this trip out, which was a terrible thing and meant that they were likely to continue to get beaten.

The youngest one was already incontinent, and at this point he was once again incontinent, with some water stains dripping down his thighs; these kids had reached their limits in terms of physical strength, energy and spirit.

The newspaper head looked at these kids with a grim face, not the slightest bit of timidity when he met Michael face to face, nor the inexplicable fear he felt when he was in the same room with Lynch just now, his face only had the fierceness of grasping everything, and some malevolence.

"Tell me who else you met and what else happened after you left that house, it's about what happens to you next, so better think before you answer!" , he stared off to the side with a whip, which gave a couple of the kids the creeps.

They stared at each other making eye contact and the oldest kid seemed to sense something in the newspaper head's words as he immediately said, "We went to see Mr. Michael ..."

In this child's account, when they went to see Mr. Michael to show that they were courteous, they left their cowhide bags on a hook by the door of the room before they went to see Mr. Michael.

If there's going to be a problem with this money, here's the problem.

It doesn't matter to these kids now who got away with all this money, what matters is the horrible situation they are about to face by climbing and biting their way out of it first.

With the first person speaking up, several others immediately began to go along with him, in short, magnifying Michael's suspicions in an instant.

This is actually very consistent with the newspaper head's inner "needs", he does not believe that this young man, Lynch, can covet his money, because the money was counted twice in front of several pairs of eyes, and there will be no problem, and he also does not want to believe that Lynch can do this.

If he believed that, it would mean that he would think that he was not as good as Lynch, which was hard to accept for the newspaper head zappers. They could be inferior to someone like Michael, but they would never think they were worse than a poor kid like Lynch.

At the same time, he was more convinced in his inner mind that if something went wrong, the problem was Michael's, and that was the reason why he went to Michael the first time he found out about the problem; he felt that Michael had taken the money.

It's not a simple partnership between the two men, Michael has a hold on him, he's on the clearly vulnerable side, and if something happens he'll also feel that it was Michael's doing, which is a potentially delusional need to be victimized.

His conversation with Lynch reinforced the idea that much of the reason he went to Lynch for money was to seek a "shared victim mentality", which would make him feel that he wasn't alone.

Now Michael was undoubtedly the most suspicious, and the most he wanted to see, and the most he didn't want to see, and he was quite unsure himself why he felt that way.

He put down a kid and told that kid to put down someone else, and if it really is Michael and that asshole won't admit it ... there's really nothing he can do about it at all.

But it wasn't a small amount of money after all, and he couldn't afford to pretend that nothing had happened as if he didn't know anything about it.

After sending the kids to get some food and getting a bottle of wine, he sat in the yard, eating slices of ham from the deli and sipping the wine as he mentally plotted how to get his money back.

The relationship between masthead and Michael can't even be summed up as hostile, it's total hatred, but Michael is holding his pain in his hands and he can't fight back and is in a position of domination.

It also made him want to get out of his current predicament more and more, and even sometimes in his private encounters with Michael, some murderous intent would rise up, wanting to fight and pounce on the bastard to give him a stab in the back and show him the pain he had been through all these years.

Drunk and depressed, he drunkenly walked into the children's dormitory building with his whip, and soon the dormitory building was filled with cries, pleas for mercy, and the roar of newspaper heads.

The next day, before Lynch could get out of the house the newspaper head came back to his door.

"Friend Lynch, this time I just want to talk to you!" , the newspaper head standing outside the door looked at Lynch inside the door for some reason, some fear naturally grew in his heart, he didn't want to enter this room, so he proposed, "Let's go for a walk around the neighborhood?"

Lynch slightly pondered and nodded his head to agree, he had thought that the newspaper head would hold his nose and admit it, and this matter would naturally come to an end, but now it seemed that the newspaper head didn't seem too eager to give up the money.

It was also in such a moment that some new plans appeared in Lynch's mind.

He changed his clothes, grabbed his keys and wallet and left the room, heading in the direction of the city center with the newspaper head with little destination in mind.

"Look, I'm losing a ton of money, you're losing a ton of money, you think we're just going to let it go?"

After the two had been gone for almost two or three minutes, the newspaper man took the initiative to speak up, he looked sideways at Lynch, "That's not three or five hundred dollars, we've got to get our money back!"

Lynch nodded his head a little without moving, "You're right, I can't have my money taken away by him unaccountably, but the question is how do we get it back?"

"If we go to Michael, he won't admit to it, and instead it's likely to cost us more, but if we don't go to him, can we still go to his family?"

Lynch stopped slightly, "That's out of order, we have to follow his rules!" , said he without forgetting to add, "I've heard that his wife is young and beautiful, and his children are adorable."

He guided the newspaper head without a word, and if the head could do everything he wanted to do, it would save him a lot of trouble, while not involving himself.

He noticed a change in the newsreader's expression, including the look in his eyes, which he had hinted at.

It was true that they were no match for Michael, but Michael's family was not as intimidating as Michael, and it was obviously much easier to deal with them.

The newscaster's expression became a little twisted as he thought of all the times he had been viciously beaten and humiliated by Michael when he had suffered.

His dignity, his self-respect, his personality had all been stomped to pieces by Michael's vicious fall to the ground, which was why he was now becoming increasingly tyrannical, and he desperately wanted to get those lost things back in the same way, from children who might have been innocent.

His breathing gradually became rapid, and his eyes made people feel terrible, Lynch stood quietly watching this guy, not forgetting to add fuel to the fire.

"It's amazing that a scumbag like Michael can have a decent job, a beautiful young wife, a lovely child, and a family that everyone envies, God is really unfair!"

"Why should he be able to plunder everything we have with impunity, while we can only suffer in silence?"

Lynch reached out and grabbed Newspaper Head's arm, "If we get the chance, we must fight back, even if we don't get anything back, but we must make him regret everything he did before!"

His voice became softer, but also more compelling, like he could speak into a person's heart, "Let him feel our pain too, let him cry!!!"