
Chapter 5: Mana booster and its applications

At dawn of the fourth day in my new life I did my routine of waking up, having breakfast to continue training, belion told me that this would take three days so I would need:

"The first thing you have to understand is that at this level you will be able to defend yourself in a basic way in the magical world, the fourth level is about adding properties to your mana and applying them to your body, this allows you to achieve armor that gives you attack and defense, this is known as mana armor" said belion while explaining to me the fourth necessary level that would finally help me understand mana at a good level, belion had taken me to a small mountain to be able to train this level.

"I will help you with my mana so that a part of your mana becomes so strong that it can be improved, but this level the problem is that it is like a muscle you have to train it to explore it in order to reach a high level, at the beginning you can crack stones, but if you train him high enough he will be able to break everything with your body" said belion to start the learning process first I spread my mana inside and outside my body, then with the help of his mana he caused my mana to spread come back in a special way that felt like my body was in a jelly.

"this is the state called now we will practice so you can enter this state whenever you want at will" said belion to start helping me train this state, the process lasted all morning until I was able to achieve it, after that he brought the rabbit and we had lunch, after that we could continue with the next part.

"we will practice the rigidity of your reinforcement" said belion to summon a wall of ice, "this wall is as strong as a stone reinforced with low level mana, your goal is to destroy it with a single blow with your mana reinforcement" he said belion sit next to me and ask me to start.

My mana reinforcement barely allowed me to leave a small crack in the wall, seeing this throughout the afternoon I played with my mana to try to break the ice wall, I began little by little to make the reinforcement of my body stop feeling like a jelly until it hardened as much as a stone, but at 4 in the afternoon after breaking the tenth wall for so many blows belion summoned the wall number eleven that was broken in one blow, belion summoned a number twice as hard and asked me to break it, this took me until ten o'clock at night to be able to destroy a wall five times harder in one blow.

"Rest I'll take you to sleep, tomorrow we'll continue" Belion said to make me fall unconscious of the effort I made to destroy those walls, he took me to sleep and the next day after breakfast he took me to continue with the training.

"The next level is applying the other colors of mana, while the white works as an armor, the basic elements work as enhancers since the advanced elements will not work in this case, the water will help your body to flow like a current from a river, the lightning will help your body to increase awareness of your surroundings, improving your senses to superhuman levels and your wind the speed that will help you reach even an arrow launched by a master archer" said belion giving the benefits of my attributes, "the darkness on the other hand will give your body an improvement in the adaptability to the situation allowing to form a resistance to poison, infernal training and even infernal climates" said belion ending his explanation.

The training lasted two days because I needed to train in different environments:

The water was trained by summoning some ice golems that would attack me together, I would have to use the water to be able to dodge the attacks and to not get hurt I used the pure mana boost as defense.

After I was able to dodge the attacks of about 10 golems together, belion gave me a final quest, use the water and pure mana to face a large horde of golems, I won if I destroyed all of them or if I lasted 20 minutes.

"I'm ready" I said to belion to summon about 10 golems, "every 30 seconds 10 golems will appear, destroy them all before the others appear or hold on for 20 minutes and I will finish this exercise" said belion to send the golems.

I hit an ice golem and made a small crater in it, that made me realize that they were at least seven times stronger than the wall I destroyed the first time, that forced me to dodge and hit, but still thus the golems began to accumulate, however, I was still able to hold out for 20 minutes.

"165 golems destroyed, something incredible considering that there were more than 200 at a certain point" said belion to let me rest with lunch and continue with the last element of the second day.

The ray improved my senses so this time it was not with a golem but with the belion itself, we trained hatred by detecting the origin of a sound, with a piece of fur from a rabbit we used it as a bandage, he made a sound and I had to point out where belion was, when I did, we went to smell by tracking belion's scent, which took me a long time because I had to concentrate on its unique essence and forget what was around me.

We finished in the afternoon with taste and touch by making me able to differentiate different objects with their texture and taste, and then we ate to be able to finish at night, I took off the blindfold and belion made me make him see it at night up to a distance increasing and after finishing this we continue with sleeping for the last day of the fourth level.

The third day corresponded to the darkness and the wind, the darkness was trained by belion by bringing toxic things that he found in the forest so that he ingested them and developed a defense against the poison while he with ice magic little by little he took me to a lower temperature, this took us all morning and was a hell of training since the poison was escalating in power until it reached a point where belion told me that the last thing I had to ingest was capable of killing a human immediately but I was able to withstand it, but I spent more than 40% of my mana to withstand all this, taking into account my reserves, Belion told me that amount would be the same as 10 normal people that I consumed just doing this training.

Then we went to the wind one, this was that belion would throw water balls at me while I tried to capture it, I ran all afternoon, but the closest thing to him was about two meters away, and with that I was able to finish the fourth level and to tell me that the next day we would continue with the fifth level.