
The Way of a Demon Lord

The way of a Demon Lord- since the beginning of time, countless demons dreamt of it but few dared to tread on it, and even fewer reached its end. But the rarest of them all were some special demons who were not allowed to step on it, because if they were to become a Demon Lord- even the other lords would have to bow their heads. Abhorred and hunted by all, they could not do anything but hide till their lifespans came to an end. But for the first time ever, one such demon chose to do otherwise. Follow Adrian Darkheart as he uses his special demonic power, superior intellect and innate brutality to walk the path of chaos and destruction and become the greatest Demon Lord ever.

TheDarkSide · Fantaisie
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262 Chs

An Uninvited Guest (2)

"Who?!" The king subconsciously wiped his tears off and began to circulate his magical energy. He stood up and began to look around, scanning through the surroundings. But alas, he did not find anything out of the ordinary.

He used his magical senses to the fullest, giving his all to spot the source of that peculiar voice. However, the result was the same. He could not find anyone, only darkness transpired in the room.

The middle aged king frowned. Was it just his hallucinations? But he did let his guard down- he did not dare to. If by any chance there was someone close to him, and was able to hide herself like this- she was a terrifying entity.

"'Who?'?" The feminine voice reached his ears again, throwing his question back at him. "Aren't you the one who summoned me?" The voice was emotionless, but powerful nonetheless- capable of shaking anyone's heart.

"Who the fuck are you?!" The king was now completely on his guard. "Get the hell out!"