
The way it happen (Hawks x reader)

jennahryleigh04 · Fantaisie
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27 Chs


Getting there the day was easy enough. She went to school as Aizawa was telling the students it's time for there last Interning with a hero. He handed out the application with the Hero and agency that wanted them most. And of course at the top of Y/n's paper was none other than the second ranking pro hero.... and the first??

Your POV

"Mr. Aizawa?" i called out to him raising my hand,as he turned and called on me. "Yes y/n"? he answered me. "I was wondering why the top pro hero put in for me? I'm not complaining or anything but it's a little confusing when his son is literally right over there." i point at Shoto. "And the three best students are Midoriya Shoto and-" i paused "Bakugo" i finished with a feeling in my gut. Saying his name out loud was like poison. And i did not like saying it anymore.

"Y/n your exceptionally gifted at heroing along with top grades. He put in for all four of you" he replied to my concern. "It's up to you who you chose. I saw that not only the top pro but the second and tenth put in for you" he finished and looked at me. I don't live in the same area as any of the hero's who want me so either way whoever i chose i have to stay with them.

Knowing who i wanted to being hawks, well more like i'm kinda forced to chose. After promising the Doctor and Keigo i would stay by his side and help him recover. Class finally ended but before we left Aizawa yelled out "You all start on Monday. So don't be coming if you have a hero to go to" he spoke while getting into his yellow sleeping bag. 'damn he looks like a  Caterpillar in that thing' i turned around and accidentally bumped into someon .

"Oh sorry shinso. Didn't see ya there" i gave a toothy grin. "It's fine y/n just watch were your going. Is d- Aizawa in here. I'm supposed to be helping him with grading in return he's helping me train." He asked. Damn he was about to say Dad i just know it. I smiled at him and answered "Yup your dad is in his sleeping bag under his desk" i winked at him and his eyes widened "Dont worry i won't tell anyone" i give a small smile and was on my way.

~~Time skip to Monday brought to you by kirishima's shark teeth :)~~

As i get to the Hawks Agency I walk too to a woman at the desk. She doesn't look properly dressed. But it doesn't surprise me. She's wearing a tight red dress with a lot of makeup and black 6 inch heels. 'How the hell do girls walk i those' i think to myself and walk up to her. "Uhm excuse me?" i ask her. Or at least try and get her attention. He looks and me with that what the fuck do you want face but quickly covers it up. "Yes how may i help you?" she asked with a fake smile "Oh uhh Hi!! I'm the new intern for Hawks. Would you mind calling him for me or tell me where to go?" i smile and ask her. This lady has the nerve to look me up and down like i was a threat. Well bitch i am. I keep my smile up ready to punch she. "Ahh sure hon" she replied in a fake happy voice.

"Excuse me~ Mr. Hawks, I have a girl here claiming to be your new intern" this bitch as the nerve to say that soit me while i was right here. Shit was i gonna knock her the hell out. "He saïd he'll be right down sweetie" She smiles at me. "Perfect" i emphasize the "t".

A few minutes later Keigo comes down and that lady gets up and try's to great him with a seductive tone. She gets up and walks over to him grabbing his arm. I felt my face head up with anger. I put a smile on my face and walk over to them and here her say "after this we should do something~" she says to him "Ahem i interrupt her. "Mr. Hawks i'm your new intern L/n Y/n. It's a pleasure to be working under you." I bow and smile at him.... Man does that lady look super pissed i did tho. 'Serves you right' i think and chuckle under my breath. She just glared at me and hawks laughed to. He clears his throat. " Y/n do you have a place to stay?" he looks at me and try's not to smile. "I don't sadly. I'll probably just get a hotel" i look at him with a little bit of fake sadness. "Well then it's decided!! Your going to life with me until the internship is over" he says with a cocky grin and tone.

After that we left to go to his penthouses. We just bust out laughing after we leave. "That was to funny. ~I have no where to stay i'll just get a hotel room~" I say with more fake sadness. "Man her face was so funny. Man that lady, why did i hire her" he groaned. "Dunno haha is there a spare room i can actually stay in. I mean i don't mind staying in your room." i said in a seductive tone and winked at him. His face flushed red and straighten right up.

We arrived at the house. He opens the door and I got to look around. His house was huge. With a glass roof.  Probably for him to fly out of. There was a beautiful backyard with a pool surrounded by flowers and little trees and bushes. There were three huge rooms. All with there own bathroom and bath. I got to chose my own room and i chose the one right across from Keigo's room. The sun was setting around 7:24 and i began to grow hungry after exploring the house. I went back down stairs and told Keigo. " Hey keigo~ i'm hungryyyyy" i wined at him. "Well chickadee i don't cook well so why don't we order out. What do ya want?" he asked "Well i'm sure you want chicken so just order that and i'll eat it" i gave him a  smile.  "Alright then". He goes and calls while i curl up on the couch.  "it'll take about 30 minutes" "That's fine i'll just lay here till they get here" i replied to him.

Keigo hung up with where ever he called and came to the couch. we sit about a foot apart each of us leaning on the arm of the couch. Soon he asked what show to watch and i just suggested a rom-com. "How about the kissing booth it's suppose to be super cute" i said and he agreed. About 10 minutes in we scooted closer to each other. Sooner or later we started cuddling, but then the door bell rung.

Hawks went to the door as i staid out of site. He can back in and held up the food. He set it down on the table in front of the couch. He sat down next to me and we began to eat. "Sooooo now that your officially my intern you still wanna be my plus one?" he asked cockily. "I mean what do i get out of it?" i asked back and set my food down. I started moving closer and closer to him. Soon our noses were touching and he stared into my e/c eyes. He moved in closer and so did I. Soon we were kissing on the couch. And that kiss turned into a steamy make-out session. He started undoing my shirt and started taking his off. He got mine off and tried to undo my bra. But failed and flew off the couch. My eyes widened at him. "W-we can't do that, not yet" he said after he flew off. "b-but i-" i started to say. But was cut off. " No Y/n!! We could get in serious trouble! I could lose my position. You could no longer become a hero!" He yelled at me, my eyes filled with tears and widened. He hasn't yelled at me before. I just got up and walked to the room i chose earlier.

Once i got there i went to the bed and cried. It was a silent cry because i didn't want him hearing me then coming in here. I pulled out my phone plug my headphones in and put on music. I slowly started falling asleep. But before i did i heard a knock on my door. I just ignored it, he kept knocking and i just laid there. Soon he opens the door and it startled me. I jump up and turn to look at him. He stairs at me. And i stair back with tears in my eyes. He looked at me in shock. He felt bad i could tell in his eyes. He walked over to me and hugged me. He started to cry a little and i felt the tears on my shoulder. He lifted his head off my shoulder after i hugged him back. And kissed me again. This time it felt like there was more to it. This was more passionate and loving. I kissed him back but it didn't go anywhere. He slowly pulled away, and started to look into my eyes. His golden eyes staring into mine. It was like i was put in a trance. "I'm sorry" he spoke and looked at me again. "I'm sorry too" i apologized back. After that he Stayed in my room and we fell asleep holding each other. It took me longer to fall asleep. But him he fell asleep right after closing his eyes. I could tell he was tired. I slowly closed my eyes and drifted off. I kissed his cheek and fell asleep