
August 17

I received the call and heard Jordan telling me to come to the hospital . "It's 4am what do you mean by come to the hospital." I said. " Please , Tanya just this once do me a favor. I need you to come to the hospital it's urgent." Jordan said. I left my room and went to St. Mary's hospital to see him. On arrival, I asked the receptionist where Jordan Johnson was and I was told he was in room 24 on the first floor . I walked to the room instead of taking the lift because it was just the first floor . I had expected it to be one of Jordan's pranks but I found him in a state that would never leave my mind. He had all sorts of machines attached to him and his breathing was laboured .He was pale and he looked frail this is the worst state I had seen him in . He was the bravest person but seeing him in such a state a lump rose in my throat and I didn't know what to say to him. I walked towards his bed and held his hand. " Jordan please don't leave me even though sometimes I tell you to leave but it was all just a joke please don't die." I looked at him and he was in a state where playing much less talking took too much energy.He held my hand and smiled at me and painfully said,"T, when you remember me I don't want you to remember be in this state but as someone who was always happy and playful . I love you Tanya ." I love you too Jordan. The machines started to make noises his heart rate was slowing down . Doctors came rushing in, It happened to fast . It was asif I wasn't there . I saw the life drain out of my head and the memory of that night shall always hunt me I remember feeling so helpless so lost I just watched him .... leave this world . I will remember him as Jordan Johnson the boy that taught me how to live . He was taken to the mortuary and being a Muslim he was buried later that day at 3pm. I remember crying at his grave and spending the night at the grave yard . I just couldn't leave him alone but I had to leave . I will always love you Jordan , always