
The Way He Loves Me

Used to being pushed to the side by her boyfriend Lina meets someone who only has eyes for her. She embarks on an amazing relationship which showed her that she could love so hard and be loved with so much passion. But there’s drama and heartbreak looming over her perfect relationship.

Brokenwingsforever · Fantaisie
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32 Chs

What an A**

I slowly walk towards him and bend down while holding out my hand. He places his large hand in mine, covering mine completely. His hand was warm, he had calluses on his palm and a few healed cuts on his fingers. The cut that was hurting him was under his pinky. It was slightly red and looks sore.

"Can I?" I say my eyes meeting his dark half moon eyes. His pupils were so dilated there was barely any blue left.

"Yes" His voice harsh. I press around the cut with my finger and he flinches and frowns. "I'll be back" I get up and zoom into my room and grab some antiseptic cream I had in my toiletry bag and bandage from the bathroom. I walk out and his eyes are instantly on me. I walk over to him my heart racing knowing his watching me like a hawk. I scoop down again on my knees and take his hand feeling the electricity run through me. I look at him through my lashes and catch him smirking down at me. I look down focusing my attention back on his hand. Squeezing out a pea size of the cream on my finger I gently rub it on and around the wound.

"How did you get this?" I ask

"I was trying to push a piece of metal. I didn't realise how sharp it was" He says

I grab the bandage wrapping it around his hand making sure it wasn't too tight then tuck it in itself. "There, all done" I say smiling at him. He grabs my wrist and pulls me closer, chills run through me and my is heart racing. What is he doing? I look up at him and swallow.

"Thank you" he says softly his eyes dark and serious. I realise I'm in-between his lap on my knees.

"Y- your welcome" I stutter. I couldn't look away, I was mesmerised.

"What's going on?" My eyes quickly shift towards the voice and I get up on my feet.

"Jason. Nothing, I was just helping Simon with his hand" I say looking down at Simon who is still holding my hand. I pull it out of his hold although it was a slight struggle as he was holding it tight.

"Right. You coming" he says bluntly

" Yeah, yes" I clear my throat

"Goodnight Simon" I say looking down at him. He nods at me.

Jason shuts the glass door and turns to face me, his face angry. "what the fuck was that? I come up and find my girl on her fucking knees with some guy. Do you know how you looked" my eyes widen at his outburst.

"It's the same concept when it comes to you FaceTiming women I don't know" I lash out

"Are we back on that really?" he grunts at me

"Yes! you decided we were done with that conversation, I wasn't" I glare at him

"Is there is someone else Jason?"

"Why are you so paranoid, you're making something out of nothing" he walks over to me

"She is just a friend, I love you okay there's no one else" he pulls me in and crashes his lips on mine. I pull back, wiping the kiss away.

"No! I need some space and time please"

"Time for what? if you want to drag this out be my guest I'm going downstairs and enjoying my holiday. And Li no guy wants a paranoid girlfriend who's constantly on his back" he slams the door behind him. How has it taken me this long to realise just how shit he treats me. I am pretty sure I don't feel anything for him anymore. I just wanted this limbo to be over.

I head for the bathroom, at the same time Simon opens his door. I stop as soon as I see him. I look away embarrassed, I'm sure he heard. How could he not Jason was so loud. He exhales loudly as I carry on walking to the bathroom.

"Lina?" he calls my name with his rough voice but it sounded so gentle somehow.

"It's not your fault" he shoots me a comforting look, I smile at him and nod before hurrying into the bathroom.

I couldn't help but toss and turn in bed, I couldn't sleep. I was mortified and embarrassed by Jason's behaviour. I wish he never came, I feel like this vacation is already off to a shit start. As I have expected he never came to bed either, I didn't mind I'd rather not share a bed with him. I get out of bed and head for the balcony. The cool breeze hitting me as soon as I step out. I close my eyes and breathe out trying to clear my head.

"Can't sleep?" a rough voice coming from the other side

"Simon! Ye-yeah, just it's so hot in there" I say making excuses.

"Right, I can turn your AC on if you'd like?" he asks

"No that's okay, I'll just sleep with the door open"

"Jason still mad? I saw him on the couch downstairs" I turn to him

"Yeah I guess, it is what is it" I shrug my shoulders. I watch his eyes go up and down my body. I look down. Oh fuck, oh no! I completely forgot I was wearing a lace nightie. My nipples were slightly on show. I gulp wrapping my arms around myself.

"I'm going.. back inside. goodnight" I say embarrassed, he breathes out hard



Eva and Michael decided to have a bbq today, the weather was actually perfect for it. Me, Charlotte, Simon and Christian went to the market to grab a few things for her mom. Since Jason slept on the couch last night and came into the room early this morning to avoid anyone seeing him there, he wasn't in the mood to walk around with us.

The market was so lively and beautiful. There were so many stalls and vendors around selling different types of food. The smells of food was amazing I was practically salivating looking at all the yummy stuff they had on display.

"Why didn't Jason want to come?" Charlotte says looking at the wine table "He said he was tired, he fell asleep on the living room couch, I don't think he was in the mood to come with us" she looks at me and presses her lips together.

"Yeah I know" I sigh.

"Well forget Jason, we're here to have a good time let him be moody on his own. Do you mind grabbing some jumbo shrimps and oysters please babe?"

"Yeah sure"

"Wait Li. Simon" she calls, he turns around and walks to us "Si go with her please, We need shrimps and oysters"

He looks at me and nods.

"Yeah sure" We walk to the seafood section of the market in silence. I purposely look away and try to focus my attention anywhere apart from the tall body walking beside me.

"Here, let's try this one" he says placing his hand on the small of my back. I jolt at the feeling of his hand there yet he doesn't move.

"Hi can we try please?" he says to the vendor.

"Of course sir" We watch as he squeezes lemon juice on two oysters and place it on a small plate. "Thank you" Simon says taking the plate from him. He takes one and eats it. I look at him and at the plate. That's raw, I'm not eating that.

"Go on" he says pushing the plate in front of me. "I've never had raw oysters. I don't think I'll like it"

"You don't know you won't like it if you don't try" He puts the plate on the table and picks up the oyster. He cups my chin and tilts my face slightly upwards. His callouse hands were rough and warm. "Open" he says, his eyes dark. I open up and the oyster slides off of the shell into my mouth. I chew it. Mmm it's different but it's not bad. He inhales loudly and licks his Lips

"I think I like it"

"Good girl" he smirks at me. I look at the vendor who is smiling widely at me and he raises his eyebrows giving me a smirk. I turn red, I can't believe he just did that but I can't lie that was hot. "We'll have two dozens please" he says to the vendor

We take the oysters and before I know it Simon grabs my hand. My hand practically disappearing in his. I follow behind him and we stop at another seafood vendor. The vendor had some cooked shrimp in butter and sage sauce on a board for people to try. Simon calls him over.

"Can we try please?"

"Yes yes sir" he plates a few and gives it to Simon. I watch as he picks it up with his fingers "Open up" he says. I open my mouth and he pushes the delicious shrimp into my mouth all while he held my gaze then licks his fingers. My heart turned into a drum, I was feeling hot and dizzy. "Good?" I nod and smile. He eats some and nods to the vendor. "2 kilos" is it me or is Simon is like heavy flirting with me? I mean with the oyster and now putting shrimp in my mouth then licking his finger after. Don't overthink it Li, maybe that's just the way he is?

"You seem to know your seafood" I say smiling up at him. He takes the bag from the vendor and hands him money. "Thanks. Keep the change" he turns to me." Yeah I do, I absolutely love seafood" I grin at him "me too".

As we are walking to back to the entrance to meet Charlotte, a man with a rose kart stops us. "Morning sir. Would you like to buy a rose for your beautiful girlfriend" he smiles at me.

"Oh no I'm - he's" I stutter

"Yeah I'll take three" he pays the man and he hands Simon three individual long stem roses in a clear wraps.

"Here" he puts the rose in front of me. "Oh no Simon you don't have to"

"I know I don't. I want to " I take it from him and smile somehow this rose was more beautiful than any roses I had ever received

"Thank you"

"You're welcome. One for Eva and one for Charlotte"he says smiling at me. Okay so not just for me for char and Eva too. I was definitely overthinking the flirting thing. He is just a nice guy being nice.


After a 20 mins drive we are back at the villa. Eva and Michael are outside setting up for the bbq.

"Mom we got the goods "

"Ah great show me what you got!"

"I'm gonna go check on Jason" I say placing the bags on the counter

"Ah he went out darling. He left 30 minutes ago" Eva says while rustling through the bags.

"Where did he go? " Charlotte asks looking at me.

"No idea, he didn't really say much just left"

"Okay I'm sure he'll be back soon " I say taking my rose. I shoot upstairs popping my stuff on the bed and change into my bikini and sundress. As I leave I stop at Simon's door, which was slightly open, my eyes catches him sitting topless on his bed unravelling his bandage. He glances my way. I freeze - shit I look like such a stalker. We stare at each other for a few seconds. Play it out you dummy you look like a peeping Tom. I push the door. "Sorry I didn't mean to" he chuckles

"It's fine"

"You need help with that?" I ask

"Yeah, just need to dress it up again". His eyes are trailing up and down my body. I swallow feeling uneasy and nervous. I walk over and sit beside him. He places his hand on my mine I almost gasps at the tingling feeling that erupted through me as soon as our skin touched. I slowly unravel the bandage and look at the cut. It was nearly healed I take the cream from him and apply some before bandaging his hand again. I could feel his eyes on me watching me carefully.

"There just like new" I smile at him. He is scanning my face his eyes stopping at my lips. My lips parted on their own and my heart racing like crazy. Say something, anything. "What was it like there?" I say looking at his arm and chest there were so many scars on him. He looks forward.

"Hard. You never know if you will ever come out of a mission alive. You always have to think ahead. There's no rest"

"It must have been lonely. Did you have anyone there for you, I know you have your squad but like a companion someone you could talk to?"

"Like a girlfriend?"

"Not so much girlfriend but just someone you could be close to"

"Not really, I don't like getting attached to anyone. You lose a lot of people so I don't see the point" he pauses

"And I would never get involved with someone in my same line of work as me"

"I don't know what I would do if I loved someone who had the same job as you. It must be so hard to watch them leave not knowing if they'll come back. I would spend my days always worrying. I can only imagine this is how your mom feels" he turns to me and caresses my cheek softly, my eyes widen at the sudden touch

"Knowing there's someone that loves you enough to wait for you is worth it. It's what some of us hold onto"

"I guess that's true" I scan his face, his eyes were sad and dark. He's obviously been through so much. At that moment I wanted to hug him and comfort him but I stopped myself it would be too weird, we don't know each other like that. We look at each other not saying anything for a few seconds.I hear footsteps coming up the stairs.

"We should go down" I say standing up.

"Yeah" he grunts. We walk into the kitchen and Jason is standing by the fridge talking to Christian

"Hey babe" he looks at me then at Simon. His eyebrows frowning a bit

"Hey where did you go ?" I ask

"Nowhere specific just went for a walk"

"Oh okay" I say bluntly. He walks over to me and puts his arm over my shoulder.

I catch Simon starring at us. His face harsh and serious while he drinks his beer. I look away trying to ignore his staring gaze on me.

"You need help Eva?" I say moving next to Charlotte who was washing the seafood.

"You can make the salad my darling"

"Can do" I smile at her.

After prepping we start the BBQ, Jason had disappeared yet again. Charlotte was sitting on Christian's lap talking and laughing with her mom while Simon and Michael were at the BBQ grill discussing the sausage. I was sitting by myself, my mind drifting away to my relationship with Jason. Our relationship had truly come to an end. He wasn't even interested in being around me and to be fair I didn't care either. I watched how Charlotte and Christian loved and were with each other and I couldn't help but be a little jealous, I wanted that. I crave someone who would love me so much, want to make me and see me happy. Maybe I'm not lucky enough to experience that type of love.

"It's ready" Michael shouts reeling me back from my thoughts. Charlotte jumps off of Christian lap and walks over to the food. I sit back watching them.

"Not hungry?" Simon says sitting beside me with his food.

"Yeah I'll grab some soon" he starts cutting his steak and turns to me

"Have some of this" he has a piece of beef on the end of his fork.

"I'm okay thanks I'll grab mine in a minute"

"I know I just wanna you to taste"

"Why are you always feeding me" i giggle before I open my mouth and take it. That's good steak, so soft and juicy.

"It's good thanks " I smile at him while chewing the tender meat. He gives me warm smile and carries on cutting his steak.

"I'll be right back" I say leaving the table. I make my way upstairs. Pushing the door slowly to find Jason sitting on the bed texting with a large smile on his face. "You okay?" I say walking in. His turns his attention to me and puts his phone in his pocket

"What's the deal with you and Charlotte's brother, every time I turn around he's there with you" he glares at me

"And the rose, who gave you a rose?"

"Probably because since we have been here all you've been doing is FaceTimes other girls, always texting, going on walks by yourself and acting secretive. As for the rose Simon gave one to me Charlotte and Eva. He was buying for them and I was there so he politely bought me one too" I hiss at him.

"Whatever I don't have time for your bullshit. when you're ready to stop acting paranoid let me know" he says leaving the room.