
The Way He Loves Me

Used to being pushed to the side by her boyfriend Lina meets someone who only has eyes for her. She embarks on an amazing relationship which showed her that she could love so hard and be loved with so much passion. But there’s drama and heartbreak looming over her perfect relationship.

Brokenwingsforever · Fantaisie
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32 Chs

Major Pissed!

We get to the airport and check in our bag before making our way to the waiting area. My mind drifts away to Simon, these last few days with him have truly been amazing. I wish I didn't have to leave, I miss him already.

"I'm gonna grab a coffee you girls want anything" Christian says getting up.

"I'll have one too please, black no sugar. Thanks Chris" I give him a tight smile

"Yeah same me too babe"

"Got it. Be right back"

Charlotte has her head on my shoulder


"Yeah?" I reply softly

"I'm happy you're with Simon, you deserve to be happy with someone who will treat you well"

"Thanks Char but we're not together like that I don't think. I don't know, I mean we haven't even gotten to that part yet. We've only known each other for a week"

"I know but we heard what Simon said to you on the camera and trust me he doesn't go around saying that to just anyone"

"I still can't believe that's how you guys found out" I say covering my face with my hand and Giggle

"I know right" she laughs "But in all seriousness not because he's my brother but Simon is a good egg. You're perfect for each other" I can feel her grin

I laugh " I'm glad you think so. I can't wait to see him again" I smile


We board the plane, after a long flight and a long ride we're finally back home. Christian had to go back to his appartment to take care of something. Charlotte disappeared in her room as soon as we got home, she wanted to sleep. Despite being so jet lag and tired, I couldn't sleep all I could think about was France, last night, Simon. I grab my phone and text him.


Hey, just wanted to let you know that we're home. So knackered. Miss you already :)

He replies almost instantly


I'm glad to hear. Get some rest you'll need all your energy when I see you. Missing you too ;)

I smile at my phone like a giddy school girl. There's a knock at the door, I walk over and open the it.

"Jason? What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I wanted to see you, we need to talk. You ignored all of my messages" he says pushing in. He stinks of alcohol, great he's drunk.

"There's nothing to talk about. We're done" I try and keep calm

"We're not done. You're with him now aren't you? Were you fucking him while we were there together? Did he convince you to break up with me? You're a whore, fucking slut!" he shouts. My eyes widen, my heart racing. I have never seen this side of him before, I stare at him a look of fear and panic washes over my face

"Who is it ?" Charlotte walks into the living and instantly stops dead in her track as she realises what is going on. I shake my head at her.

"Jason? What are you doing here?" She glares at him. He pushes me out of the way and takes a few steps towards Charlotte "This is all your fault" he says pointing at her "Putting ideas in her head and your fucking brother. Is that why you invited her? to fuck your brother?" he yells at her

"Whoa whoa I didn't put any ideas in her head. she's a grown woman, she's able to make her own decision. You don't deserve her, you treated her like crap. You don't deserve her at all" she shouts at him.

"Stay in your fucking lane you entitled bitch she's my girl." My eyes widen in shock at his outburst. He takes a few more steps towards Charlotte and I pull him back. "Jason you need to leave! We are done. No one put me up to it. I had enough of being treated like crap. Now leave" He grabs my arms and shakes me then pushes me onto the floor.

"Don't fucking touch me. You fucking slut" His face covered with anger.

"I'm calling the cops" He glances at Charlotte and leaves slamming the door behind him.

Tears well up in my eyes. Charlotte runs to me and helps me up and we hug. "What the fuck! He's insane. I'm sorry Li. It's my fault, I shouldn't have posted that picture. I didn't know he'd react like this. I'm so sorry"

"It's not your fault Charlotte, he's drunk and not thinking clearly" I say tears streaming down my face.

Charlottes called Christian right after we didn't to get the police involved to give Christian a chance to speak to him.


Our front door opens and my blood runs cold. I look at the door only to see Christian walk in.

"You guys okay?" he hugs Charlotte.

"Yeah kinda shaken" Charlotte looks at me.

Christian ended up staying over just in case Jason showed up again. I retreated into my room and fell asleep. I wake up by the sound of my phone buzzing. I moan rolling over to my side table and reach for my phone. I look at the time. It's 8am I must've been sleeping for 10 hours straight. I have 4 Missed call from Simon. Before I have the chance to even call him back my phone rings again

"Hello" I say sleepily.

"Li you okay?" He sounds worries

"I just got off the phone with Eva. Charlotte told her about Jason. Why didn't you call or text me?Why didn't you call the police?" He says furious

"Simon it's fine, I'm okay. He was just drunk Christian is dealing with it" my voice small, I didn't expect him to be angry at me.

"I don't care he put his hand on you I'm going to fucking kill him" he grunts

"Simon please. He didn't hurt me. He was off his head. Please let Christian deal with him" I say softly

"I can't let that slide. I told him if he ever came near you he'd have me to deal with"

"Simon I appreciate how protective you are of me. And trust me when I say this I love it. You make me feel so safe and.... But Jason was upset and drunk. Please let Christian deal with him"

He sighs. "Fine. I will let it slide this time but Lina there won't be a next time" his tone dangerous

"Thank you"

"I'm sorry for snapping at you, I can't bare the thought of you being hurt" he clears his throat. I smile.

"I'm okay baby" I say softly. He stays quiet. It's the first time I've ever called him baby, maybe he doesn't want me to.

"Where are you ?" I ask changing the subject

"I'm at base I need to sort a few things out first. I'll come and see you as soon as I can princess"

"I'm looking forward to seeing you again"

"I know. I gotta go sweet girl and Li if anything happens anything at all I need you to let me know.okay baby?"

"Yes I will I promise. Speak to you soon" I say softly and I hang up. I wasn't going to tell him about Jason coming over yesterday yet. I wanted to get it sorted before telling him, When we were in France he seemed pissed off at any mentioned of Jason so I didn't want to stress him out but I can't blame Charlotte for telling her mom.I come out of my room "Ah sleeping beauty" Christian smirks at me. "Any news of Jason?" my face straight. "Yeah he's just in a shit place. He's upset about the whole break up hasn't come to terms with it. He's sorry about what happened yesterday.And I kinda slipped told him that you and Simon are official"

"Christian! Why would you tell him that?!" I snap. He looks at Charlotte

"Don't look at me she's right. I don't know why you didn't think it would be a bad idea to add fuel to the fire" she shakes her head at him

"It's fine, I'm sure he would've found out somehow but me and Simon aren't even official. We're just figuring things out. Jason seems to think I was sleeping with Simon while we were still together in France" I shake my head

"If I was him I would stay away. Simon doesn't do well with people who act like Jason" she says to Christian.


Christian and Charlotte retreated to her room for the rest of the day. These two just can't get enough of each other, I know the feeling because if Simon was here I wouldn't be able to get enough of him either.

I keep myself busy doing my laundry from the holiday and baking. Even though I was doing things to keep me occupied I couldn't shake him off, I had butterflies every time he crossed my mind, bitting my lips each time I reminisced about our sex. Yes I was hooked, this man came into my life at just the right time. I kept myself from texting him, I didn't want to come across too clingy or bother him. He did say he had things to do.

The day went by so slowly, I made a strawberry and cream Victoria sponge cake. Charlotte and christian finally left her room around 7pm and I was too tired and jet lag to hang out so I went back to sleep.


It's been a few days since we've been back from France. I've spoken to Simon a couple of times, by the sound of things he was very busy with work so I didn't want to push and bother him. I also started work on Tuesday. Going back was tough, there was no beach or cocktails whenever I wanted, I was having major vacay withdrawals.

"Hey hey " Charlotte grins as I walk into the kitchen. Christian is lounging on the couch eating chips. He's been here a lot a lately, probably to put our minds at ease and make us feel safer. "Hey, what's up?"

"Nothing much. How was your day?" She says stirring a pot of sauce.

"Meh. Boring I miss France"

"Argh yeah me too, I finally put a wash on for my holiday bits today. I'm so lazy" she chuckles.

"Tell her about the thing babe" Christian shouts over the football game on tv.

"What thing?"

"Oh yeah, Christian is having a little get together at his on Saturday. It's Ralph's birthday but he doesn't want to make a fuss so just having pizza and a few drinks"

"Hmm , will Jason be there ?" I press my lips in a hard line and my eyebrows slightly raised

She shrugs her shoulders "Yeah I guess" since the whole incident with Jason hasn't even bothered to apologise to either of us. I wasn't planning on seeing him any time soon, I wanted to stay away for as long as I could but I guess thats out the window now.

"Maybe I'll make an appearance"

"Cool whatever is comfortable for you babe. If you want to just chill here we understand" she gives me a warm smile