
The Way He Loves Me

Used to being pushed to the side by her boyfriend Lina meets someone who only has eyes for her. She embarks on an amazing relationship which showed her that she could love so hard and be loved with so much passion. But there’s drama and heartbreak looming over her perfect relationship.

Brokenwingsforever · Fantaisie
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32 Chs

I Guess I'm Moving Out

I slowly open my eyes and stretch out my arms while yawning loudly. I can feel Simon's hold around my waist tightening as if he didn't want me to move and just stay there. His face was buried into my hair and his long, muscular leg thrown over mine trapping me. I smiled gently looking at this display of affection.

I pick up his calloused hand and bring it to my mouth and kiss it lightly. His fingers were long and his veins were visible on the black on his hand and arms. I take the opportunity to admire the tattoos on his arm but the one that got my attention was the one of a shadow walking through what seems to be an explosion. I wonder what the meaning behind this one was.

I trace my finger on them. His tattoos were beautiful. "Morning" he whispers in my ear. His morning voice was so raspy and sexy.

"Morning, sleep well?" I ask my mind drifting back to last night.

"Yes I did" he says while licking my ear.

"Ah Simon" I laugh

"Did you have a good sleep?"

"I had a very good sleep thank you" I say turning to face him.

"What are you doing today ?" I ask

"I've got a cleaner and painter coming over to help sort my place out. I want it to be perfect for when you come over" he smiles at me

"I'm also helping at the Center for vets" I look up at him in adoration, he was such a thoughtful person. I'm so glad he is in my life

"What?" he says frowning at me

"Nothing" I smile at him. We lay in bed just cuddling each other for a while before Simon had to leave. I would rather have spent the whole Sunday in bed with him but I don't want to come across clingy

After Simon left on Sunday I didn't hear from him much, even throughout the week, I texted him a few times but he's answers were very blunt and short. Probably because he's busy with the centre and fixing up his house. I didn't want to bother him too much by constantly texting. There was no denying that I was crazy about Simon, he was the first thing I thought about in the morning and the last thing on my mind before I went to bed. Every time my phone pinged my heart raced hoping it would be him and the disappointment I felt when it wasn't him. I know that our relationship was still new, I mean I wasn't really sure what we were as we never made it official and I was scared to ask. I know that he gave me the dog tag and said I was his girl but we never said we were in a relationship, he hasn't even told his family we were officially together. I was scared if the answer was not what I had hoped for. I couldn't help but fall for him so hard, he had this hard shell on the outside with the softest centre that he only allowed me to touch. I loved every second we got to spend together so far but I couldn't help the thoughts that also told me that this was only temporary until Simon got bored of me.


"Drinks Li?" Emma asks as I am closing my bag to leave the office

"Not today" I give her a warm smile

"I'm meeting with.... with a friend" Simon had asked me to come to the centre to help with the soup kitchen. I wanted to be part of his world so I jumped at the opportunity to help out.

"No worries love another time" she winks at me before leaving. I leave the office and make my way to the centre. There are people outside chatting, most of them were older men. I walk to the door and smile at the guy standing with a folder in his hand. "Hi I'm here to meet Simon"

"He's inside setting up" he says bluntly "Oh thanks" I make my way inside I can see Simon talking to three other men. His arms crossed, standing straight his expression hard and serious. He glances my way, as soon as he sees me his expression relaxes and softens straight away. I walk over to him, his eyes do not leave mine.

"Guys....this is Lina, she's my sisters best-friend, she's here to help out in the kitchen" His tone serious .They all turn to me. Sister's bestfriend? I guess I have my answer for my 'are we official?" question. My ego took a hit I thought he was just as smitten as I was but I guess in his eyes I'm still his sister's bestfriend. With a slightly disappointed look I turn my gaze from him and greet the other men.

"Hi, Nice to meet you" I says giving them a warm smile

"Nice to meet you too Lina and thank you for coming" one of the guys say shaking my hand.

"My pleasure"

"We'll leave you to it Simon" they say before leaving, I look up at Simon who's staring down at me.

"So what do you want me to do?" I say looking away from him. just by looking at me he made me hot and bothered.

"Come with me" walk into the kitchen and there are people cooking, as soon they see him they all look away. Simon did have a scary and serious face so I'm not surprise this is how people react.

"if you stand here" he says his hands gently on my shoulders and placing me in front of a huge pot of soup and hands me a laddle. I look at the bowl in front of me and look up at him

"Got it! fill the bowls" I say with a can do attitude

"Yes please" his expression blank. "I need to take care of other things so I'll leave you to it" he gives me a tight smile before leaving. He was acting so distant towards me. Besides the holiday we had with his family, this was the first time we are out in public.

After two hours serving soup, the kitchen is closed. "That's it, the guys are going to close up. let's go"

"No worries, let me grab my stuff" I grab my bag and follow Simon who was walking in front of me. As we get outside I watch as he looks around, there wasn't anyone there. He grabs my chin pulling me into his mouth, his scent clogging my brain, his warmth making me melt and his kiss was soft and slow

"I couldn't wait any longer" he says his hand caressing my cheek. I gave him a slight smile. I was still a bit taken back by his comment earlier. Why didn't he want people to know we were a thing? was he ashamed of me? or keeping his option open. Maybe he thought it was just a sex thing. I didn't want to read into it too much. It was pretty late and after a long day and an even longer evening I just wanted to be in bed.

"I should get going" I say putting distance between us. He frowns at me before crossing his arms.

"Everything ok?" he asks concerned.

"Yh-yeah, I'm just knackered" I press my lips together

"Okay. I'll walk you to your car" we walk to my car and he kisses me lightly before I get in.


"Good morning" Christian smiles at me as I walk into the kitchen. "Morning" Charlotte was at the stove cooking eggs, she shot me a tight smile which was weird, she looks kind of nervous. I sit down and the kitchen fell silent. They both look at each other before turning to look at me.

"Li we need to talk" Charlotte says gently setting down a plate of eggs, sausage and beans in front of me. My favourite breakfast. What's going on? I look up at her, her face was almost sad. "W-what's up?"

"Erm, me and Christian have been talking and" she looks at Christian

"Well you and Charlotte have been living together for a while now and it's been great right char?" he says nervously

"yes it has, I love living with you" I can already see where this is going

"Christian is here most of the time he practically leaves here and we were talking and we want to move in together"

"Char" I say placing my hand on hers

"I'm glad you too are taking this step, I'm happy for you two. And I'll start looking for apartments " I grin at her

"Wait you're not mad?"

"Of course not, we've lived together for two years char, two amazing years with my sister. It's time and I get it you two will need your space. I'm happy for you guys" she walks round the counter and hugs me

"My god I love you"

"I'm excited for you guys" they both hug me. We have breakfast while christian talks about moving in and turning my bedroom into a games room, which Charlotte seems to not be on board with.

"So how's you and Simon?" she asks shooting me a cheeky look

"I don't really know" I pause "He's your bother isn't weird to talk about him like that"

"Nope, dish" I chuckle

"Things are great when it's just me and him, but around people he is very distant. Yesterday I went to help out at the centre and he introduced me as 'my sisters bestfriend" She frowns

"Really? There must be a reason, Simon doesn't hold out information for no reason. He's a very straight forward kind of guy"

"Well it has me thinking that we are not anything, I don't want to be the girl who's creating necessary issues because he didn't call me his girl friend after having sex a few times" I say putting my plate in the sink

"I know, this part is always tricky but I think you should talk to him about it. Simon is one of the good guys I know he's blunt as hell and very private but he's a very understanding and kind person. Just talk to him" she looks at me softly

"Yeah, Maybe"