
The Way Ahead Of Us

Louis discovers a great invention his parents left him. But was it really so great? Losing, regaining and discovering. Louis will have to deal with a lot of things. But what will he discover. Will he find what killed his parents? Or will he die in the process. Who knows...

RickyVulchanov · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Looking back

Arthur looked at Louis. Louis had a dazed look. 'You okay, bud?' he asked. He nodded, that was an automatism. He was so scared to know the truth, yet curious.

'Okay, I'll start then.' Arthur said.

Louis took a deep breath and listened observantly to Arthur.

'So, your parents made a big invention. They never brought it out, because they always thought it would be too dangerous or people wouldn't be able to handle it. The invention was not perfect, but it brought no harm to humanity. In the right hands ofcourse.' he took a quick pause to see if the boy was following. 'I won't explain how the invention is put together, but I'll explain how it works.'

'It can travel to other dimensions, Louis. But those dimensions are not like fairytales. They're filled with a bunch of unknown, dangerous creatures. With things humanity can't even imagine. That was your parents goal. Find out what those things were.

But... they didn't want to put you to risk. Their beautiful son.' Arthur had a sad look on his face as he said this. Louis' face froze.

Were his parents really dead? Did they do this for him...?

Louis felt guilt. Pure guilt. He didn't even know the full story yet. He didn't even know if his parents died or not. But he always thought they were cowards.

Cowards... how could he say that? His parents probably gave their life for little Louis.

'Louis? I'm sorry... I think I know what you're asking yourself right now, and I'm sorry. But you're parents are not here with us anymore.

Louis felt like a knife went through his heart. Even tho he didn't remember them, he always wanted to meet them.

And again... that feeling of guilt. It kept coming back every time.

It was sickening.

Arthur gave him a bit of time to recover from the news. 

He looked at Arthur and said with a shaky voice: 'What happened to them…?' 

Arthur swallowed and took a deep breath: 'They died in that world. They sent me one last message with the radio: "Take care of Louis, we will die soon." I never knew what really happened to them.

Louis nodded and looked at the clock. It was already 21 pm. 'Uhm, sir? I have to go home now, my parents might get worried otherwise.' he said with difficulty after all that had been told to him. 

'Okay, if you wanna see me again send me a message.' Arthur smiled and stood up to let the boy out. 'Bye, Louis.'

'Bye.' he said with a tiny voice.

He walked down the streets, it was dark and cold outside. It was Christmas break so his parents wanted to spend more time with him. He didn't mind that, he liked to spend time with them.

His black hair was a mess because of the strong wind. He shivered as he saw his house around the corner. It looked warm and cozy, so he walked a bit faster. He longed for the warm house.

I'm sorry for the short chapters. There will come longer ones soon.

RickyVulchanovcreators' thoughts