
The water mistress (Pokemon fic)

quiet, yet talented, she only wishes to master the water type in it's entirety and travel the world to explore all it has to offer!

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Chapter 2

It's been 3 years since then and I have a lot to say.

First, i am now in the Pokemon world, I got to know that when I first saw my mother take out an actual pokeball in all it's metallic glory and bring out a poliwrath to help her move some furniture around.

Second, i am Misty's sister, like gym leader and wanna be water mistress Misty, the same one that went through three regions with ash before having to return cause her sisters dipped on the gym. Apparently, my full name is camellia waterflower, though everyone just calls me lia. And while we are on this, i seen to have bouts of childishness from time to time likely because of my body and lack of personal memories.

Third, not talking as a baby is a bad idea, who knew. Now my vocal cords are underdeveloped and I can speak like 3-4 words at a time, that is really gonna get in the way of communicating with humans, why specifically humans? That brings me to the fourth point.

I have an ability, we found that out an year ago, an ability is something that is rarer than aura and psychic powers, as far as I remember only N in the games had an ability,

As for what it does? Well,


Flash back


I am toddling around , doing my thing, avoiding Misty's screaming, well not really screaming but I am just not good with loud noises so it is pretty much the same to me.

when mama came and just held us up, Misty started giggling at that and I just quietly stated up at mum.

"Ara, little lia sure is quiet huh , i wonder what it will take for you to stop being so stoic? Maybe playtime with Mr. Whirl would be enough?"

And i immediately go,"yes!"

Mr. Whirl is well, mama's poliwhirl, he is superfun to play with! and he even takes me outside the room if I ask!

Mama brings out her pokeball and releases Mr. Whirl, " POLI"

He strikes up some weird but funny pose after coming out, then mama points towards me and Misty toddling towards him, after which he picks us up carefully and places us on his shoulder while mama just watches while smiling, both me and Misty end up giggling this time.

We continued playing and messing for a hour or so when,

Man I wish I could understand Mr. Whirl, that would make playtime even more fun! He was currently spinning us around on his shoulders, slowly of course.

Then, suddenly it was like a flip switched in my mind ,


[Playfulness: more spinning!]

I just stared at Mr. Whirl with wide eyes at that, what just happened, did I just understand him? No, it was more like i understood the feelings and intentions behind what he said I guess.


[Concern: you fine?]

He placed both of us down and asked me, Misty went off to do her own thing while i replied to that in as little words as i could,"Am fine...can understand you"


[Curiosity: really?]

"Yes...sort of... feeling, intentions"


[Excitement, curiosity: willing to test?]

Is he asking if I am willing to test this ability right now, of course I am, I don't think many people in this world can understand Pokemon, even if only their feelings and intentions.

We continued conversing for a little while when a voice suddenly perked up from my side, " can you actually understand him?"

I inwardly jumped a little at that, holy shit I was so into our little conversation that I didn't even notice Daisy come in, she is the eldest of the 5 of us at twelve years in old, she is currently on a break while the gym circuit is closed, she has a slim physique, my entire family does really, and she has golden-yellow looking hair.

Violet , the second oldest is 10 years old and has blue hair while Lily the third oldest has pinkish red hair and is 9 years old.

While I am on the hair topic, Misty has orange hair while I have light blonde like lillie from the alola games. We are a very colourful family, how did it end up like this? hell if I know.

Whoops, off topic , i should reply to her now, " yes... Kind of"

She took my late reply in stride and asked curiously, " what do you mean kind of?"

Suddenly Misty pitched in, "lia was talking with Mr. Whirl about feelings and intention"

I know how I can speak without any lisp but I don't think regular babies should be able to do the same, maybe it's a pokeworld thing? That is what I am chalking it up to, "understand feelings, intent"

"Reaalllllyyy?", she asked with a tilt of her head, seems like she is understandably suspicious

I just nod at that and Misty also pitches in again with a, " they really were talking!"

"Hmmm, mind if we test that?" , wow! I actually jump at that sudden voice this time, mom, violet and lily also came in during my internal monologue, does my spatial awareness just suck or what.

"Sure", i nod my head along with my words.

They go outside with Mr. Whirl and come back in after a little bit then mom starts, " ok, so we told Mr. Whirl here 3 move names to say in an order, you need to repeat all three in the same order, ok?"

I nod again then it's Mr. Whirl's turn and he says, [ Hydro pump, close combat, hypnosis]

I immediately reply, " hydro pump...close combat... hypnosis"

All 4 of them look at me bit shocked and wide eyed at that, i hear mutterings of 'so it was real' and other things like that.

Then, mama pulls both me and Misty on her lap and tells us about the distinction between regular people, psychics and ability holders, I guess aura is not as widely known but aura users are probably just as rare as psychics.

There is no discrimination or anything, it is just that psychics are rarer than regular people, their powers generally range to weak telekinesis and telepathy, they can't increase their power further but they can increase their control.

Ability holders are even rarer, their abilities are generally narrower compared to psychics but much more powerful, i seem to have powerful empathy specialized towards water type Pokemon, if i concentrate a little then I can just feel there are two more parts to my ability but I have no idea what they are.


Flashback over


Anywho, with that said, with an ability like this it makes sense to become an water specialist so that is my future plan.

I want to become a water specialist, collect gym badges from the circuits of two to three regions and just travel and explore the world.

There is so much this world has to offer aside from just battles so it would be a waste not to explore it, i think johto had some ruins near violet city and even a tower said to be made from a 100 feet tall bellsprout, i wonder what else would be there for me to see.

I don't think I have a father considering i haven't seen him till now, whether he died or went to buy milk, i don't care since I never even knew his name.

More research about the whole details about being a trainer will have to wait till I am older but I am excited to find out!

For now, let's sleep, i am three and I get sleepy easily, sue me.

how was this? do you think there was too much info dumping in one chapter, or is it fine since it is just detailing her findings of the past three years?

Ttrioncreators' thoughts