
The Watcher of the Dimensions

The watcher is a fanfic novel of fantasy type animation and movie

SaintKing · Anime et bandes dessinées
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649 Chs

Chapter 251 Bankai

5 minutes later


The space cracked like glass. Everything was losing its color as the void devoured the both world.

Tony shouted.

" We can't lose here. I still have a long way to go."

Steve replied

" Then don't die. I have a person to go back too. She is waiting for me."

Two of them groaned as Strange was chanting. His face was distorted with agony and pain. His lips cracked by the dry air. Wong was half kneeling on the ground and he was grasping for the breath.

" We are done. This is the last hold of us."


A light appeared from the skyline. Arthur was rushing in with his team. He looked at his teammates and said lightly.

" Well done. Now rest."

He looked at Diana, Wanda and Vision.

" Form a triangular formation and seal the passage. Zoe, you stop the current and Sarah please carry my people."

Sarah didn't ask as she moved them. Arthur pulled out a sword. He whispered.

" Bankai: Infinity."

The whole sky was turned into a night sky. The stars were shining brightly.

His sword vibrated and Arthur's hair turned into white. He gently pulled his sword and inserted it to the ground.


A light enveloped the space and a little girl appeared. She said calmly.

" Master, you can't leave me. You will lose most of your power."

Arthur smiled and said gently.

" It is alright. Even I lose my most of power, I am still strong enough to find the catalyst."

Tony who heard this, shouted.

" No! What are you doing? We can stop this together like we did before."

Arthur looked at him and said with a smile.

" It is too late. If something happens to me, please take care of my family and my wives. Steve, please teach my children. I know you guys can continue my will."

Steve gritted his teeth and he looked at him. He said nothing as he pulled Tony who was struggling to help Arthur.

Diana and Zoe looked at him with dismay because they never thought an aspect would gave up his life for the mortals.

Diana said with a serious face.

" What are you doing? We can still stop this with our power."

Arthur shook his head.

" It is too late. The reality is crumbling as we speak. Our powers cannot stop the catastrophe."

Zoe bit her lips.

" Come back, glittery. You are the funniest person, I have ever met."

Arthur patted her head. He looked at Wanda and Vision and nodded towards them.

Wanda's eyes were teary, she whispered.

" Don't die, master."

Arthur laughed as he ran to the rift. He felt immense pain because he couldn't use his forms or his star power because it would accelerate the process.

In X men world.

Charles and Eric were standing together as they were last conscious people. Eric was bleeding from his nose.

" Charles, I never thought we would die like this. Although you are my enemy, I still regard you as my best friend."

Charles laughed heartily.

" Eric, we won't die. We will still walk toward our goal."

Eric smiled.

" Is that so?"

He coughed up blood as he was closing his one eye.


A human fell out from the Crack.

Charles grinned.

" See, I have told you."

Eric forced a smile. He said painfully.

" Who the hell is he?"

Charles looked at Arthur and said quickly.

" Hurry, we don't have much time. The catalyst is another time, I have prepared the machine which goes back to the time, but it will work only once."

Charles looked at Jean who was barely breathing because she was stripped out from her power of Phoenix.

Arthur looked at Charles and understood his words immediately. He saw the capsule and put himself in there.

Charles shouted.

" Find us when you go back there. My name is Charles and he is Eric. We will help you, but don't tell about this. That will cause a butterfly effect."

Arthur nodded and closed the door. Charles looked at Eric and said hastily.

" This is our last chance. You must throw him into the rift because I set the coordinates of the time and space."

Eric knew he was at his end. If he do that, they will die, but he still followed his words.