

In a world ravaged by the terrors of the demon invasion, Caleb, a young man blessed with the power of lightning, embarks on a treacherous journey of self-discovery and survival. As Caleb delves into his training, he must navigate the intricate realm of cultivation, facing gruelling physical and mental challenges that push him to the brink of his limits. Alongside him stand his loyal friends from the Moonlight Country Frontier Corps, each with their unique abilities and shared dreams of overcoming the horrors that have plagued their land. Haunted by the memories of past demon incursions, Caleb and his comrades find themselves in a race against time. The demons, relentless in their pursuit of chaos and destruction, resurface, their malevolent presence casting a shadow of uncertainty over their once fragile peace. The land teeters on the precipice of a full-scale war, and Caleb's lightning powers become both a formidable weapon and a beacon of hope. As battles rage and alliances are tested, Caleb's true potential unfolds. He must confront not only the external forces threatening his world but also the internal struggles that threaten to consume him. The path to advancement in cultivation is treacherous, mysterious and full of hardship. During the chaos, Caleb discovers that his lightning blessing is not merely a gift but a key to unlocking secrets buried deep within his inner space. His journey takes unexpected turns as he unearths hidden truths about his past and his destiny. As the war intensifies, Caleb faces pivotal choices that will determine the fate of the human race. The future hangs in the balance, and Caleb must draw upon every ounce of his strength, skill, and resilience to confront the demons and safeguard those he holds dear. In this suspenseful tale of courage, sacrifice, and self-discovery, Caleb's journey intertwines with the destiny of his world. The shadows of the past and the uncertain future collide, and the ultimate question looms: What lies in Caleb's future, and will he become the champion humanity so desperately needs?

Crazibrains_ · Fantaisie
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36 Chs

B1C8: The Silvermoon City

Silvermoon City is a thriving metropolis tucked away in a beautiful setting. It is a magnificent and elegant location known for its amazing architecture and lively atmosphere. A scene that captured Caleb's attention greeted him as he neared the city gates.

The city was surrounded by tall, elaborate walls that were decorated with complex carvings and ornaments that indicated its long history and diverse cultural traditions. The gates themselves were magnificent and served as a symbol of the fortification of the city. Caleb entered a realm that perfectly merged tradition and contemporary as soon as he passed through the gates.

Silvermoon City's streets were a maze of winding alleys, alive with activity. Buildings were decorated with bright banners and lanterns, weaving a lively tapestry that swayed in the breeze. With structures ranging from lavish palaces to hustling marketplaces and soaring pagodas, the architecture showcased a blend of traditional and modern styles. Beautiful gardens and parks dotted the cityscape, bringing pockets of peace despite the bustling activity.

The aroma of exotic spices and blooming flowers filled the air in Silvermoon City, creating a lovely symphony that drifted across the streets. The atmosphere was lively, with discussion, music, and laughing permeating it, enveloping Caleb. There are many street vendors hawking a variety of items and cuisines from all over the realm. People from various clans and families congregated in the city, adding their distinct traditions and customs to the city's rich cultural tapestry.

A hub of activity and social gatherings, the central square was located in the centre of Silvermoon City. People gathered here to share information, engage in intellectual discourse, and partake in other sorts of entertainment. Impressive buildings around the plaza, such as the Great Hall, where significant gatherings and rituals were held, and the Grand Library, a storehouse of learning and information.

There were several training grounds, schools, and martial arts dojos spread across the city, each of which catered to a distinct discipline and developed the abilities of aspiring cultivators. The sound of clashing weapons, the yells of instructors, and the diligent training of martial artists filled the training grounds.

In addition to being a destination for martial arts and cultural events, Silvermoon City served as a commercial and trading hub. The streets were lined with markets and stores selling a wide variety of products and treasures, including rare antiques, mysterious plants, and exquisitely crafted items. The lavish decorations and lively commerce that surrounded every aspect of the city were clear signs of its success.

Caleb couldn't help but feel astonishment and excitement as he entered Silvermoon City deeper. There were countless opportunities for development, connection, and adventure in the city, which was a lively tapestry of sights, sounds, and smells. It was a place where people chased their ambitions, developed their talents, and expanded the bounds of their potential. Tobias could only sneer at the interested Caleb and say, "Caleb, don't make the clan lose its reputation," as he was taking in the spectacle in front of him. "I am aware that you have never left Arundel town. not even visited Free City. The capital of Moonlight Country is Silvermoon City. Nothing here is novel, so quit viewing everything with a beggar's perspective."

Caleb could only return Tobias' insults with a smile. Elder Rock observed the small argument but chose to ignore it. To mature, the younger ones have to resolve their own conflicts.

The bustling streets and roads leading to the Moonfire Palace were packed with a steady stream of people from all walks of life due to the much awaited training camp taking place in Silvermoon City. Excitement could be felt in the air as families, clans, and aspiring growers from far and wide gathered.

The roads leading to the magnificent Moonfire Palace were adorned with beautiful banners and vibrant decorations, creating an atmosphere of grandeur and anticipation. As Caleb and his companions from the Levi clan joined the queue that stretched towards the Moonfire Palace, they couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and anticipation. The line was filled with a diverse array of individuals, each bearing their own hopes and dreams of growth and achievement.

The architecture of the Moonfire Palace was a sight to behold. Its majestic structure stood tall and proud, adorned with intricate carvings. The palace radiated an aura of elegance and power, a symbol of the city's rich history and profound cultivation heritage.

As the queue slowly progressed, the group caught glimpses of the palace's magnificent courtyard through the grand entrance gates. Lush gardens adorned with blooming flowers and meticulously manicured hedges stretched as far as the eye could see, providing a serene and tranquil backdrop to the bustling activity.

The sound of laughter and chatter filled the air as families and clans exchanged stories and shared their excitement. Cultivators practised their techniques, their movements fluid and precise, while instructors and mentors provided guidance and encouragement. The atmosphere was charged with the energy of ambition and the pursuit of greatness.

Within the Moonfire Palace, various training grounds and arenas awaited the participants. Massive sparring arenas provided ample space for cultivators to test their skills and engage in friendly competitions. Training halls equipped with state-of-the-art facilities catered to the needs of different cultivators, whether they specialised in martial arts, weapon proficiency, or spiritual cultivation.

As Caleb and his companions inched closer to the entrance of the Moonfire Palace, the anticipation within them grew. They could feel the immense opportunities that awaited them within those hallowed walls. The training camp in Silvermoon City was not only a chance for personal growth but also a gateway to connect with the wider cultivation world, establishing valuable relationships and fostering a sense of unity among the participants.

Elder Rock could no longer follow the children further after they reached the palace. He had finished guiding them to this point, so it was now up to the kids to complete the rest of the voyage. Tobias, Asher, and Caleb were brought by a guard to the central square, where other kids were already assembled.

All eyes were on the three of them as soon as they arrived. Asher and Tobias noticed Caleb's messy appearance. His feet were covered in dust from his running, his hair was untidy, and his clothes were wet and worn out in comparison to theirs. Since standing next to Caleb would damage their first impression with the kids from wealthier clans, they didn't want to be seen doing so. They both silently made the decision to get away from Caleb. Caleb was unfazed by the fact that members of his clan had abandoned him. The pride in the eyes of the children was obvious as he observed them. He instantly located a quiet area far from the gathering where he could meditate.

As time passed, more and more kids showed up. The kids started interacting and exchanging stories. Smaller groups started to emerge, although some loners like Caleb persisted in being alone. When nighttime came, the instructors had yet to communicate, and some of the kids could do nothing but whine about their treatment. Caleb could only shake his head at some of the remarks the kids were making. He was a member of the branch family and was used to rough sleeping.

The next morning, a guard's shout roused up all of the kids.

"This is a training camp, get up!" The guard yelled, "This is not your home." His eyes concealed a beast-like savagery beneath a cunning smirk on his face.

Some kids complained while others even ignored the guard as they attempted to stand up. Caleb and a few others were standing in readiness for the next instruction.

The guard nonchalantly added, "Those who are still sleeping by the time I count to ten will be asked to leave the training camp."

Each child had awoken by this time and was standing in front of the guard. The kids were aware of the shame it would bring upon their families and clans if they were disqualified on the first day.

Third Captain was the title of a figure who came forward. His imposing presence attracted admiration and respect. He was intimidating and towering, exuding an air of power that made it plain he was not to be trifled with. The Third Captain's outfit matched his high status and position inside the Moonfire training camp; it was a regal uniform with exquisite silver embellishments.

There was no denying that he was a strict disciplinarian who demanded nothing less than greatness from those under his care thanks to his harsh expression and penetrating eyes. His tone of voice did not allow for any room for doubt or disobedience, and every word he spoke had meaning. He clearly dominated the camp with an iron grip, making sure that there was constant order and discipline.

The Third Captain spoke to the group, his voice resonating with authority and commanding everyone's attention. He made it perfectly obvious that he was the ultimate leader in the camp and that his word was law. There wouldn't be room for disagreement or laziness. Those who couldn't live up to the high expectations or didn't share the camp's values would be politely asked to leave.

He set down a straightforward but demanding set of guidelines: train hard. He highlighted that while the instructors would offer direction and encouragement, it was up to each person to push themselves to their limits. The Third Captain said that competitions and tournaments would be held on a regular basis and that any individual standing next to them was a potential rival. He exhorted everyone to put up their best effort, assuring them that competition was a driver for development and advancement.

The third captain announced the presence of the camp's dormitories with a sense of expectation. Along with the dorms, the camp also has Ranked houses in the centre that were set aside for the top competitors based on their results in competitions and tournaments. According to one's standing, each house provided more resources, advantages, and privileges. This information was provided by the third captain in order to inform the participants as well as increase their sense of competition and inspire them to pursue perfection.

After finishing his speech, the Third Captain cast a sharp, perceptive stare across the audience. He made it abundantly obvious that he expected each and every one of them to show unshakeable passion and commitment. Although the participants felt the weight of responsibility and the struggle ahead of them, their hearts were also filled with joy and resolve.

Caleb and the others focused on Third Captain as they listened carefully, realising the seriousness of what he was saying. They were aware of the difficult journey ahead of them, but they were also inspired to succeed and earn their place in the camp. The Third Captain's presence and uncompromising standards established the tone for the training camp, making it clear that only those who could endure the hardships and outperform expectations would be allowed to succeed.

Third Captain gave the group one last order before directing them to their individual dorms, where they would start their rigorous training programme. The participants left with a renewed sense of resolve because they knew that their experience at the Moonfire training camp will push them to their limits, hone their talents, and determine their futures.

Each child received a set of practical training gear and a pair of shoes from the training camp. The instructors escorted the kids to the washroom where they were cleaned up and dressed in their training gear before reuniting on the training ground.

The Third Captain declared that he would be instructing them in a body cultivation method. He addressed the idea that faith cultivators didn't need to concentrate on bodily cultivation, highlighting that a weak body was a faith cultivator's most fatal deficiency. In order to illustrate how a weak body will result in a weak inner space that cannot support the condensed faith energy, he used the analogy of a weak glass breaking under pressure. He emphasised the value of physical fitness to the students.

The Third Captain separated the class beforehand according to each student's level of bodily cultivation. While the rest would start from scratch, those who had already attained some level of body cultivation would concentrate on strengthening their foundations. He described the Mortal Rank structure, which consists of five smaller stages. The smaller stages might be trained in any order, but for a steady physical development, it was advised to move from honing the skin to strengthening the muscles to boosting blood to refining the bone to transforming the marrow.

One further step is called Unity, and it involves shedding one's mortal skin and waking one's martial aura while adhering to a predetermined path. Not all body cultivators are able to attain unity. After converting the marrow, a cultivator has the choice of either advancing to Human level or waiting to shed his mortal skin and unleash his martial aura.

"Up next, I'll show you how to train your body in Mortal Rank." You will be evaluated on your growth during the camp, so I hope you will take the time to carefully study the postures I'll be teaching. The technique is broken down into [6 Stances], the first of which is the Serpentine Stance, which is intended to train the skin especially. He energetically moved his body, displaying the [Snake Body] and [Slither] forms, mimicking a snake's movements.

After completing his example, Third Captain stressed the significance of these seemingly straightforward forms and gave the pupils the assurance that strong foundations may lead to tremendous accomplishments. The majority of the students, he noticed, were lost in concentration, but a few eager ones had already begun to imitate him. He grinned and nodded his head in approval.