
The Warrior Princesses Alpha

In a world of warring wolf and dragon clans, a seventeen-year-old princess is determined to reclaim her kingdom from the traitorous wolves who betrayed her family. As she gathers an army, she meets two very different men, a dragon prince and an eastern wolf king, both of whom declare their love for her. TORN between her duty to her kingdom and her growing feelings for them, the princess must decide who to trust before the fate of her entire kingdom rests on her shoulders. Ashina's heart hurt when she was sixteen and found the man who stated he was in love with her, balls deep into some dragoness. Even if Cadma had never cheated on her, their love was not meant to be. The young prince did not see it the same way Ashina did and was not letting go of her without a fight. Angry at her true-mate, Andor, who did not save himself for her, she decides saving the kingdom is more important than having a mate. Is it possible for her fated mate and her to be together? Ashina had made the decision that love would not be part of her life at that point. As Ashina's heart was broken at sixteen, she realized that it was time to build an army to reclaim her kingdom.

Kathy_Hoffman_7203 · Fantaisie
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79 Chs

Chapter Forty-Seven I Am Not Giving Cadma Mixed Signals?

My wolf needed to run among the trees after leaving the meeting. When we were raised in the mountains, we didn't get the chance to run as often. I could feel someone staring at me. There was no way it was Andor, for if it had been, I would feel the bond seeping into me, causing tingles all over.

When I run, I imagine Andor with me in my daydreams. Unlike the forest leaves, Andor's hair is black as night, and his eyes are green like the leaves of a tree. I think about how solid, firm, and handsome his pecks are, a part of the eight-pack he wears so well. Having stubble on his chin gives him that bad boy look that you would see on TV. It was indeed delicious to look at Andor, but then all shifters are sexy.

My childhood was filled with hiding and ogling Cadma in all his sexy glory. Cadma's silky white hair seemed to float in the breeze. He had strong arms that made me feel safe and warm when he hugged me. In an instant, I felt compelled to touch his chest because of the hardness and firmness of his six-pack. There was a gem-like blue in Cadma's eyes radiated sapphires complimenting his pale skin and white hair. As I look at Cadma, I am astonished at how strong Andor's' and my mate bond is, like I have never loved Cadma, and Cadma's good looks do not affect me anymore.

Why will Cadma not quit pursuing me? I have told him so many times that we are not and will never be a couple.

Kiera –

"It is because you sent mixed messages to that lizard."

Ashina –

"Why can't you be nice? We have known him since we were six years old. I am not sending mixed messages; I keep telling him we are not a couple!"

Kiera –

"How many times have you hugged Cadma this week?"

Ashina –

"How should I know how many times I have hugged Cadma? Whenever Cadma and I are together, we give each other friendly hugs. My favorite thing about his hugs is how warm they are, like a fireplace on a cold winter's day. The smell of Cadma right now reminds me of home."

Kiera -

"Hugs or any affectionate attention towards Cadma will send the wrong message to him. Ashina, please stop showing even friendly affection to him unless you want it to end badly!"

Ashina -

"All you ever do is nag me. I remember when Cadma and I were little, and I fell and skinned my knee. He lifted me up and carried me into my house. Cadma walked into the bathroom and retrieved a wet washcloth and bandages."

Kiera -

"Do you remember what he told you as he bandaged your knee?"

Ashina -

"Yes, how could I forget? He said that he would marry me when we both grew up and he would always be there to bandage my boo boos. We were just kids, Kiera, which doesn't mean he is pursuing me as his lifelong companion." Astounded by Kiera's statement, slightly perplexed, I asked, "Apart from that, how do you know what he said? I hadn't yet transformed into a wolf when that happened?"

Kiera -

"In spite of the fact that you did not shift into me, I have always been watching over your heart, eyes, and ears. Those are fond memories, but let's not forget the real Cadma. It was this that Cadma let you get bullied for the sake of keeping his popular crowd. His response to their verbal ridicule was neither to join them nor to stop them. He pretended not to notice you until nobody was around, then he began to act like you were his girlfriend. There will be trouble if you don't set Cadma straight. He is a coward and a womanizer."

As I reflected, I realized I couldn't argue with Kiera, it would be like arguing with myself. The same soul connects us. Throughout my life, Kiera has been my best friend, confidant, and adviser. Though she can be overbearing, she loves me, and I love her. It might be that Kiera is right. I haven't set him straight, or maybe I am afraid of losing him and the attention he gives me.


"You better believe I am right! It is about time you noticed!"

Ashina -

"KIERA! That was an emotional moment and you turned it into an "I Told You So" Seriously?"

Kiera -

"I love you too, Ashina, now set that lizard straight!"

Rolling my eyes, I chuckle and don't see where we are going.

Kiera stops suddenly sniffing the air while looking around. "Kiera, what's up?"

"Smell the air, Ashina."

Taking in the shared scents through my wolf, we could smell smoke burning. A campfire maybe?

I scurried through the leaves, trying to get closer to what looked like a campfire. Trying to figure out who was on the pack-land. The moonlight shining through the trees had now made me realize how long I had been running through the woods with my wolf.

There was a smell of putrid blood in the area; the area reeked of death. Under a bush, my wolf lay flat on our belly watching two tall slender men sucking on a couple of humans. In shock, I saw Vampires for the first time, and I was stiff for a moment upon realizing more vampires were joining the two vampires who were feasting. Despite my magical abilities, I was not going to be able to defeat all of them. It was also known that vampires knew magic. When I realized what I was seeing, I sent Rector a mind-link describing it.

Rector -

"Please get out of there! I'll get the Alpha, but you need to get out of there right now!"

"Okay, so what about humans?"

"Ashina, get out NOW!"

Turning and running like the wind, I tried not to make much noise, but vampires are faster than wolves. In the past, I have never been scared; now, I am scared and would fight to the death before I let the blood suckers drink from me.

I snapped and growled as I was grabbed by the scruff of my neck, my hair standing on end. It was the smell of the vampire that caused my stomach to retch everything I had eaten that day.