
The Warrior Mage of Winterfell

After defeating Voldemort, warrior Harry Potter is unexpectedly transported to Winterfell, where he encounters Ned Stark and his companions. Despite initial uncertainties, Ned offers Harry refuge at Winterfell. However, Harry soon discovers that his journey is far from over as he navigates the complexities of life in Westeros and confronts new challenges alongside the Stark family. I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me. Feel free to drop a comment or send me a message with your thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you! If you're passionate about fanfiction and love discussing stories, characters, and plot twists, then you're in the right place! I've created a Discord server dedicated to diving deep into the world of fanfiction, especially my own stories. Whether you're a reader, a writer, or just someone who enjoys a good tale, I welcome you to join us for lively discussions, feedback sessions, and maybe even some sneak peeks into upcoming chapters, along with artwork related to the stories. Let's nerd out together over our favorite fandoms and explore the endless possibilities of storytelling! Click the link below to join the conversation: https://discord.com/invite/HHHwRsB6wd Can't wait to see you there! If you appreciate my work and want to support me, consider buying me a cup of coffee. Your support helps me keep writing and bringing more stories to you. You can do so via PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/VikrantUtekar007 Thank you for your support!

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Chapter 11

As the bride, disguised as Fleur of House Delacour, draped in a maiden's cloak adorned with the sigil of her father's house, is escorted by Jon to the sacred weirwood tree, a sense of anticipation fills the air. The ancient heart tree, its crimson leaves rustling softly in the breeze, stands as a silent witness to the union about to take place.

With each step, the bride's heart pounds with a mixture of excitement and apprehension, her eyes fixed upon the figure of her groom awaiting her beneath the watchful gaze of the godswood. Jon, her steadfast companion, offers her silent reassurance as they approach the sacred site, his presence a source of comfort amidst the swirling emotions that fill her soul.

As they draw near to the weirwood tree, its ancient presence casting a sense of solemnity over the scene, the bride feels a surge of determination coursing through her veins.

As Harry waits beneath the ancient heart tree, its solemn presence casting a sacred aura over the scene, he intones the traditional words of the marriage ceremony. His voice carries with it a sense of reverence and solemnity, echoing through the hallowed space of the godswood.

"Who comes? Who comes before the gods?" he asks, his words a solemn invocation to the divine presence that watches over the sacred rites.

In response, Jon steps forward, his voice steady and resolute as he speaks the words that mark the arrival of the bride.

"Fleur of House Delacour comes here to be wed," Jon declares, his tone carrying a note of solemnity and respect. "A woman grown and flowered, trueborn and noble, she comes to beg the blessings of the gods."

In response to Jon's affirmation of his claim, Harry steps forward, his voice steady and determined as he asserts his right to claim the bride.

"Me, Hadrian of House Peverell, le survivant. I claim her," Harry declares, his words echoing with solemnity and conviction. "Who gives her?"

Jon, in his role as the bride's guardian and well-wisher, steps forward with an air of dignity and respect.

"Jon Snow, Bastard of House Stark, Friend and Well-wisher to the Bride and Groom," Jon affirms, acknowledging his role in the sacred union.

Turning to Dany, Jon poses the question that marks the culmination of the ceremony, seeking her consent to the union.

"Fleur of House Delacour, will you take this man?" Jon asks, his voice gentle yet firm, as he awaits her response, which will seal their bond before the gods.

With a voice filled with conviction and resolve, Dany accepts Harry's claim, declaring, "I take this man."

As they join hands and kneel before the heart tree, a solemn hush falls over the godswood. Bowing their heads in reverence, they offer silent prayers to the old gods, seeking their blessings for the union.

Rising to their feet, Harry takes a moment to remove Dany's maiden's cloak, a symbol of her former life, and replaces it with a cloak bearing the sigil of his house—a red cloak adorned with a golden phoenix. In this gesture, he signifies his commitment to protect and cherish her, welcoming her into his family and his heart.

Amidst the cheers and applause of their assembled friends and family, Harry lifts Dany into his arms, her laughter ringing out like music in the crisp northern air. With each step, he carries her towards the Great Hall, their hearts light with joy and anticipation for the celebration that awaits them. As they pass beneath the canopy of ancient trees, bathed in the golden light of the setting sun, they are surrounded by the warmth and love of those who have become their second family. And in that moment, as they make their way towards their future together, Harry and Dany know that they are bound not only by love, but by the enduring strength of their shared bond, forged in the fires of hardship and adversity.

Harry can't help but notice Theon Greyjoy sulking in the corner, throwing envious gazes his way and lecherous glances at Dany. It reminds Harry of another redhead, Ron Weasley, who sometimes exhibited similar behavior. However, Harry pays little heed to Theon's jealousy, focusing instead on the happiness and love he shares with Dany, knowing that their bond is stronger than any fleeting envy or misplaced desire.

As Harry and Dany sit at the head of the table, surrounded by the Stark family and their household, each Stark member presents them with a gift, a token of their well-wishes and blessings for the newlyweds.

Lord Eddard Stark offers a beautifully crafted castle forged dagger, a symbol of protection and strength, passed down through generations of Starks. Lady Catelyn Stark presents a delicate silver necklace adorned with a sapphire pendant, representing wisdom and loyalty, qualities she hopes will guide the couple in their marriage.

Robb offers a map of the Seven Kingdoms, intricately detailed and marked with important landmarks and routes, a practical gift to aid them in their future endeavors. Sansa presents a book of poetry, filled with verses about love, hope, and resilience, reflecting her wish for the couple's enduring happiness.

Arya gives them a small wooden carving of a direwolf, a symbol of loyalty and bravery, to watch over them and protect them on their journey together. Bran offers a hand-carved wooden toy, a reminder of the innocence and joy of childhood, and a wish for laughter and playfulness in their marriage.

Finally Rickon, the youngest, gives them a handful of acorns.

Each gift is received with gratitude and appreciation, a testament to the bond shared between the Starks and the newlyweds, and a promise of continued support and love as they embark on their life together.

Dany turns to Jon with a playful expression, her eyebrow raised in mock curiosity. "And where is your gift for the newlyweds, Jon?" she asks, a hint of amusement in her voice. "Or are you planning to gift us with your unparalleled charm and wit?"

Jon reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small, carefully wrapped package. With a slightly nervous smile, he hands it to Harry and Dany. "It's not much," he says, "but I hope you like it."

As Harry and Dany unwrap the package, they find a beautifully bound book filled with illustrations of dragons, accompanied by intricate descriptions of their history and lore. Jon explains, "I know how much dragons mean to both of you, so I thought you might enjoy this."

Harry and Dany exchange a look of surprise and gratitude. "Thank you, Jon," Harry says, genuinely touched by the thoughtful gift. "This is perfect."

Dany nods in agreement, her eyes sparkling with appreciation. "Yes, thank you, Jon," she adds, her voice warm with sincerity. "We'll cherish it always."

Harry chuckles as he examines the illustrations in the book. "These creatures may be magnificent," he says, "but they're not true dragons. They're wyverns, with only two legs instead of four. Close, but not quite the same."

Jon, slightly offended by Harry's comment, huffs and retorts, "The Dragonlords of Valyria claimed these to be dragons, so they are dragons."

Harry, with a playful glint in his eye, mutters under his breath about how his experience of outflying a dragon should make him an expert on dragons too. Dany stifles a laugh, finding Harry's remark amusing and endearing.

As the feast winds down, Harry and Dany rise from their seats, announcing that they are retiring for the night. Theon, ever eager to stir up trouble, tries to call for a Bedding Ceremony, but is swiftly silenced by the combined stern gazes of Jon, Robb, and Harry. Recognizing the authority and seriousness in their expressions, Theon wisely chooses to keep his thoughts to himself, and the couple departs for their chambers without further interruption.

Once inside the privacy of their room, Harry, his heart pounding with anticipation, approaches Dany with a gentle smile. "Dany," he begins softly, "would you mind if we remove the glamor?"

Dany meets his gaze, her eyes reflecting a mixture of understanding and affection. "Of course, Harry," she replies with a nod, her fingers delicately reaching for the engagement ring that anchors the enchantment.

With a subtle twist, she slips the ring from her finger, and as she does, the glamor dissipates like morning mist, revealing her true self to Harry. He looks at her with adoration, grateful for the chance to see her as she truly is, without any magical facade.

As they share a tentative kiss, their lips meet with a gentle warmth, igniting a spark of passion between them. In that fleeting moment, time seems to stand still as they lose themselves in the sweetness of their embrace. Their hearts beat as one, each breath a whispered promise of love and devotion.

With a soft sigh, they pull away, their eyes locking in a silent exchange of unspoken emotions. In that shared gaze, they find solace and reassurance, knowing that their love will guide them through whatever challenges lie ahead.

As their lips meet once more, the kiss deepens, fueled by a passion that ignites between them like a flame in the darkness. In that intimate embrace, they lose themselves in the tender caress of each other's lips, their hearts beating in perfect harmony.

With every touch, every brush of their lips against one another, the intensity of their connection grows, binding them together in a bond that transcends time and space. In that moment, nothing else matters except the warmth of their embrace and the sweet taste of their love.

As they surrender to the irresistible pull of desire, their kiss becomes a symphony of longing and longing, a testament to the depth of their love for one another.

With a playful glint in her eyes, Dany whispers to Harry, her voice filled with longing and anticipation, "Take me to bed, mon mari."

The soft morning light filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. The gentle rustle of leaves outside and the distant chirping of birds mingle with the sweet scent of flowers carried on the breeze. As Dany awakens to the new day, memories of last night dance through her mind like flickering candle flames, filling her with a sense of warmth and contentment.

Dany recalls the last moments of bliss, as sleep captured her mind and she drifted off into dreamland. She remembers the warm feeling of Harry's cum running down her ass as it seeped from her wet pussy.

What a wonderful night!

After their love making, they kissed for a long time before drifting off to sleep in each other's arms.

The rays of sunshine warm more then just the air.

Dany looks at Harry laying in bed next to her and felt the familiar tingling between her legs. She studies his form and stares at the bulge she knows to be his flaccid manhood.

Slowly, she runs her hand under the sheet until she feels his soft warm shaft and moans a little when she plays with his balls. Gently, she pushes the sheet aside as she leans over, licking the head. She inhales his erotic scent, feeling the heat radiating from his body.

Pulling her hair back, Dany lifted his cock with her tongue and closed her warm wet mouth around the head. Using all the gentleness she could muster, she slowly sucked all of his flaccid cock into his mouth.

Holding it there, she enjoys the feeling of the thick soft flesh filling her mouth. When she moved her tongue around the head Harry moves a little and moans.

Softly sucking, she soon feels hom start to grow, expanding in her mouth, getting thicker and longer. As Harry grows, she has trouble keeping him between her lips. The slow, wet sucking and tonguing causes Harry to react as expected, his manhood expanding to it's full length. Dany releases her hair, allowing it to flow across his legs like a fan of silver tresses.

Dany rises a little, placing her arms on each side of his body, giving her better access to Harry's now engorged cock. Pushing her head down, taking as much of him as possible and then sliding back to the head. Harry's cock is glistening, covered with warm wet saliva.

She begins a easy slow rhythm of up and down fucking with her mouth. Each down thrust as far as her throat will allow, feeling his hardness hitting the back of her tongue and throat. It doesn't take long before she can taste the precum leaking from his little mouth. She sucks and swallows, knowing he's getting close.

Her pace increases as his hips begin pushing up to meet the wetness encircling him. He moans as his hands reach for jer head. His hands stroke her hair as she continues to suck and fuck his throbbing cock. Harry pushes his hips upwards, while his hands stroked her head.

She can feel the pulsating beat of his heart deep inside her mouth as his cock expands even more. His moans become louder and longer as his swollen cock moves, pulsating deep in her throat.

Dany knows Harry's about to cum when he lets go of her hair and puts his hands on the bed pushing his hips up and holding that position. She moves her lips to the head of his cock, lashing it with her warm tongue as she knows the load will fill her mouth.

His precum flows like a summer stream. She sucks harder and harder, tonguing his slit, feeling him jerk and throb from the onslaught. He pushes his hands down and hold himself suspended while letting out a loud groan of delight and animal passion. "Aaarrrrrrggggg,.....Ohhh mon ange, I'm cumming.....I'm cumming!!"

With that, Harry's cock pulsated one last time as his steamy hot cum blasted from the small hole, hitting the back of Dany's Throat. She swallows and gulps, trying to accommodate his hot steamy cum. Each beat of his heart sends more cum squirting and gushing from his bloated balls. Dany just keeps swallowing blast after blast of his love juice.

Harry stays suspended while the pulsation and quivering continue. His body is hard as steel while your skin is covered with goosebumps. Soon Harry relaxed, lowering his body to the bed. His now empty cock begins wilting, the softening euphoric stutter of passion released.

Dany captures Harry's shriveling cock in her mouth, wanting to hold it as long as possible.

Dany softly sucks and milks Harry's cock with her warm mouth, as his body relaxes. Finally, she feels his heartbeat deep in his cock return to normal, letting you drop from her mouth.

Drained and sated, Harry looks down at Dany.

Dany looks up smiling and say "Bonjour mon coeur. How was your night?"

Harry's eyes light up with affection, "Great, mon ange… but not as wonderful as my morning." He replies, his voice filled with warmth and adoration.

Feeling the pull of his embrace, Dany climbs into his arms, holding him close with, feeling content.

After a soothing bath, Harry and Dany dress for the day ahead, the warmth of the water lingering on their skin as they prepare for breakfast. Dany adjusts her glamor, ensuring that her appearance remains unchanged to those around her.

As they make their way to the dining hall, the anticipation of the day's events fills the air with a sense of excitement and possibility.

As Sansa and Jeyne Poole pull Dany aside to gossip about the events of the previous night, their voices filled with excitement and curiosity, Harry exchanges a knowing smile with Jon, recognizing the familiar scene of girls sharing secrets and tales.

Meanwhile, Lord Stark and Vayon Poole engage in a conversation about the recent events in Winterfell, their voices low and serious as they discuss matters of governance and security. The atmosphere in the dining hall is lively, filled with the chatter and laughter of friends and family coming together to break their fast and start the day anew.

Lady Stark and Maester Luwin engage in a discussion about the preparations needed before the royal party's arrival. They pore over lists and schedules, their voices low but urgent as they finalize plans to ensure everything is in order for the impending visit.

Meanwhile, the bustle of activity in Winterfell continues around them, servants hurrying to and fro, attending to their duties with precision and efficiency. The air is charged with anticipation, as the castle prepares to receive its esteemed guests in a manner befitting their station.

Jon, Robb, and Theon join Harry at the table.

"So," Robb starts, trying to sound nonchalant, "How's married life treating you?"

Robb's question elicits a warm smile from Harry. "Married life is treating me well," he replies, his tone filled with contentment. "It's been nothing short of wonderful, to be honest. Fleur makes every moment feel like an adventure."

Jon chuckles, adding, "That sounds like you, Harry. Always finding adventure, no matter where you are."

Theon chimes in with a smirk, "And here I thought marriage would tame you."

Harry chuckles, giving Theon a playful look. "Oh, you have no idea, Theon," he replies, his tone teasing. "Marriage hasn't tamed me; it's just given me a partner in crime."

Jon, Robb, and Theon exchange amused glances, their expressions a mixture of resignation and fondness as they recall Harry's mischievous antics. They know all too well that having a partner in crime means double the trouble.

Harry finishes his breakfast, and stands up.

"Alright boys! Who's up for a spar?" Harry asks, "Coz I feel like kicking all of your combined arses!"

Jon, Robb, and Theon exchange amused glances at Harry's challenge, knowing full well the prowess he possesses with a sword. With a shared grin, they accept his challenge, eager for the opportunity to test their skills against his. After all, Harry's reputation as a formidable swordsman is well known throughout Winterfell, drawing comparisons to the legendary Ser Arthur Dayne himself.

Arya's enthusiastic voice rings out, expressing her desire to join the spar, followed by Bran's. However, Lady Stark firmly refuses, citing the teachings of the Seven, which forbid women from fighting as it's considered unladylike. Despite their protests, Lady Stark's decision stands, and Arya and Bran reluctantly accept her ruling, though they do so with a tinge of disappointment.

Dany speaks up, addressing Harry with a playful smile. "You know, it's been a while since I've sparred," she admits, her tone light. "I might be a bit rusty, but I could definitely use the exercise." Her eyes sparkle with anticipation as she awaits Harry's response.

Sansa looks at Dany with surprise, her brow furrowing in confusion. "You fight?" she asks, her tone tinged with curiosity. "I didn't know that."

Dany smiles at Sansa's surprise, nodding gently. "Yes, I've had some training in combat," she explains. "Back in our lands, Harry taught me. Besides, I've always been drawn to the thrill of the fight."

Sansa's surprise turns to intrigue as she listens to Dany's explanation. "Harry taught you?" she repeats, her eyes widening slightly. "I knew he was a skilled fighter himself. It's impressive that you've both had training. But, Septa Mordane and Mother say that women shouldn't fight, as it's unladylike."

Harry interjects, his voice calm yet firm. "Sansa, you once told me what Septa Mordane says about all Knights being honorable," he reminds her gently. "But tell me, do you find Ser Gregor Clegane to be honorable?"

Harry's question leaves Sansa stunned, her expression clouded with realization as she recalls the horrors attributed to Ser Gregor Clegane, known as "The Mountain." She nods slowly, understanding dawning in her eyes as she comprehends the complexity of honor beyond mere titles and appearances.

Harry's words carry a weight of truth as he addresses Sansa, his gaze unwavering. "Not all Knights are honorable, Sansa," he begins, his tone measured yet firm. "And not all Bastards are dishonorable." He casts a meaningful glance towards Lady Stark, whose stiff demeanor betrays her discomfort at the mention of Jon's status.

"Similarly," Harry continues, his voice softening with empathy, "all women are different. It's wrong to restrict one's heart's desires just because it's considered 'unladylike'." His words resonate in the air, challenging the traditional norms and expectations that have shaped the lives of women in Westeros for generations.

As Harry's words linger in the air, a sense of contemplation settles over the group. Sansa, though initially taken aback, seems to ponder his words with a newfound perspective. Lady Stark's expression remains guarded, but there's a hint of recognition in her eyes.

The tension dissipates as the moment passes, and the group returns to their breakfast with a renewed sense of camaraderie. Harry's words have sparked a thoughtful conversation, opening the door to a deeper understanding of each other's perspectives.


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