
The Warrens: A RWBY Fanfiction

While the Schnee Dust Company is known for its production of dust, the Warren Weapon Dynasty (WWD) takes that dust and manipulates it for various weapon production. The Warrens are so successful in the business front, due to their charismatic/laissez-faire way of conducting business, that they have spread their wings into other ventures; such as clothing lines, technological advancement, faunas rights, and even creating blueprints for future Huntsman-in training to craft their weapons. Although with their endless wealth, this does not mean one of the members of the family, the heir, does not want to do something new (:

Daoist2DPLMq · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Leaving Atlas?

While the owners of the Warren Dynasty were off mugging it with the rich of Atlas, the Warren Siblings were focused on more pressing matters: Call of Atlas-Modern Vanguard 30 (yes, there have been 30 iterations of this game (: )

"He's on me! He's on me!" Jabari, who had a gauge wrapped around his head, would shout as he mashed away on his controller, attempting to evade an enemy squad chasing after him. "Bruh! Where is my team!" 

Malachi, who was on the other side of the map, would open his mini-map before sucking his teeth.

"Sorry, man, but that is why I told you to land at Shipwreck, but no, you wanna go loot camp a random squad!" Malachi would say with a shake of his head. "You are on your own."

Jasmine, who was busy testing out various aim-bots, lag-switching, and bugs, had her mic on mute.

"BRUH! You are all selling right now! And I mean black market selling! Where's the love?!" Jabari would shout as he quickly turned to fire his weapon, but would instantly have his shield destroyed. 


Suddenly Nasir, whose character was closely following the squad from the rear, would throw flash grenades at them, disorienting them temporarily. Nasir would then use his radar ability to get a good idea of where the enemy is before 360 no-scoping two of them with his sniper rifle and taking out the other two with his SMG.

"Ayo Jabs! How can I leave Atlas and you are still ass at this game! You a'int him, son!"

"Brooooo! Why you on me?! I could've seriously taken them if I had more ammo and you know it!"

"Jit, you gotta stop capping for real for real. If I didn't show up, you would've been dead!"

Malachi would smirk as he took out a solo player, while listening to his brothers argue over the voice channel. Elijah, who shares a room with Malachi and was wearing an arm cast, was playing Alden Ring when he suddenly got a ding on his tablet. He would find a safe spot in the game to take the message before briefly going over the message. His face would become one of confusion as he looked up at Malachi.

"Yo Malachi, someone is here to see you." Elijah would say as Malachi turned in his chair. 

"Know who?"

"Dunno, but the guards said that your parents gave him special permission to come and talk to you. Whatever it is, I recommend you go pay our special friend a visit."

"....Can't you go? We can't really pause a battle royale."

"Nah man, you just ran out of your 'get out of jail' free card, go talk to the man."

Malachi would sigh before taking off his headsets.

"You know, sometimes I wonder why dad just didn't let you become the heir."

"Because, somebody has to make sure you actually do something with your life." Elijah would say with a smirk as a pillow was thrown at his head. "Anyway, the day to day operations are alot more fun then the long term stuff you gotta deal with. Now, don't keep the man waiting."

Malachi would groan as he exited the room and made his way towards the visiting meeting room. The hallways were relatively empty, with the night shift consisting of mostly security guards, Medical Professionals, and chefs to tend to the needs of the Warrens. Malachi would approach the door leading into the visiting room as he let out a sigh.

"Please let it be something minor." He would mutter as he pressed a button that will cause the doors to open up, revealing the man of the hour: Headmaster Ozpin.

"You must be Mr Warren." The silver-haired man will say as he rose from his seat, extending a hand out to Malachi as he shook it.

"Depends on who is asking, sir."

"One of formalities I see, I am Headmaster Ozpin of Beacon Academy. I believe you are acquainted with one of our potential students: Ms Schnee." Ozpin would say as Malachi sat beside him. "I come with an offer."

"An offer? Well, I am not exactly sure what the Warren Weapon Dynasty can provide one of the best schools to teach ambitious 17 year olds+ how to swing comically large weapons around." Malachi would respond as he adjusted his golden glasses. "But I am willing to hear what you have to say."

"You seem like a straight-forward guy, so I'll do the same. I wish for you to come to my school and be trained to become a Huntsman. I understand that you may not have the same combat abilities as Weiss Schnee, but I believe that you have something far greater than what this current pool of first years have." Ozpin would say as he took a sip from his hot coffee.

"What makes me so special, Headmaster?" Malachi would ask as Ozpin shrugged.

"I do not know, but I would like for you to take a chance on me, and join me in proving if I am either wrong or right. And this could only be done through becoming a student at my academy."

Malachi would think about this for a moment, while he understands that Ozpin could simply be using word-play to inflate his ego, his tone seems genuine to a certain degree. Ozpin would smile as he rose from his seat.

"I better get back to the Schnee's party before they realize that I am missing, but I want you to think about it."

"Yeah I will uh....talk to ya." Malachi would say as he shook Ozpin's hand before watching the silver haired teacher walk out of the room.

The heir would push his hair back.

"Elijah is so not going to like this."