

legendary knights calling themselves warden and talisments their mission is to protect the universe from corruption from the darkest side of the universe a new evil is rising and war is yet to come

TheTactical · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

( chapter 3 P1 ) planet Alexandarina

After the ship took off they moved to the fallen kingdom to see what's left , they hopped to find survivors but they were disappointed , they saw what any man cant handle to see , an entire kingdom was destroyed and burned to the ground , nothing left from what was once a great kingdom

than they left the planet , in space behind mars they joined with the fleet , there was 2 massive battleships , 4 destroyer and many patrols and transport ships coming in and out

the ship was consider to be a high ranked scouts ship so they reached the battleship and went inside as the doors open they got in ...

inside the battleship is complicated from the doors there is a small maze in this maze there is a defensive towers in each corner and in each step there is a trap , the pilots use special map for this maze , from the outside the battleship had 3 massive cannons in each side , the cannon had 4 holes and 20 small anti air in the top , the battleship shaped like a star

the battleship design is for offense and defense , it can carry around 500 thousand transport and fighters from all sizes , the battleship size was bigger than the normal moon

when the ship got the docks the soldier said its not gonna be a good news for him

the pilot assistant "puts his hands to his shoulder" respond cheerfully everything gonna be fine like you said this is a beginning for a great Era nothing to worry about

the soldier respond with sadness and worry don't you got it my friend .... this is too early ... way too early "he looks at the kids" this might be a great era yes but it will have a great tragedy as well ... don't be so hyped about this sooner or later we all gonna regret this

the soldier was worry and scared because the prophecy says that only an Alexandrian rules the planet of Alexandarina and from the existence of planet Alexandarina , and every ruler was from the alexander legacy ruled the planet it didnt end well neither for him nor for his people

every ruler comes with him a great times flows with justice and peace and with great tragedy and wars

the pilot was arrogant about this and he left the soldier alone as he saw him sad and worry , after what if feels like hours the crew left the ship as soon as the doors open

the mechanical engineer welcomed them he saw the bag and asked what's inside that bag scouter

the soldier said our future

than they walked away to the hallway and the mechanical was confused about what he heard he said loud what future scout boy ?

the scouts kept going and when they reached the hallway their only objective is to get the bag to the captain , as everyone who is walking and working watched them holding the bag their faces were sad

when the scout reached the HQ room the captain "the Matodar vergshtien" was on one of the operator telling them about the area they were going to as he was about to finish talking he saw the Scouters with sadness in their faces

he left the operator to his work and walked towards the scouters when he reached them , he said with confusion for a scout mission you did came too early ...

the soldiers start looking to each other and one of the soldier said captain we got something for you

the matodar vergshtien said something for me ?? "he saw the bag" what's in the bag ?

the soldiers said with hesitation can we speak alone in the speech room.... captain

vergshtien start to get worry with the mysteries of the soldiers , he accepted and said go I will be there in 10 minutes

they left the room as for vergshtien he told one of the operators to send 3 squad of scanners to earth before they leave

than the matodar vergshtien left the room as he was going to the speech room

one of the hallway soldiers said captain those scout squad seems a little off since they came here they said they got a special data to give you

Vergshtien said what kind of data soldier ?

as the soldier said with low voice our future ...!!

vergshtien stared at him as he knew what the soldier meant by future he got worry and rushed to the speech room as the other soldiers saw him walking fast they knew something was off

the captain reached the speech room as he stared at them with worry and sharp eyes the soldiers said here "he gave them the bag" our new era .... captain

he took that bag with hesitation he opened it as he saw 3 children sleeping he knew who they were and said too early .... it is too early

he kept looking at them with sadness as he asked the other soldiers what happened down there

the soldiers gave him a pocket of pictures he opened it only to see the birth of alexandarina legacy have become ruins

vergshtien start tearing up as he said with sadness and anger where were we when they needed us ... WHERE !!!!!! "he slammed the table"

the soldiers were surprised from vergshtien as they felt agony was inside him

he looked at the soldiers and said down there did you see anyone else ..... ANYTHING !!!!

the soldiers said with hesitation yes .... our scanners squad you sent early had detect 7 thousand signals around the kingdom but none of them belong to the original owner

vergshtien knew that there is still some of the invaders there as he left the room going to the HQ room , his face full with anger and agony , he reached there told the operator to open all the speakers around the fleet

vershtien said with anger through the speaker to the unit 44 prepare yourself you got special mission

in the dorms of unit 44 when they heard this they start preparing themselves as fast as they can , under 10 minutes they lined up in the docks ready for the mission

the matodar vergshtien came to the docks as he stood in front the unit and said this mission isn't a rescue mission .... your mission is to eliminate these targets " he showed them the signals"

the soldiers looked to the signals and they start writing them to their journals when they finished they packed it up

vergshtien said with agony in his voice bring 5 of them Alive , its not included to the mission .... this is a personal request

the soldiers said yes sir

they left the line going to the transport ship , 5 minutes the unit was ready to move on the matodar gave them the green light and as fast as they saw the green light they took off on hurry

around 2 thousand ship left the battleship going to earth as another 5 thousand fighters were following them to make sure the transporters to be safe , protecting them from any danger , as soon as they reached earth atmosphere the fighters scattered leaving the transport ship on earth

before the transport ship reached the ground The ones who remained in the kingdom saw the transport ship they were terrified one of them left to warn the other

stranger reached while taking his breath hard said with terrified voice we got company ..... sir they are here ..

whoever their leader was he knew who were coming after them he knew there is no escape but death So he orderd the soldiers to fight till the end , its either holding the line or die trying , both ways they gonna face their terrible fate

at the moment the transport ship touched the ground the doors opend and the soldiers start running towards the kingdom ruins as the leader of that unit were ordering the unit to surround the kingdom ....

the strangers were inside the kingdom so the leader plan was to surround the kingdom and attack from 4 directions , unit 44 numbers were in total around 700 thousand active member , only 150 thousand reached earth

they were equipped with heavy weapons , blasters and iron guards the iron guards are big machine equipped with defensive gear , the unit mission is for assassination , securing and eliminating targets with small to medium size

the strangers didnt see any other holding position but inside the ruins because the building were completely destroyed so there wasn't enough buildings to take cover and for the outside its wide open to fight there so they got no choice

unit 44 have located all the strangers position they start the attack by striking their holding points using rocket barrage the sky start raining missiles as the strangers kept holding their lines , after 5 waves of rocket barrage they moved in the first unit encountered the strangers and the shooting has started

the strangers used machine blaster and heavy gun to the unit , after they used their entire ammunition they start reloading while they were reloading they saw 26 big guys with big armors they lined up and used their light shield together they made a shield wall , they start moving slowly while the foot soliders start shooting them from the backlines using heavy guns and blasters

the strangers took cover to the ruins , they took a lot of casualtieswhile unit 44 didnt lose a single soldier yet , when they finished reloading the guns they put them in the windows and start shooting back

while they were shooting the shield guys used some devise making another shields while moving slowly , they throw the small devise and pulled their heavy blasters they shoot every one of them

as they realized that this was the last of the strangers unit , the rest were killed in the rocket barrage due the accurate information about their position

in under 20 minutes unit 44 eliminated all the strangers leaving only 5 Alive as vergshtien requested , unit 44 didnt take any casualties from the assault , as one of their soldiers saw their flag they knew who they were against he took the flag to the transport ship , most of the unit start leaving the world

as the rest of unit 44 stayed to look for survivors yet sadly they found none , they searched the forest and they saw the unbelievable a massacre happened there and all those who died their heads was on spears their body however they lined them up in front the tree while their hearts on top of their necks without legs nor hands

they took a picture of that and left with the rest of unit 44

when they reached the battleship the matodar vergshtien was standing in the middle of the docks waiting , when they pulled the prisoners he looked at one of them he saw their flag unit and spit on his face

vergshtien said take these pigs to the farm

the soldiers took them to the prison as one of the operators walked towards vergshtien and said what next captain

he looked at her and said home Lieutenant to home

he felt something bad gonna happen thats why he looked sad as the time for new ruler was early than expected yet he was honored to be there serving the good side for once

he looked at the docks doors closing than he left to the HQ room , the battleship launched a devise to the space when the device was in place the battleship cannon shot it , it opens a portal the entire fleet goes through that portal when the last ship left the solar system the portal automatically closed , their destination is planet Alexandarina

( chapter 3 P1 ) planet Alexandarina

( chapter 3 P2 ) planet Alexandarina

I hope you enjoyed reading part 1 from chapter 3 , instead of making long chapters I made more than one