
The first battle

Inside this new world a convoy of military vehicles are on their way towards a forest. In one of the armored cars sat a particular man, his name is Andrew Hensley. He is the commander of this operation. Andrew was looking outside of the car with his green eyes, the sun was shining on his brown hair. Andrew was a very masculin guy because of the training he went through when he was just a trainee.

But right now that same musculine guy was looking outside as he was a child, he couldn't still believe that right now he was in another world. Even if he became a little bit more accustomed to it now, it still made him excited when he thought about so many new things that he will experience here. It was his dream as a child to travel to different worlds and right now he actually achieved his dreams.

"When will we arrive?" Andrew asked the driver.

"It is estimated that we will arrive in about 40 minutes" The driver answered.

"Alright hand me over the map, I will go over the plan one more time." He ordered the man sitting beside him.

The man quickly opened his backpack and got the map and then handed it over to Andrew. The map that Andrew was using now was made when Andrew and the Shadow guards was doing a reconnaissance mission. They used drones to map out some of the terrains. In the military information about the terrain was very crucial. This map showed the forest where the unknown army was traveling across. Andrew got the map and started to look over it. The plan was to ambush the unknown army when they were using the road leading to the portal. He divided his 300 guards into 4 groups. The first and the second groups were going to hide themselves inside the forest. These will mostly be infantry and will have 100 infantry each. The third and the fourth group will be made by the armored vehicles and will have 50 soldiers. Because they have the protection of armored cars they were assigned less soldiers but they were far more dangerous than the first and the second group. The third group will block the way and the fourth group will appear behind the enemy army so that they will be trapped. If this army functions as the medieval armies on earth then their morale will plummet and most likely will surrender after some of their men die. While the enemy army is being trapped the snipers which will be hidden inside the forest will cripple the chain of command by killing the high ranking military officers inside the army.

"Captain, captain!" The guard who sat beside him was trying to get his attention by waving his hands in front of Andrew's face but he couldn't because Andrew was so focused on going over the plan, so he had to grab Andrew's arms and shake him. Just then did Andrew realize that he had dazed off.

"What is it?" Andrew said but one could really hear from his tone that he was irritated. The guards who did this flinched but then quickly gathered himself and proceeded to ask his question.

"Why don't we try negotiating with them or talking to them? Why are we killing them right off the bat?" The guard asked but Andrew could see that all of the people inside the car were actually curious about this, and not just in this car but all of the soldiers were curious about why the higher ups weren't using the path of diplomacy to make new contacts in this world. If they made some friends in this world then they could get some valuable information about the geography and other things. But because they were disciplined they didn't object and just carried on with their tasks the best they could.

"Well right now we only have 800 guards. If we try to negotiate then we will reveal ourselves to the powers of this world. Just with 800 guards we can't do anything if they send a really big army to deal with us, and right now we don't have any supply line and the base's fortifications aren't finished either. Basically our foot hold in this world isn't so strong and we can be chased out. So we aren't ready for a large-scale battle or even worse war. So chairman and all of the high ranking personal doesn't want to take any risk's. Right now we don't have the luxury of diplomacy but in the future when we are ready to reveal ourselves then that will be an option."

"Then why don't we just ignore them and just hide ourselves?" The driver asked a question this time.

"If we do that then they will most probably find the portal because this road will lead to where the portal is located, and if they find the portal then again there is a risk that a large army will come to investigate or even worse attack our world. Right now we don't know the total military might, population or the economy of this world so we can't take that risk."

Everyone inside the car made an 'ahhhhh' sound and then realized that this made sense. Just when everyone calmed down the driver of the armored car said that they arrived at the destination.

"Alright then, let us prepare for the upcoming battle everyone." Andrew said.

Then everyone got out of the car and started doing the preparations. After some time everyone was finished and they took their position. The first and the second group was waiting inside the forest and these two groups was mostly made out of infantry, the third group was waiting on the road and the fourth group was waiting far from here, to both inform the first, second and the third group when the enemy army has appeared, that is the first reason. As for the second reason it was because they have to be behind the enemy to trap them, so they will not attack the enemy when they see them and will just wait for them to travel forward.

"Captain the fourth group is informing us that the enemy will be here in about 5 minutes." The guard beside Andrew told him.

"Okay everyone, be ready and check that everything is ready." He told the soldiers waiting in ambush.

After 5 minutes Andrew could see the army in question in sight. At the front there were 30 people and one of them was in the middle of everyone. They are most likely the commanders and the high ranking officers of this army. The guy in the middle who is probably the commander looked like a mix of wolf and human. His head had similarities with a wolfs and he had fur all over his body. But he had the body form of a human, he had 2 legs and 2 arms and he unlike wolves could actually walk. It wasn't that Andrew saw him walk because all of the commanders and the wolf looking guy rode horses but he could guess that he can walk from his body shape. Andrew could see that the army behind the wolf guy was also in a way unique. They were also like the wolf guy. They had the body shape of humans but some parts of their bodies resembled some animals.

The army itself was actually disciplined which actually made Andrew shocked. That was because the soldiers didn't have good equipment so he thought that they didn't get good training, but he was proved wrong when the soldiers marched in a disciplined way. The army used some sort of metal shield and spears as their main weapon, but they also had swords hanging on their waist. But their armor wasn't complete; they just had leather armor to protect their body and head. They didn't have any sort of protection on their arms or legs. So Andrew pitied them because their armor will not protect them against the might of the bullets which his soldiers used.

"Everyone on my mark we will commence the battle. I will tell you again, try to leave some magicians alive but if you see them trying to use magic immediately kill them, this is an order from the chairman, we have to bring them back alive." He told everyone through his radio.

"Roger" The captains of the other groups responded back.

He first waited until the army was right in front of the third group. Then when the enemy army stopped their march because they were confused about the metallic giant in front of them and while they were focused to the front most of the army didn't realize that a couple more of the same metallic giant appeared behind them. Andrew took his radio again.

"3, 2, 1… fire at will!!" He gave out the order through the radio to the various groups and right at that moment one could hear the sound of many weapons firing. Andrew could see the blood spilling as every bullet killed one of the enemy soldiers.

Then after some time he heard snipers shoot in the blink of an eye some of the officers and some of the magicians who were going to use magic died instantly. but out of all these the most devastating and powerful was the armored vehicles in front and at the rear of the army.

When the enemy army saw just how fast their men were dying they all lost their morale to fight. Even if they were disciplined in front of an enemy which killed you almost instantly without you even seeing how they couldn't stand much either. Soon enough the remaining army surrendered even the officers joined the soldiers when they all put down their weapons and raised both of their hands high to show that they surrendered. Soon the whole army surrendered and they waited for the enemy soldiers to come and take them as prisoners.

"Stop firing, the battle is over." Andrew told his soldiers.

The majority of the enemy army died in this battle. About 20% of the 3300 soldiers were left, and thus the first battle between the two worlds was decided and it was earth who won this time.

Hello everyone!

I apologise for not posting anything for a long time, but we had a national exam in math and then all of the other exams which I had to practice so I didn't really have time. So thank you all for your patience.

But in the mean time I actually read other ligh novels and webnovells to get a better grasp to how to write one. In my humble opinion this chapter became much better than others and I hope that you will enjoy reading it.

Lastly if you find some eror or gramatical mistakes then just comment it I will try to fix it., and that's all, I hope you will have a wonderfull day.

Ready2die_678creators' thoughts