
the war goddess

this book is about the reincarnation of the war goddess "discover yourself ,the world won't see you till you show them who you are" the voice ,the words kept hovering round her head ,feeling dizzy she closed her eyes preparing herself for the worst " Ava " ruby ran towards her ,her smiley face radiated ,her hair was packed in a tight bun ,her white robe with red lining danced as the wind blew calmly am I dead ??? where am I ?? is the war over?? aleksis thought trying to remember what led her here she remembered saving bella and Sam was killed by the best guard demons m..mohana!! she screamed and sat up straight Ruby paused and narrowed her eyes on the shocked girl . " take me home ,I ..want to save my friend" aleksis shouted at Ruby .... ....... the six goddess waited for centuries for the prophesied seventh great warrior to be born the wait was finally over ,Ava was born on the day of blood full moon ,her silver hair and eyes made her outstanding in all the spirit realm she was more powerful than all the realms put forth together during this period the four clans on earth became reckless with their powers ,they subjected the humans to slavery wanting to test the abilities of the new warrior ,Ava was sent to earth to curb the excessive powers of the clans the clans foreseen the intentions of the moon,they came together in order to kill the war goddess fate decided to play its tunes in a twisted way, will Ava be able to defeat the clans ?? will fate play in the favour of the goddess??

sayykim · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

chopped on the couch

aleksis hailed down a taxi

" to Hailey estate "

she told the driver and he gave a nod ,aleksis rested her head on the chair and closed her eyes

she felt dizzy and nauseous ' am I really selfish' she couldn't help but ask herself ,a part of her knew what mohana said was right and the other part of her kept telling her not to overthink the bullshit the mad woman sprouted out of her mouth

what has the world ever done for her ?? her parents were snatched away from her ,people bullied her for no good reason ,so why should she care about them ?? her mind went back to the words mohana said in the office and she felt her eyes becoming wet ,wet with tears ,

" have this ma'am "she slowly opened her eyes ,her sight was a bit blur maybe because of the tears,the driver man handed her a handkerchief

" wipe your tears " his voice sounded calm and gentle ,aleksis looked at the white handkerchief and looked at the man ,he smiled at her

she have the ability to sense dark energy and she sensed this man didn't have any ill intentions against her instead his energy flowed calmly

she took the handkerchief and wiped the tears flowing down her cheek she suddenly have the urge to cry and tell this man all her pains ,his presence gave her a kind of security .maybe she is just being a bit emotional and lonely

" it is good to cry but remember not to get drowned in your sorrows ,cry in the night and wake up strong in the morning "aleksis narrowed her eyes at him , he had a weird accent underlay his English no matter how much she tried she couldn't place her hands on it .

" if someone hurt you and come to you another day asking for your help " she paused and look out of the window " would you help him??"she asked

" of course ,why won't I help him??to err is human but to forgive is divine if I reject helping him ,tell me how am I different from him??" he answered swiftly ' maybe he is just too kind ' aleksis thought and sigh

" two wrong doesn't make a right ,the world may have hurt you because they don't know your worth it is now left for you to show them who you are ,the real and brave you"

' but who am I exactly' aleksis inwardly said painfully

" who are you ?? only you can have answers to that question" aleksis was startled ,how did he know what she was thinking?? she stared at the man for a very long time

" we are here" he announced

she was about stepping out of his car when she heard his calm voice again

" we can all live in a world that we desire ,show them what you can do " she looked at the man briefly before paying him his fees and he sped off ,she watched his car disappear out of sight

" ohh heavens" she sighed and walked into her house

" Bella " she called as she changed into a comfy slippers

"Bel.. " on getting to the living room she was greeted with a hot sex scene ,aleksis halted as she saw Bella getting chopped in an awkward position on the couch

" Bella !!" she screamed ,she couldn't believe what her eyes saw,

Bella pushed the man off her body and stood up quickly " a..aleksis ?"

aleksis stormed off to her bedroom and closed the door with a loud thud

" baby ,who is she?" the half naked man asked ,he leaned in to kiss Bella but was pushed back and dragged to her room