
The War God Reincarnation

A player who persevered to reach the middle just to be bought down again, In a world where Vr games ruled the world, God's Fantasy Online Made its way to the world Our MC Mark who died because of an accident saving a girl had been bought back to the past. Clenched your fist and steel your heart, this one will bring you to World of Gods. ================================ Im still thinking on what to put here Check out my other Work Emperor of Arts

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The Favored One has Come!

One day on Asgard, Odin was having a celebration with his family, the people were also celebrating as the heir of the Asgard was born, but just then, a being appeared in the borders of Asgard, Heimdall who was the guardian was killed, and the people were also massacred, Odin who was now facing the man who attacked their peaceful life, Kugelscreiber!

One of the Dark emperors of Void, the one who destroyed countless worlds and realms, Odin was lucky enough to run away from him and seek help from the other supreme gods which helped him to drive the monsters, but Alas Odin family was killed, even his newborn son was not spared, his resentment grew over the past year, promised himself to take revenge.

"Haha!" An evil laugh came from the void, it sounded like roaring thunder,

Odin focused his eyes on the Blackhole and a figure came out, he had black hair and eyes were pure black, it was literally a demon eye, "You!" Odin said as his power rose up!

"Kugelschreiber, I shall take my revenge!" Odin roared, K only sneered at him and raised his hands, a small black hole formed in his hands and he threw it to Odin (A/N: I don't know why I named him that, ill call him K for now if you want to know the meaning google, is open ^_^)

Odin's hands lighted up and he blocked the small black hole with it, he was sent a few meters back before stopping "Revenge? haha, you are too weak, Odin" K provoked, Odin greeted his teeth and charged at him, he raised his hands and a huge hammer appeared behind him, he swung it at K which was very powerful.

K didn't panic and only raised his arm, A big hole appeared in front of him and swallowed the gigantic hammer, Odin wasn't done, he again raised his hands and a spear appeared on his hands, he threw it at K which created a loud boom, it was like a meteor strike, K flicked his hands and a dark spear appeared in his hands, he threw it clashing with the spear Odin threw.


A loud explosion was created as the two spears clashed, their strength was almost the same, Odin was a supreme God but he was only on par with K, Odin can't get close to him because of the Intermediate-mass black hole, even though Odin was strong, against a being like the black hole he was too weak, K was not affected because he had learned the law of void.

Even though K had learned how to use Law of Void, he was only an ant in front of existence like the black hole, he could only use the laws to protect himself from the Black hole.

"Haha too weak!" K laughed

Suddenly black shackles appeared and enveloped Odin, it didn't take long before Odin was immobilized "Your Kin's are too weak" K whispered into Odin's ears, Odin closed his eyes and then started laughing and then he said.

You may burn my home...

You may break my bones...

You may whip my flesh until it weeps blood...

You may take my love...

You may take my flag...

You may take my freedom...

You may take our identity and make us all slaves...

You may crush my people under an iron boot...

You may tell my children they are your slaves...

You may tell my countrymen their history was wrong...

You may tell me I will kneel to you...

You may leave me with no country I can call 'home'...

You may cause endless pain and suffering..."

"You will think us beaten..."

"...but remember this: You will never take my will to fight.

You will never blind everyone to your barbarism.

You cannot enslave us forever.

You cannot keep the fires of liberation from burning.

You beat us harder..."

"...and we rise taller."

"You try to weaken us..."

"...and you give us the strength to fight you another day."

"You say darkness reign forever..."

"...but even the darkest night must give way to the brightest day


A loud explosion suddenly came from behind them, K turned his head around and there he saw, Mark who had fainted earlier had woken up, his body was glowing and immense power was exuding from his body, Enigma who was tending him became happy, suddenly a rubic cube flew out, which was the God's Arsenal, golden words came out.

To know victory, one must know defeat

To know happiness, one must know despair

To know light, one must know dark

To know strength, one must know weakness

To know life, one must know death

Never give up, for to know success you must know failure. You will fall but it is how you rise that is important, a great man will rise immediately and push forward, a regular man will hesitate but will rise eventually, and those that fail will remain, never to rise again. Should you be held down in a struggle! Never allow someone to decide if you will rise once more or not, that is your decision alone, but keep moving forward, sprint, run, walk, a single step, a single finger! It does not matter by how much, all that matters is that you stare, unblinkingly, at the horizon for that is where everything ends and where it all begins!

Then it the golden words started surging into Mark's forehead, K felt a huge threat coming from him, he was about to charge when suddenly Odin appeared in front of him, Odin used his palm and pushed away K for a few meters, Odin then turned his head to Mark, he then said this.

"The time has come. The creators are on our side, and they have made their will known. Send forth the ravens, and let every House great and small, all people from the highest liege to the lowliest peasant know, that from this day forth there would be one King!,"

Mark slowly opened his eyes and Golden rays came out of it, he started levitating and Golden aura came out of his body.

"Fun facts - Cliffhanger?"

So..... I was kinda high...

Love ya all peace <3

LordMarkcreators' thoughts