
The Wandering Swordsman Of Multiverse

Kai, a Cruel and Sophisticated guy, after dying, wakes up in the forsaken world of Kabenari Fortress, with nothing but a panel, and one particularly unique skill, So, he starts his journey across the different dimensions while discovering his other emotions while slashing everything he deems useless...... _________________________________________________________________ Notes- * I don't own shit, just my OC (Pic In The Comments) * I will try to post at least 1-2 chapters in one week. (but they will be bigger than 2 chapters) * Suggestions are welcomed but it will be my choice if I want to implement them or not. * If U Want To Show Support or Read More Chapters Ahead of Webnovel on My Patreon -- patreon.com/RONIN_AROY

RONIN_AROY · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

Wake up


"So I finally died... huh?"

It was the first thing that came to my mind when I was introduced to this endless darkness, extending to no end. There was nothing I could see, feel, or sense all around me. Like I was inside my dream but conscious enough to make a difference.

Suddenly, light comes from a point and spreads around lighting up everything around me, as I opened my eyes,

"What is this place?!"

Kai looked at the burning city in front of him with a look of surprise, and his head felt that he couldn't react, so he stared at the city blankly.

Standing on the tall city wall, looking around, the city is facing extinction. Countless houses under the city wall have collapsed, and several stumbled people are wandering back and forth aimlessly.

No, that can't be called a person. The chests of these guys exuded a conspicuous red light in the night, and the main blood vessels connected to the heart were also glowing.

"This thing is definitely not human..."

Ordinary people don't walk like that, not to mention that the strange red light of the heart is not something that people have.

Forced himself to calm down, and took a closer look, he found that the city below which was blazing in flames was full of similar monsters, and there were also many human corpses.

—This is… war? ?

"Could it be that there was a war while I died? Chemicals were used... no, it should be... bioweapons? Are these people the legendary transformants?"

...is this a big joke?

No matter how you think about it, it is impossible. The environment here is obviously not like the city where he is located. These buildings are obviously not the same style as his previous city buildings, and they are all relatively old.

Most importantly, what the heck is the city wall under his feet? I have never heard that there is a city wall near the city he is in!

Could it be that... I crossed to a world facing doomsday.

His head was in a mess, and he couldn't make correct thinking at all. In the end, Kai wisely gave up thinking about this issue because thinking about it now is useless and doesn't help the status quo at all.

It's better to find a way to get out of here first, and it's not too late to find a place to think about this issue later.

Just thinking about the way to leave, Kai suddenly saw a body on the ground next to him, um... Is it a real corpse?

"Uh... Is this Really, a corpse??"


He hurriedly stepped back two steps to keep a certain distance between himself and the corpse. He calmed down and found that the heart of the body had been blown up. It seems that the fatal injury should be done in the heart.

But this is not important, the important thing is that there seems to be something beside the corpse in ancient costume that is attracting him.

A knife, an ordinary katana sword, it was the knife that was attracting his attention, and his instinct seemed to be craving it.

(just take knife and sword as same)

After hesitating for a while, he walked over cautiously and reached out for the samurai sword, not only because of the strange attraction, but most importantly because of the current situation, he desperately needed something that could protect himself, and this sword, was naturally the best option nearby.

He gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and with his eyes half closed, he untied the samurai sword from the body of the deceased and brought it with the scabbard. Fortunately, the sword was not stained with the blood of the deceased.

After getting the knife, Kai felt that what he instinctively longed for was not the knife itself, but the existence of the knife, as if he was complete with the knife in his hand.

In other words, what matters is not the knife itself, but the existence of the knife.

Just as he drew the knife out of its sheath and stared at the knife, suddenly, a man's voice came from the side.

"Boy! If you don't want to die, run away with me!"

Looking up suspiciously, an uncle on the city wall in the distance was beckoning him to come over quickly.

It was an uncle who was wearing armor similar to the dead man on the ground. He hesitated for a while and glanced at the monsters who hadn't found them under the city wall, but they were still wandering.

When he ran over there, the uncle just took a second look at the knife in Kai's hand and asked Kai to follow him.

They didn't have any conversations along the way, the uncle didn't speak, and Kai had too many questions, so he didn't know where to start.

The light-handed two people tried their best not to make a sound. While avoiding the monster, they watched the waist sneaking forward. About ten minutes later, Kai saw a train. To be precise, it was a train that was thickly armored like a fortress.

In front of the train, there are several people dressed like the uncle beside them, who are using steam guns to attack the approaching monsters, buying time for the last group of people dressed in ordinary clothes to board this train that clearly represents their life and the future.

"Damn it! Kabane is already here!" The uncle who was squatting on the ground slammed the ground hard, then turned his head and whispered to Kai next to him, "You can only rush now, boy, follow me! Follow me! I won't care about you if u can't run fast!"

After he finished speaking, he picked up a rifle connected to the strange box behind him and rushed towards the train, really ignoring Kai, who was still in a daze.

Suddenly from the front, a kabane was coming towards him, looking at the monster like a living dead, Kai hesitated for a moment. To survive in this weird world, he still chose to pull out the samurai sword in his hand, throw the scabbard on the ground, and hold it slightly followed by the uncle in front and rushed in the direction of the train.

When holding this long knife, the fear in Kai's heart disappeared for some reason in an instant.

Facing the monster, that stretched out his hands, opened his mouth wide, and rushed towards him, Kai only felt that he was born for this moment. He never thought about the possibility of injury or death, and he was only thinking about defeating the one in front of him. 

His body moved with instinct, and the left foot took a lunge forward, and then the long knife held high, at a forty-five-degree angle, slashed from high to low to the neck of the monster.

The track, from the curve to the straight line, was unexpectedly unobstructed, smooth as a god, beheading it with a single knife.

[Ding! 1st enemy killed! Showing body Statistics! and Unique Skills]

At, this moment a blue screen popped out in front of Kai,

[Name: Kai Jager]

[World: Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress]

[Skill: Sword Lvl.0 (Human)]

[Sword: (Gradeless Skill), Add. info. - Kill enemies to Evolve ur Sword/Body]

After, suddenly seeing this panel appear in front of him Kai, was stunned, but quickly hid his shock and calmly followed the uncle in front of him to run to the armored train.

After that, Kai and Masuda Toshiki, the uncle at that time, boarded the armored train together. Well, that is, the train from "Juncheng" came to a new "post" which is actually a city wall...


Ok! So, This story will be slow-paced, but with a good and semi-invincible MC in the beginning stages but, invincible in the later stages.. and please no criticism, or something like that, please just read it, and comment 'thanks for the chapter', so that, I don't stop writing this....

And Yes Mc will not know about the plot of any world, he will visit..

That's all, Give me stones and also join the patreon to support me, (if u guys want to___)