
The Wandering Spectre (Worm fic)

Have you ever wanted to go to the wonderful world of Worm? Of course not, but that is what happened to our poor protagonist who woke up in that God forsaken universe. Thankfully, he doesn't have to worry about dying, since he is already dead and a spooky ghost. Watch as he uses people as ubers, annoys people to death and tries to help people (with varying degrees of success) All in all he just wants to relax, though the fact that he doesn't want to live on a destroyed world with nothing to do is motivation enough for him to help against the evil that is space whales. Who knows? Maybe the fact that ghosts aren't supposed to exist in that world would help him do impossible feats? Probably.

JesterEmper0r · Livres et littérature
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10 Chs

An Enlightening Conversation

'...Have you heard of the multiverse theory?'

'You mean like how there are multiple earth's, like Earth Aleph while we are on Earth Bet?'

'Kind of, just imagine it like this. Everything you can imagine, anything at all, exists in some shape or form in another universe. Even fictional worlds like Harry Potter, exist out there in the multiverse.'

'Well with all the bullshit that are parahuman, combined with the fact that we already know about other Earth's and have had interaction with them, I can see myself believing in this theory of yours. But what is Harry Potter? Is that a person?'

'You don't have Harry Potter here!? Well actually with how dark this world is, the author probably died. Her work specifically, not her, will be missed.'

'Wait 'this world'? Are you insinuating that you are from another universe? And you seem to have mentioned fictional worlds for a specific reason, are you from this Harry Potter world?'

Huh, you know while it was mentioned that Taylor was pretty smart, It's weird seeing that wit in person. And not being used to scare the shit out of people.

'You are half right. I didn't come from fictional world, I came from an earth where your earth was fictional. A novel to be precise.'

Whatever response she was expecting, it clearly wasn't mine. Stunned, the girl just sat there with a million thoughts running through her mind which I made sure to not read to at least give her some semblance of privacy.

I let her have a moment to herself to process everything that I have said. She finished her coffee, before standing up and leaving the cafe before she finally spoke again as she walked.

'What is the point in telling me all of this? You clearly have some type of goal, so what is my role in that?'

'Well believe it or not, I don't actually have a goal here. I wasn't expecting to wake up here after I died, even less to be haunting what is basically a biblical disaster generator in human flesh. And I can't actually break our connection, since that would be like amputating a part of my soul which can't be healthy. So for now, my goal will simply be to help you be a hero!'

'Why would you even want to help me!? Even if you knew of this world through whatever novel you read in your past life, I doubt that I even appeared in it beside maybe a passing mention as that creepy bug lady! You don't know me enough to just be this supportive, so how can I trust that you don't have any negative intentions towards me behind that happy go lucky mask you wear!?'

At some point Taylor had stopped in the middle of the road, with people walking around her, clearly pitying this crazy person who went insane so young.

You know I should have expected this to happen. Taylor hasn't had the best life these last few years, what with her childhood friend betraying her and basically running a torture campaign over two years.

I am basically walking on a tightrope with her insecurities, distrust and despair pushing me again and again to make a mistake so that she can justify the fact that the world hates her and no-one wants to help her.

The girl starts to walk aimlessly again having noticed the people whispering around her, which has done nothing to help her self esteem.


'You are wrong,' I say in her head,' you aren't just anyone Taylor Herbert. It doesn't matter what people say about you, especially not mentally unstable people like Emma Barnes or Sophia Hess. You are important Taylor. You want to know why I know this?'




'Because you are the protagonist of this world. And even without my help, you will save it from destruction. All I want to do is reduce the casualties that it took to make it happen. Nothing else.You will be a hero.'


Taylor said nothing, contemplating what I said. She seemed to have come to a decision as she turned around and started heading somewhere.

'I will trust you on this. Though I doubt the fact that me of all people saved the world with bugs of all things, I do want to be a hero. So first of all, we will go to my house and I will trust that you won't tell people where I live.'

'I promise you that, not that I could anyway since I can only communicate with you really.'

'...you know that is kinda sad.'

'Meh, I don't care that much. I'm dead! I'm happy I'm still awake and that's enough for me. Plus, this means that I can be your personal cheerleader when you're in a fight! That will surely raise your spirits.'

'...was that a pun?'


'This is gonna be exhausting to deal with I can just tell.'

'With that, the dream team was formed! Adam the spooky future teller ghost and Taylor the bug controlling hero! Together we shall dispense justice onto Gotha...*ahem*... I mean Brockton Bay and make all criminals fear us! Rejoice Earth Bet, for team Heeby Jeebies is here to save the day!'

'Oh calm down already.'

That was how my first meeting with the future escalation queen ended, and on a positive tone at that!

We talked about some random stuff on our way to her house, like how different our worlds are, how I am technically from the future since I died in 2024, how it feels to live in a world with Endbringer alarms every 3 months.... Just a bunch of stuff to get to know each other better.

We finally got to her home at approximately 7pm. Her dad wasn't home so she started making dinner for herself and him, but not before asking a pretty dumb question.

'Hey, so... do you need to eat something as a ghost?'


And that was the end of that interaction.

Now while she is busy making food, she told me to make myself at home. So I started floating around exploring her house.

Her house was pretty big compared to an apartment like I am used to. There was a living room and kitchen on the ground floor plus a small room under the stairs and a basement which you can get too from the kitchen.

On the second floor there were two bedrooms on opposite ends of a hallway, with a bathroom and broom closet in between. I took a quick glance into the bedrooms before leaving immediately since I was starting to feel like a creep.

Going back down to the living room, I started to think of ways to pass the time. Almost immediately, it occurred to me that I still don't really know all of my capabilities, if I have anymore.

So first things first, let us experiment with things ghosts are said to be able to do. I already have flying, intangibility and telepathy, so let me try another classic poltergeist power: telekinesis.

I look around the room for an object, before deciding to test it on a pencil that I found on a table. Now how would telekinesis work? I try to think through the thousands of fanfiction I have read that have training arcs (specificallythe star wars ones), before deciding to just anything.

I focus on the pen like I usually do on the string between me and Taylor, and just will it to float. Lo and behold, the pencil starts floating above the table. No soul strings attached to it or anything, just pure magic I guess.

The force is stronk in me.

Since I don't feel any strain, let me try the same with a heavier object. Placing the pencil back on the table, I picked the table itself off the ground. Along with the couch, TV, dresser...anything I see really.

Even with all that, I don't really feel tired or anything like I expected to. I guess since ghosts are dead they aren't limited by tired bodies huh? Well except if the author decides to nerf them by using a stupid reason like 'mental fatigue', when we don't even have a brain anymore.

Does that mean that dying made me ascend and go even further beyond? Goku would be proud.

Now that I have determined that my telekinesis is op, let me try to make it even more so. But before that, I should ask Taylor if she cares about this pencil.

'Hey Taylor, can I break this pencil? I am trying to see how strong my telekinesis is. Actually, better idea, do you have any metal object that you don't use anymore?'

'Not even 20 minutes has passed and you are already breaking stuff? Nevermind, leave that pencil alone, we do have some spare tools in the basement that dad brought from work since no-one was using them. Here let me go get them, I do want to see what you do with it ok?'

'We have a deal.'

With that expert negotiation done, she goes into the basement and brings the tools she was talking about before. Grabbing them with my telekinesis so that I don't tire her for nothing, we continue to the living room where I will do my magic trick.

Bringing out a hammer from the toolbox, I make it float in front of me before focusing. This time, I want to see if I can apply a squeezing force onto the inside of the metal bit of this hammer.

At first nothing seemed to be happening, before suddenly a very loud screeching originated from the tool that didn't look any different. Curious, I pull the head of the hammer apart into two pieces, showing a sphere shaped hole between the two and a small metal ball that fell from it onto the ground.

'....huh. I have I feeling that maybe just maybe I shouldn't do that to people if we are becoming heroes eh Taylor?'

'....Uh huh...'