
The Wandering Soul of Aiko Smith

Aiko Smith's soul left her body every night when the sun dies down, she finds herself waiting every day, never leaving her room, too afraid from the past that haunted her. Until she found herself in an unfortunate situation where it forced her hand, finding out that she had the ability to possess people. But one day she managed to possess a boy, Jake, who had the ability to see her soul as it is and he urges to help her, she opens up a thrilling adventure to finding out truth and reason to give her soul peace, hoping that it would solve her problems and her soul wouldn't leave her body, managing to finally live a normal teenage life.

sociallyawkward · Sports, voyage et activités
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12 Chs

Chapter Eight

Death doesn't discriminate


• the action or fact of dying or being killed, the end of the life of a person or organism, a permanent cessation of all biological functions that sustain living

My cheeks were tear stained when I woke up, everything felt real, I remember the pain and that face, the look of a merciless man knowing perfectly well of the power that he held. My shoulders bruised on either sides, I wince as I try to move them and the pain shoots through my arm, it was big and visible, slowly turning darker than before.

I was dreading going to school, Anne wasn't her perky self when I bumped into her on my way to the bathroom, she held a frown over her face and a confused look in her eyes, she didn't talk or even bothered to spare a glance and I felt guilty for having her go through that.

Jake. I don't recall leaving Anne's body but it seemed like it, I've left Jake to fend for himself again and Anne's friends might ask her questions and the answers would be left unknown, even though they weren't great people, I didn't want them to suddenly outcast Anne, it would make things worse, if Anne were to leave them, it would be because of her own realization and not by my selfish actions.

I let out a sigh, wincing as the bag strap lands on my shoulder. I'm walking through the streets, stopping when a familiar figure is suddenly infront of me.

"W-what happened?" I gasp when he looks up, his eye was bruised and his lip was cut open, he winces as he tries to smile and I flinch when he embraces me. His warmth fills the once cold atmosphere, his hands placed firmly on my back and I lean on his chest as if out of instinct.

"You're okay" he whispers, I could feel him relax ever so slightly, my heart aches with guilt, Fuck. I shouldn't have brought him there, if I wanted to go out so badly, I should've gone out alone. This wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for me.

And yet he's here, embracing me, as if the sight of me doesn't make him remember of the troubles he went through for my selfish desires. Selfish. Selfish. Selfish, the word rang in my head over and over again and I dreaded the truth, I wasn't going to stop.

I've never realized how lost I had been in my life until reality pointed a gun to my head, I couldn't look away anymore, I couldn't close my eyes when the truth was only a few steps ahead of me. That man in my dream is held liable for my nightmares but this time, I'm going through it alone.

I should've done everything alone, I shouldn't have pulled Jake into all this mess, it was silly for me to think he would be there all the way, to think that I'd finally have someone to be by my side in pain and in laughter, at least, until I found truth and reason, my very own paranormal partner. But if it meant him getting hurt, I would rather die alone.

"When you fell...I thought he pushed you...I-I don't know what came over me" his breath fans over the back of my neck, his hold tighter around my waist and I didn't mind it at all, I closed my eyes and listened, his heartbeat matched my own. He chuckles bitterly.

"I couldn't even lay a hand on him...they started dragging me away...but then I saw you" he pulls away ever so slightly, his hands cupping my cheeks, his eyes burning deep into mine, he looked so gentle, how could I have done this to him?

"Anne looked so confused but she was herself again...yo-you were standing there...shaking...you were looking at that man..crying. I felt so helpless" I left Anne's body. The demon had pushed me, forced me out of a place that I didn't belong, as if it demanded my attention.

"Wh-what did you see?" I couldn't look him in the eye, my hand clutched over the bag strap that pressed on the bruise, feeling as if it were piercing its way through my skin.

"I saw him" My body was numb, I could feel tears forming in the corners of my eyes but I didn't want him to see me like this, being so vulnerable, feeling the fear of death for the first time, I always thought I had already came to accept it, a fact of life, one that gives meaning but as I remember the bitter taste of my own blood and the pain of regret and the helplessness of giving up, I didn't want death so soon. Not like this.

"He killed me" That demon was with him, as if telling me that this man would be the death of me and he would be there, watching, laughing as my life is taken away. Jake's mouth open and closed, finding the right thing to say but there wasn't any. I've seen and felt death with my own to eyes and maybe that death hadn't been mine but for me to have seen it, there had to be something else I was missing.

This was a dangerous leap to the truth and there was no going back, I felt the path I had chosen to walk on was slowly meeting its end and I would see nothing else but the gates of death and I couldn't see a life beyond that. I couldn't see a life where I was normal, when I didn't fall asleep knowing my own soul would leave me, where I could go to parties and dance with Jake, laugh with my own voice, feel the cold air with my own skin.

I was at wits end, left speechless. It felt as if my life has been written in a book and there was nothing else left to say, nothing else left to do, meant to accept it but I didn't want to.

"Aiko?" I turn around at the sound of my name, Anne stood behind me, looking back and forth over me and Jake, Jake distances himself slowly, his hands falling beside him but I could still feel his chest against my back and I am once again filled with comfort in moments like this.

"Anne" Jake's head hung low and I realized that he was still wearing sweatpants, he wasn't planning on going to school but came here to meet me. My heart flutters at the gesture but it slowly fades into guilt. He went through the trouble of seeing me just to make sure I was okay.

"Classes are about to start..you'll be late" After everything else, I couldn't care less about being late but Anne looked genuinely worried, I guess she has the right to be, I've never liked being late to school before and would always scold her when she came late just because she felt like sleeping in.

"Oh right! Sorry about that, we just bumped into each other. I should probably get going too" Jake lets out an awkward laugh and starts walking away before either of us could say anything. I watch silently as his figure starts to fade away and I feel Anne fall in place next to me.

"Let's go" she mumbles, brushing past me, her shoulder slightly hitting mine but I don't follow her, I walk slowly behind her and she doesn't mind the space.

It bothers me that she's changed so much, I thought we had managed to find ourselves back to where we were but it seems we grow further and further away but the more I meddled into her life the more I started to see her flaws, although she'd probably say the same about me. But I knew that we would manage to overcome this, I just hoped she wanted to.

Morning classes went by in a daze, Jake didn't show up just as I thought and I found myself alone during lunch. I stayed back to talk to one of my teachers and was walking through the empty hallways, most of them had already gone to the cafeteria. I pause, hearing familiar voices inside the bathroom, I press my ear against the door, knowing perfectly well that Anne was inside, and I could never forget Katy's voice.

"..I could care less about my current client, my pimp told me its once in a lifetime chance to be invited in Mr. Jacobs' house..although I'd have to thank William for that, but of course, I have bigger fish to fry" Mr. Jacobs, the name sounded familiar and it wasn't a fond memory. A few of her friends laugh and I bite my lip when Anne speaks up.

"He seems like trouble to me. I mean, you saw what his people did to Jake" My eyes widen in realization, it was him. They were talking about him, Katy has just been invited to his home for god knows what reason, probably serving as some sort of slutty trophy for her current client which I assume was William.

"Oh please Anne. Jake was asking for it, I mean, he did swing at him first..I probably would have done the same if I was in his place" My jaw clenches as her words, how can she be so blind and ignorant? The guy clearly wasn't any good news but I couldn't care less about her, I just hoped Anne would see through this. Stop being so stupid in her choices of friends.

I didn't need to hear anymore, I push myself away and walk through the hallways, a plan already in my mind. I needed to know why that demon had chosen to associate itself to that man and why I had seen that dream, as if to relive it or to see the inevitable. This time, I wouldn't be putting anyone in danger, I would only simply be tagging along.

My heart was beating furiously against my chest, I had realized a little to late that I didn't know where Katy lived and it seemed to be an impossible task to ask Anne without raising any questions, I went to the only place I thought they would meet but its been an hour since then.

The club was filled with more people tonight and even more waited outside, I had gone through every single corner I could find, making sure I avoided touching anybody. I haven't seen Jacobs yet or the man who Katy calls to be William and I wait impatiently outside hoping I hadn't been too late.

I almost jump in relief when I see Katy walking through the corner, her face was caked in make-up and her dress impossibly shorter than before, she still was against wearing a coat and she visibly shivers from the cold air but she soon grins, her hands sliding through a man's body as they embrace each other

"Baby.." the man slurs, smiling as his hands roamed around her body, she didn't seem to mind and even moaned slightly at his touch.

"Remember to behave for me baby, that man is not to be messed with" She grins, as if thinking of her plans of seduction that William was clearly unaware of.

"Anything for you" Their conversation stops as a car pulls over in front of them, I hurry myself, sitting beside the empty spot next to the driver, the man didn't spare them a glance, his eyes focused ahead of him and a stoic expression formed his face.

I could hear Katy giggle from the back seat, I glance at the mirror, her body laid across his chest as his hands roam, they kiss passionately, their tongues sliding against each other in a pulsating rhythm, I quickly look away at their display of affection, equally not minding the driver as he minds his own business.

The car ride goes on like this, the sounds of their moans and sloppy kisses, the buildings grew less and less until I found only trees surrounding the roads, we were going uphill and from our distance, I could already see the lights of well-built mansion at the top.

My stomach drops in wonder as to where he gets all this money from. Huge gates stop us from our tracks but they soon open as the driver extends out his arm outside the car window, I watch in awe and nervousness as different luxurious cars lined the porch, a fountain in the midst of it, the house was lit brightly and I could hear the feint sounds of laughter and music from inside.

"Holy Shit" I hear Katy mumble as she gets out of the car. William lets out a loud laugh and I flinch as his hand swings, hitting her back and she winces in pain, stumbling in her heels as she held where his hand painfully landed.

"Shut up. At least act like you fucking belong here" he sneers, his melodic act suddenly coming to a stop and I give Katy a worried glance, how can she live like this? With a man like him? She bites her lip and nods meekly, it was weird to see her like this, she was always so confident in school, she made it seem like nothing could stop her but know, her eyes casts down to her feet, like a puppy following its owner, mindless of it's worth.

I follow them as they enter the house, everything looked so luxurious, Katy's expression was evident, afraid that anything she might touch might cost more than her life.

"You're late" I freeze at the sound of that voice. The room was spacious, men sat on the couch, a drink in hand, some women sat on their laps while the others danced slowly to the beat of the music, not minding the lustful looks they were giving.

"This bitch showed up late" William lies smoothly, they had both arrived most apparently at the same time but Katy doesn't say anything in defense, shoved by her man but she doesn't let this faze her. How uniquely strong yet amazingly stupid. Jacobs clicks his tongue in disappointment but it was enough for William to flinch.

"You'll be needing to teach her a few lessons then. Although..I'd gladly be willing to" his eyes roamed around her body and I could almost see fear flash in Katy's eyes, but this is what she had wanted back then, but it seems only regret floods in her emotions and I feel just as vulnerable as she did. I wanted to get her out of there so badly. William laughs awkwardly, he doesn't even have the guts to stand up for her, if Jacobs had asked for Katy to be his', he wouldn't even disagree.

"What's mine is yours" he raises a glass, I could see his hand shake as he brings it to his lips, gulping down his drink in a pathetic attempt to calm his nerves.

"Then you wouldn't mind if I...keep her for a little while, won't you?" William laughs again, waving a hand

"Not at all" Katy glances at him but quickly looks elsewhere, she was afraid. Afraid that one move would be a grave mistake, my heart beats in anxiety for her, hoping her facade would manage to get her through the night.

Jacobs abruptly stands up, fixing the outlines of his tux, a confident smirk on his face, it seems he is aware that everyone in the room was wrapped around in his finger

"Well boys, the party is just getting started" I move in instinct, noticing the number of footsteps coming my way, more women entered, one wearing less than the other, they all had sultry smiles playing on their red lips, they make Katy look out of place. Her eyes widen in realization that she was just like them, invited solely for malicious entertainment, and for a while she was proud of it, but the look in her eyes told me she wasn't anymore.

"Please, enjoy yourselves" Jacobs grins, bringing a drink to his lips. The men graciously accepts his offer, their hands roaming happily around their bodies, even William seems to have forgotten about his own guest as a woman climbs on his lap and places a passionate kiss on his lips.

"Tell me Katy, what happened to that friend of yours?" Jacobs had situated himself beside her figure, a hand placed on her back as they slowly walked towards the hallway. Katy looked nervous, her face turning pale knowing her fate, his smile might look friendly but nothing else about him did.

"Oh...well..I didnt really know him, he came along with another friend of mine, the one who...uhm..fell" I follow them as they make their way up the stairs, the walls lined with closed doors and Jacobs glides through them until they stop at the right end of the hallway.

"I hope your friend is fine now" he grins, unlocking the door and allowing Katy to enter, I could see her eyes wander around the room, her hands clutching her drink tightly and the sound of the door closing makes her flinch.

"Sh-she's doing great" she stutters, I watch as Jacobs takes off his coat, slowly unbuttoning a few buttons and letting his tie carelessly fall on the floor.

"I'm glad to hear that" his voice turns low now, his eyes shining with mischief even in this dimly lit room.

"There's no need to be nervous Katy" he presses himself closer to her, his head deep into her neck, his hands grasping her waist and she lets out an involuntary whimper, her body visibly shaking from his touch. His words lack in genuine comfort and he was aware of Katy's fear of him but she doesn't protest as his hands roamed every inch of her body, riding the hem of her dress higher and higher up her thigh but I was frozen in place.

I knew what I needed to do but even when I did I couldn't bring myself to move an inch. Suddenly, I hear a piercing scream and I wince at the painful sound that echoed in the room, I press my palms over my ears but it doesn't help, I fall to my knees, the ground hard and cold against them but as my eyes travel to Katy's face, I realize she wasn't the one screaming. It was loud enough to muffle my rational thoughts and I close my eyes tightly hoping it would go away. The awful sound of agony, a voice that would haunt my dreams forever, a cry in the depts. of hell and I stood just above her, I could feel her desperation, begging someone to hear her.

"Wait I-" I gasp, a familiar pull coursing through my body, it feels cold, I felt naked under her tiny dress of silk yet I could only feel her terror in emotions, his touch sends tingles throughout my body and it made my guts twist in disgust and horror. I was laid on the floor, my drink spilled on my chest and the glass broken into pieces.

"Shhhh" I stiffen when he suddenly comes close to my face, his calm facade fading away, his hair falling messily over his face, he presses a finger roughly on my lips, his hair grasping my hair and tugging at it painfully. I let out a whimper of pain and my body shakes in fear of its own accord.

"I never told you to speak!" His eyes wandered over my face in fury, his breath fanning heavily against me, I feel my heart at the edge of my throat, getting harder and harder to breath from fear. I wanted to run, I wanted to scream but in the back of my head I knew it would only lead to nothing else but trouble, everyone in the house was on his side, I was only a prostitute in a troubling situation, no one would care. I feared for Katy's life yet I couldn't help but be afraid.

"You're mine now" he whispers, sending shivers down my spine. He roughly stands me up and I let out a gasp of pain, my head throbbed from his grip and my legs felt numb from the fall, he throws me on the bed and I could feel the tears prickling at the corner of my eyes. His weight presses against mine, his hand forcing my thighs to open. I shudder, I couldn't hold back my sobs as he trails kisses down my neck. Katy didn't want this, I feel no pleasure in his touch and I wanted nothing more than to rip him off me.

I try to push him away but his hand grips both my wrists effortlessly, he holds them above my head and I had no other strength to muster, I was drunk, my body felt weak and useless and my vision was starting to get blurry.

"Stop...p-please" I let out a whimper but this man had no mercy, begging for salvation would be to no avail, he ignores my pleas, his hands unbuckling his belt and pulling down his pants in one swift motion.

I close my eyes, tears running down my cheeks, this cant be happening, a nightmare I was living in and I couldn't run, I couldn't even scream, I was weak, useless. I would be raped so helplessly that I would feel it even in my own body, I would feel disgust, I would feel terror, Katy would wake up, not knowing of anything, just fragments of a drunken night.

"No!" My hand flies across his cheek, my vision blurs, dizziness clouding my thoughts, I could hear him laugh, he laughs loudly, his weight slowly leaving my body but I couldn't even keep my eyes open any longer. I let out a gasp, the air knocked out of me as his hand leaves my wrist and tightens its grip around my neck.

I was choking helplessly, my eyes going wide yet slowly fading away into darkness. I try to kick my legs but they only wobble mid-air, hitting nothing. My hands try to slap his hands away but it only makes him press even tighter. The bed dropped as he pressed me harder and harder.

He was laughing

I could feel my eyes travel at the back of my head, my body slowly giving up, useless and weak, I felt like a fish out of water, gasping for air yet finding none, hoping for salvation yet it doesn't come. There are many fishes in the sea is what they say, how can one life be less valuable than the other? Will my death mean nothing? Will I only be a moment in thousands of years to come. Maybe. A dimming star in the night sky, fading away, unremembered by some, mourned by others.

But it wasn't my life that I was losing. It was someone else's. I gain the burden of guilt, maybe Katy would have let it happen, maybe she would have let him take advantage of her if it meant having to live another day, maybe I should have endured it, a sacrifice worth making or maybe he would have killed her anyway. Maybe I shouldn't have come, maybe this wasn't what fate had meant for me.

But I was here, and life was slowly slipping away from my hands but I couldn't help but think, how pitiful. I'm only left with regrets and no memories flash before my eyes in the moment of judgement. This is what dying feels like yet I held no remorse, maybe because I knew I wasn't dying yet but I might as well have because after all of this, after having committed murder to a person who I didn't even know, I would slowly grow dead inside until nothing but sadness overwhelms me.

I couldn't even bring myself at the thought of facing Jake. Facing Anne. Or when Katy's death would be in the news, her family would post up missing signs and the school would be in distress, always saying to never lose hope, we could still find her.

Her friends would have frowns on their faces all day and their lives would be meaningless for awhile. While I would stand as a liar amongst them, guilt would eat me every moment in my life knowing I couldn't even prove anything, I might as well die never having to find reason than to live knowing the truth.

I see you