
The wandere Of Myst Chapter-1 the yellow hope

In a very cold night a boy is running in the woods with half blood covered body at a darker sky which is brighted by the soft white light of the moon.As the boy runs further his breathing start to get havier and havier and the panting sound becomes louder and louder "huffing and huffing".

After he completely exhaust he turns back and check with fear at the track he was coming from and he was relived by that no one is behind him.He then started walking towards the yellow light coming from far.

After walking towards that light for 45-mins he somehow got there and the look on his face was ; he was completely relived. That boy has reached a town near by and the yellow light was the glowing street lights which became his hope and gave him the sternght to walk to them. After reaching near them the suddenly fell down on the street and he got unconscious. The boy used all his strength to reach the that yellow light which was magical in his eyes.

The boy opened his eyes and the things were blurry at that moment from waking up. He sees a nurse standing beside him. As he awake the nurse was glad and smile came on her face. The nurse gave towl and some worm water to wash his face. The boy stands and goes to the outside and washes his face then he looked at his body and he sees bandages every wheare and it was hurting to even move his hands for washing his face. As he washes his face the salty tears were started flowing like rivers from his eyes and he placed his hand on his chest and clinches it as he was crying without making any noise. After few minutes he goes back inside and sit on his bed. Then the nurse gave him some fruit to eat. Seeing those fruits he started eating like a barbarian. Then the nurse asked him gentaly "what is your name boy"? The boy swallowed the fruit and looked up and answer's with a weak voice " Allen my name is Allen".

The look on his face was describing starvation, suffering,it's as of the will to live is very thin and the eyes were almost blank and empty.The nurse fell hollow inside. It's as of the erge to live isn't there or pushed back.Then the nurse walks away inside the storage room of the hospital and gave him some clothes.The nuse said "here o found you some clothes which could fit you perfectly" And smiled at Allen.

Allen put those clothes on and walk in to the room and sat on the bed.Nurse said"you look very handsome how ".Allen didn't react much and the nurse said you should go out and walk outside or around the hospital, maybe it can help you fell at ease.Then Allen decided to do so after taking walk he found some calmes then he went to bed.The nurse visited him afterwards with bring him dinner but he didn't ate that.And he didn't respond to the nurse while she was saying him to eat his dinner.After some time Allen gets sleepy and finally he sleeps after so many hardship