
The Wall Crawler Of DC

A soul from our world gets mysteriously transported to the world of DC comics with bits of Marvel mixed in.He also gets the powers of the Spider-Man!So join him as he tries to survive the dangerous world of comics.

AHMED_KAZI_0476 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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After taking a taxi and walking for some time,I arrived at a old junkyard which I had choosen,it was quite far off from the main city so it would be perfect for my secret experiments.

It was closed off from me by a big gate and pretty high walls but this was the perfect time to test my wall crawling.

I looked around to see nobody around and my spider-sense(If I had got it)wasn't ringing,so I was probably safe.

So I got ready,it was time to find out if I actually had any powers or I was in this dangerous world without any superpowers.

I put my hand on the wall and hoped for the best and as I placed my other hand I started sort of crawling and to my suprise it actually worked! I could stick to and crawl on walls! I eventually got to the other's side and jumped down.

I smiled,well experiment no.1 was successful.

I looked around the junkyard searching for a good place to train when I happened upon a clearing.Surrounding it was a circle of broken and rusted cars.I went to one of the them and attempted to pick it up and fortunately I easily picked it up.I added several cars to it and at the end I could already lift with some difficulty 20 cars.

Well the second experiment was a success.

I did this around the whole day,testing my endurance,running speed,jump height,and durability by running into wall and falling from heights.

When it was nearing evening I headed back to my home, analysing my feats today to approximate the power of my abilities.

As I was heading home I was making dozens of plans in my head,looks like I somehow got the intelligence of Peter Parker which was very useful especially in a world such as this,I would need to probably make creating web shooters and a costume my priorities.As my other plans would take a long time to execute and weren't strictly necessary for me at the moment.

Making a costume shouldn't be that hard as I could watch some videos on the internet or ask my parents it was the web shooters that would be the hard part.

At the end of my thoughts I arrived at my house,well I should go about making them in the morning and rest now,it was getting dark afterall.