
Chapter 1

Beep! beep!! beep!!!


The sound of the alarm woke Teresa up. It was another beautiful Monday morning for her. As dawn breaks, she rises with a sense of purpose, her eyes filled with the promise of a new day.

She got up from her wooden bed and stretched saying "time for work"

She turn on the radio and her favorite song was on, as she danced her way to the bathroom, took her brush and started brushing her teeth "woohoo I love this song".She said as she brushed her teeth and sing along. After brushing her teeth, she went to shower.

Teresa dashed out of the bathroom after having her bath as she twirled across the bedroom floor. she giggled and sang along as her favorite song was being played.

She dons her crisp, white uniform, and her purple fitted skirt. She stood in front of the mirror to pack her hair up in a ponytail. As she began to style her hair up neatly in a ponytail she practices her warm and welcoming smile, knowing that her friendly demeanor will be her greatest asset in the bustling world of the restaurant.

After taking a deep breath she takes folds her apron like a badge of honor into her bag as she takes moment to review the day's specials and menu, committing each dish to memory, ensuring that she can confidently answer any customer's questions.

She made sure she memorized all the dishes on the menu like a child that is preparing for his final examz. when she was done, she tiptoed through the cozy, dimly lit kitchen in other not to wake her parents up before she finish preparing breakfast. Her love for her parents drive her every step as she races against the clock. The comforting aroma of coffee beans wafts through the air as she sets them to brew, knowing it's her parents' favorite wake-up call.

With nimble fingers, she carefully slices fresh fruits, their vibrant colors glistening in the early morning shadows. The sizzle of bacon or the crackling of pancakes on the griddle becomes a symphony of flavors, her culinary skills honed to perfection through years of practice.

Each dish she prepares carries a touch of her affection, a reminder of the love she feels for her parents. She sets the table with precision, arranging it as though it were a canvas, waiting for their smiles to paint it with warmth.

As the sun begins to peek over the horizon, Teresa's mission nears completion. She knows that any moment now, her parents will stir from their slumber to find a lovingly crafted breakfast waiting for them. She hope they wouldn't be surprised because it been ages since they had such a nice breakfast before them. Due to the fact that her father lost his job, they weren't able to afford most things any more but Teresa wanted to have a nice meal with her parents so badly that she organized everything herself, with the help of some leftovers at work of course. It's a small, daily ritual of love that she wouldn't trade for anything in the world.

"Teresa were did you get all these" Linda teresa's mother gasped.

"don't worry mom I made them from the leftovers I gather from the restaurant" she smiled

"and where did you get the money for the new spicies I saw in the kitchen" said a cold harsh voice, which was the voice of Teresa's father, Peter.

"I bought it with my bonus money that I earned today"

"aren't supposed to be saving this money you no well that we have alot to fix in the house an..."

"dad come on, I just wanted to feel those lovely moments which we normally feel every morning in the past" she smiled

"alright let's eat, or you'll be late"


The family sits around the sturdy wooden table, their faces reflecting a mix of emotions that have gone unspoken for too long. The clinking of utensils against plates is the only sound, punctuating the heavy silence.

So many appetizer, yet no one seems to have an appetite for conversation tonight. Each member of the family is lost in their thoughts, their eyes occasionally meeting but quickly looking away.

She fidgets with her fork, her gaze drifting from her plate to her parents, who appear lost in their own worlds.

Finally, as the silence becomes almost unbearable, Teresa takes a deep breath and speaks up. Her voice is soft, tentative at first, but it breaks the stifling quiet like a ray of sunlight piercing through a heavy cloud cover. She shares a small anecdote of a simple, humorous story from the previous day at work, that elicits a reluctant smile from her father.

With that icebreaker, the tension begins to melt away. The family starts to open up, sharing stories and laughter, and for the first time in a long while, they rediscover the warmth of togetherness over a meal.

Teresa smiled to herself and she realized that it's the right time to bring up what she's about to tell her father

"papa" she stared at her father 

"hmmm" he replied

"there's this scholarship program I saw on a website, all I have to do is to take there exams, if I pass the exam, I'll be given scholarship to the school. Papa please can I take the exams" she begged 

"Teresa you know I can't afford to buy you school supplies. I understand the school fees is out of the way but what about the books, new clothes, shoes, e.t.c....."

"Papa I promise to take responsibility for myself I'll work hard to raise the money". She looked at her father hoping he would say something soon but he didn't.

After five minutes of silence

"What's the name of the school" he asked.

"Bliss University" she replied 

"what!!!" Her father yelled " Teresa that school is not for commoners, only Rich kids go there if....." .

"I know papa it's a very big school and they are well equipped. Please papa I don't want to go to any other school"

"No Teresa, I will not let you go there, those people will make sure they taunt you, we are not like them. So I won't allow you school there and that's final".

"but...." She said while dropping her spoon. "but nothing Teresa" her father yelled.

Teresa turned to her mom "mama please help me speak to papa, I need this".

Her mother turned to her father

"Honey I ....."

"Linda please don't try to change what I've said, I've made up my mind" her father interrupted and left.

Teresa stood up immediately after her father left, and cleared the table. She turned to her and said "mom I'll be leaving for work now"

"Ok my dear, stay safe" she said and kissed her daughter's forehead

Teresa waved at her as she left for work.

On her way to work Teresa kept on thinking of what her father said and it made her really upset she could feel a huge lump in her throat but she just pushed it away by taking deep breaths. She wondered why her father would not allow her do what she likes for once. She has never argued or challenged her father's decision before. She always agree to whatever he says, teresa was known for being shy and timid. She doesn't know how to speak for herself so she was bullied a few times while growing up.

"How will I convince papa now" she thought to herself and started remembering how they lived so comfortably in the past.

"Oh dear God, please take us back to the good old times" she said as tears escaped her eyes. She continued reminiscing about her past. As she walked down the bustling street, Teresa didn't notice an old woman who carry heavy bags and she was about to cross the road, Teresa bumped into the old woman.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry"

The old lady smiled at her and said "it fine my dear. Why are u crying"

"It's nothing ma'am" Teresa smiled

"You can talk to me" the old lady said.

"Just really going through a lot currently"she replied

"you'll be fine my dear". Replied the old lady

"I absolutely will" teresa smiled

Without a second thought, Teress stopped to offer her assistance. She gently took the heavy bags from the frail hands of the elderly woman, a warm smile on her face as she listened to the lady's stories and provided comforting companionship.

Despite the clock ticking away, Lily remained patient and kind, ensuring the elderly lady safely reached her doorstep. Only then did she check the time and realize that she was running late for work.

With a sense of urgency, Teresa quickened her pace, knowing that her job demanded punctuality. She navigated through the crowded streets, her determination to fulfill her responsibilities unwavering. Despite the delay, she arrived at work with a smile, explaining the reason for her tardiness to her understanding boss as she rushed into the kitchen


"get those orders to table 6" Gomez the Head chef said to one of the waitresses.

Teresa rushed into the kitchen "sorry I'm late"

"Tessa, it's 8am, you're 30 minutes late. we have a very huge order today have you forgotten." Gomez scolded her

"yes Gomez, I know. I'm sorry I'm late." she said while unfolding her apron from her bag and tied it on her waist.

"go to the baking room and join the rest" Gomez said. "yes captain" she said sarcastically.

"good morning everyone" Tessa smiled

"Good morning" they all echoed except Sandra. "you're late petty shoes" she said. "and uhm I apologised, just get back to work and please don't create a fuss" Tessa responded. "oh wow, look at Mrs boss bitch telling me what to do". Sandra yelled

"You don't have to be bitter all the time sandy, just shut the fuck up" Jane yelled in a very irritating tone as the other girls giggle.

"what's going on in my kitchen"Mrs Anderson the owner of the restaurant walked in. "I expect you all to do your work diligently and peaceful don't talk while working, is that clear"

"yes ma'am" they all echoed 

They all carried on with there work. "I need more waiters out here. Tracy and Tessa come and assist with serving, customers are already working in. They both hurried to grab a tray


"oh this place is indeed fancy baby, I love it". "yes mi amor, you deserve a royal treatment" the couple's discussed as they came into the restaurant. Tessa walked up to them "good morning, let me show you to your tables. This way please" she smiled and they followed diligently 

"May I take your order" they smiled at her, then the lady spoke "I'd love to have chicken riggies". Teresa smiled and wrote it down and she turned to the man "what about you sir"

"I'll have the Manhattan clam chowder with extra buffalo wings to go" he said 

"oh add one plate of hot dogs and two espresso martini" the lady added.

"I'd be right back with your orders" she smiled and headed for the kitchen. "here's the order Gomez" she handed the paper to him


"babe I'm really starving, it's been 20 minutes" the lady complained.

"hold on babe they'll be here soon" he assured

"here's your order, one plate of chicken riggies, Manhatten clam chowder, a plate of hot dogs, two expresso martini, and extra buffalo wing to go. I'll be coming back for the bill, enjoy your meal" she left with a smile on her face.

"Tessa, pls can you help with the dishes" Jane asked in haste. "I'll be right back Jane, I gotta pee."

Tessa ran to the bathroom, "oh my goodness" she exclaimed

"Tessa why didn't you knock b4 coming in" Chaya yelled

"what the!!!" Tessa yelled as she was extremely surprised by what she had just seen.

"pls don't tell anyone" Chaya and Isabel pleaded and left in a hurry.

"WOW two waitresses making out in the bathroom, who's the boyfriend" she laughed while peeing.


Teresa walked out of the kitchen so gracefully to clear up the used plate on the empty tables.

"Hey waitress" the couple's from earlier.

"Where done, how much for the bill"

"$66 sir"

"Ok" he said as he handed his credit card over to her

"Here's ur receipt sir, do have a nice day" she left.


The restaurant bustled with patrons enjoying their meals, the clinking of glasses and the gentle hum of conversation forming a backdrop to the evening's events. In the midst of the controlled chaos, Teresa, navigated the tables with grace and a welcoming smile.

But tonight, an undercurrent of unease threaded through her interactions. As she approached a particular table, where the owner's son, Andrea, was seated, she felt a sense of dread settle in her stomach. Andrea's reputation for being demanding and entitled preceded him, and tonight, he appeared determined to live up to it.

With an imperious wave of his hand, Andrea summoned her, his eyes cold and critical. Teresa approached him, her heart racing as she prepared to address his concerns.

"What's the meaning of this?" David sneered, pointing at his nearly empty wine glass. His tone was laced with contempt, the disdain in his voice palpable.

"I apologize, sir,"Teresa replied, her voice unwavering despite the anxiety creeping in. "I'll fetch your wine right away."

But Andrea wasn't finished. He continued to berate her, criticizing the speed of service, the temperature of his dish, and even the arrangement of his table setting. Each word cut deeper, making Tessa feel smaller with every moment.

The surrounding diners stole furtive glances at the uncomfortable scene, the tension in the restaurant rising as they witnessed Andrea's relentless assault on Tessa's professionalism.

Tessa's cheeks burned with humiliation, but she held her composure, determined not to let the young man rudeness break her spirit. It was clear that his actions were not motivated by genuine concerns about the service but rather a desire to assert his authority and belittle her.

"Hey waitress" 

Teresa paused

"Come over here" he paused

"Go get me napkins, and put on some gloves before bringing those napkins to me. I don't want dirty hands on them"

"But, sir, my hands are not dirty"

"Young lady, do as you're told, or else I'll personally report you to your boss. I can't have a dirty waitress serve my food. I mean, look at your shoes. It's all worn out and your apron has a stain on it. Leave my sight and get someone to serve me."

"As you wish" she stared deep into his eyes with tears in her eyes, but he glared back at her.

"Get going stink" he yelled.

"here you go sir" Teresa said while holding back her tears.

"can I go sir?"

"no, stay till I ask you to leave" he glared at her

The young man continued to berate Teresa. His relentless critique seemed endless, and it was clear that he intended to diminish her in front of the other diners. But then, Jane came to her rescue

"Tessa you're needed urgently in the kitchen" she said as she dragged Tessa away.

"thank you" Tessa said as she burst into tears.

"why is he so rude"Jane blurted

"Do I stink Jane?"

"Of course not, you don't stink"

"what's taking you so long, is this how you delay customers while you sit back here and chit-chat, you unrealiable freak" Andrea yelled

They heard a stranger's voice behind them. Teresa jumped on her feet on hearing his voice.

"I'll be right there, you aren't suppose to be back here sir. Please make your way..."

"Arghhh shut the fuck up would yaaa" he interrupted.

"Son, why are you back here. C'mon go wait in my office" a commanding voice cut through the tension

"Mom, how's this girl working her in the restaurant. She's not fit for the task"

"Andrea, that's enough!" Mrs. Anderson, the restaurant owner and Andrea's father, thundered. Her face was etched with frustration and disappointment, her eyes locked onto his son with a stern gaze.

David fell silent, his eyes flickering with a mixture of defiance and fear as he realized the gravity of his actions. His mothers intervention was unexpected and unwelcome.

Mrs. Anderson addressed the entire restaurant, her voice carrying the weight of authority. "I apologize for my son's behavior. It is unacceptable, and it does not reflect the values of this establishment. We value the dedication and hard work of our staff, including our wonderful waitress, Teresa."

All eyes were on Mrs. Anderson and Andrea, the patrons watching with interest as the mother confronted his son's misbehavior.

Mrs. Anderson turned to Andrea, her tone unyielding. "You will apologize to Teresa, and you will do so sincerely."

Andrea's lips tightened into a thin line, but he begrudgingly acquiesced. He turned to Teresa, his apology coming through clenched teeth. "I'm sorry," he muttered, his voice dripping with insincerity. His cold stare bore into her, making it clear that he viewed the apology as a mere formality.

Teresa, though shaken by the ordeal, accepted the apology with grace, her professionalism unwavering despite the discomfort of the situation.

"Tessa is one of my hardworking staffs. She's great. Let me guess your in a bad mood again right. C'mon let's go to my office"

"Let's go" he said as he glared at Tessa.

Jane stood beside Teresa as she was trying to process all that just happened. "Why does he hate you so much. Have you guys met before?"

"No Jane, never in my life" she frowned.

"That's really strange. Don't worry I'll go attend to him, you can take my spot in cooking the orders we have today". Jane gave Teresa a reassuring smile as she left as Tessa left for the bathroom.

Teresa stood in the bathroom, her face still wet from tears, trying to regain her composure after the humiliating encounter with David, the owner's son. She wiped her cheeks and took a deep breath, determined to put the incident behind her.

As she turned to leave the bathroom, she collided with David, who stood blocking her path. His glare was cold and hostile, sending shivers down her spine.

"What the fuck, why are you everywhere". Andrea yelled.

Tessa froze and sigh in dismay.

"I'm actually on my way out now. This is the staff restroom" she said while staring deep into his deep blue eyes.

"Why did you decide to hate me so much. I mean this is the first time I'm seeing you so why do you hate me so much".She said in a shy a timid voice.

He stared deeply into her eyes as he walked towards her. Suddenly there was rage burning in his eyes.

But as he stared into her eyes, something shifted in his expression. He was momentarily taken aback, as if he had seen a ghost. The intensity of his gaze deepened, and his mind began to play cruel tricks on him.

Suddenly, vivid memories of his past flooded his thoughts. He saw his ex-girlfriend's eyes, hauntingly similar to Teresa's. The flashbacks of happier times and the painful arguments they'd had all rushed back to him.

David's grip tightened on Teresa's arm, his anger and confusion blurring the lines between reality and the past. He felt a surge of emotions and, in his clouded mind, mistook Teresa for his ex-girlfriend.

"Mm ....move back" she stammered in fear.

"Stay away from me please" she pleaded.

He grabbed her by her arms and pinned them on the wall. He stared deep into her gorgeous hazel brown eyes and he suddenly let go. His face became so calm and tender all of a sudden. There was so much care and affection towards her in his eyes.

"You're beautiful Anne" he said as he got lost in her eyes.

"Anne I missed you so much but why did you have to betray me?" he yelled as anger took over him and over shadowed is head

Teresa gasped as his hand closed around her neck, fear taking hold of her. She cried out for help, struggling to free herself from his grip, her vision starting to blur.

Just as the situation grew dire, Jane, burst into the bathroom. She acted swiftly, intervening and pulling David away from Teresa. 

The incident left Teresa shaken, gasping for air, but she was safe.

"please help me Jane, please take me out of here he's going to kill me" she began yelling at the top of voice as she cried bitterly.

She was shaking tremendously she kept on wondering what would have happened if Jane didn't come at that moment.

Tessa kept on crying as staffs began to rush into the bathroom after hearing her cries.

"what's going on"

"what happened"

"why is she on the floor"

So many questions filled the air as everyone started surrounding the bathroom room area

" what's going on here, everyone get back to work" Mrs. Anderson commanded.

Jane helped Tessa up "let's go"

"you can go Jane, I'll help her"

"ok ma'am" Jane said as she exited the bathroom

"what happened here" Mrs. Anderson yelled at her son. He couldn't say or do anything, because he was trying to process what just happened also.

"Tessa come with me to my office" Mrs. said as she left the bathroom

Tessa stood up wiping her face almost immediately. She walked slowly behind her boss with her head bowed and a sore throat.

As she got to the office, she waited for her boss to go in first. She stood outside the restaurant owner's office, her hands trembling, and her heart pounding like a drum. The events in the bathroom had left her in a state of shock, and her emotions were raw and tumultuous.

The owner, Mrs. Anderson, beckoned her inside with a sympathetic expression. Teresa's voice quivered as she began to apologize for what had happened, but Mrs. Anderson held up her hand gently, silencing her.

With a heavy sigh, Mrs. Anderson's eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and frustration. "I am so deeply sorry for my son's behavior," she said, her voice quivering. "He has struggled with anger issues for years, and I thought we had it under control."

Teresa felt a lump in her throat as she listened, her empathy warring with her own pain. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision.

Mrs. Anderson continued, her voice pleading, "I beg you, Teresa, please don't report this to the Andrea needs help, and I promise we will ensure he gets the treatment he needs. This is a tragedy for both of you, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive him."

Teresa could only nod, her voice choked by the weight of the situation. She couldn't forget how Andrea's grip had been like a vice around her neck, but seeing Mrs. Anderson's genuine remorse and despair, she felt a complex mix of emotions.

As Teresa left the office, her tears fell freely. She couldn't erase the memory of Andrea's aggression, but in that moment, forgiveness felt like the only way to begin the healing process, not just for herself but for Andrea too.

As she exited the owner's office, she unexpectedly crossed paths with Andrea. Her head immediately bowed, and she meticulously avoided making eye contact. She quickened her pace, hoping to put as much distance as possible between them.

Andrea, on the other hand, couldn't shake off the gnawing guilt that had settled within him. The vivid memory of how he had treated Teresa in the bathroom haunted him, the image of his own hands around her neck a disturbing reminder of his actions.

Although he couldn't explain why he had treated her so harshly, a deep sense of remorse welled up within him. He desperately wanted to apologize for his behavior, but his resentment toward Teresa, unfounded and irrational as it was, held him back.

As Teresa hurried away, the tension between them lingered in the air, a complex mix of emotions that neither of them fully understood.

As the evening sun cast long shadows through the restaurant's large windows, the employees gathered around the central dining area. The atmosphere was charged with a sense of excitement, mixed with a touch of trepidation, as the restaurant owner, Mrs. Anderson, stepped forward.With a commanding yet warm presence, Mrs. Anderson addressed the staff, her voice carrying through the room. "Ladies and gentlemen," she began, her words drawing the collective attention of the servers, chefs, and kitchen staff. "Tonight, we have a special challenge ahead of us."She paused for a moment, letting the suspense build. The employees exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued.Mrs. Anderson continued, "We've just received a massive order, the biggest in the history of our restaurant. It's an opportunity to showcase our dedication and excellence, but it will demand hard work and coordination from each one of you."She went on to describe the details of the order, the number of guests, and the specific menu items required. The complexity of the task at hand was evident, and a ripple of murmurs passed through the gathered employees."But," Mrs. Anderson's tone became more resolute, "I believe in the strength of this team. We've faced challenges before, and we've always risen to the occasion. Tonight will be no different."The room fell silent as the gravity of the situation sank in. The employees nodded, some with determination, others with a touch of nervous energy."Let's do what we do best," Mrs. Anderson concluded with a reassuring smile. "Work together, stay focused, and make this an unforgettable dining experience for our guests."With that, the staff dispersed, ready to take on the demanding night ahead, fueled by a shared sense of purpose and the trust they had in their restaurant family.

"oh Tessa that reminds me, you can opt out of this one. Go home and rest"Mrs. Anderson gave her a reassuring smile.

"No ma'am, I'm good" she smiled

"are you sure" 

"yess ma'am"

"okay then" Mrs. Anderson smiled as she exited the central dining area


"okay everyone for this special order where making cheese cake, bagel and lox, egg cream, grilled chicken, and cronut. So I'll be splitting up everyone into 5 teams, one for each of the orders" said the head chef.

"yes sir"

okay so for the cronut team we have Jane, Tessa, Supriya, Tracy, and Liam. I'm putting this combo together because I know they are very fast and efficient when working together.

"but why Liam" tracy laughed

"for strength Tracy, trust me you'll be needing him alot"

"okay liamm" Tracy said

Aftet they all got distributed into groups, they all began to work.

As Tessa was assisting Jane in sorting out the ingredients they would need, she couldn't help but think about what happened between she and Andrea in the bathroom.

she blinked vigorously as she struggles to catch her breath and her hands began to shake.

"are you ok Tess?" asked Liam

"uhm yeah I'm fine" she responds softly

"you seem like you're troubled or are you tired? You can rest a little if you are" Liam proposed as he stared into her eyes with care and utmost attention.

"I'm ok Liam, don't worry" she smiled

They continued with there work.


"Mom, I don't like that girl. I think you should fire her."

Andrea" she yelled."why would you say such a thing. Tessa is a very hard-working girl, trying to support her family. I can't fire her. What exactly as she done to you"

"Nothing, I'll be leaving now". He walked out on his mom.

"Andrea! Andrea!!. You dare walk out on me" she hissed in annoyance 



"Alright everyone, well-done the orders would be going out now. So y'all can rest now. Jane, Supriya, Tessa, Tracy, Liam, Sandra, Chaya and Isabel. You're free to go home, after clearing up this place. You guys worked really hard today."

"Thank you ma'am" they echoed. She smiled, then looked over at Tessa.

"See me now in my office"

"Yes ma'am"


"What's going on between you and my son. I mean the feud. Have you guys met before?"

"No ma, I just went to attend to him this afternoon thinking he was a customer but he just yelled at me and he criticized my service"

"Did he say anything after that?"

"He said i should put on gloves when I want to serve him because my hand are dirty" she frowned.

"Hmmmmmmm and was your hand dirty?"

"no ma'am"

Mrs. Anderson sighed, then reached for her drawer.

"Here's some cash, get a new shoe ok. And come for your new uniforms tomorrow, this one is looking too old."

"Thank you so much ma'am" she said with tears in her eyes.

"Alright then, you can leave" she smiled.


"Tessa, pass those plates over here." Tracy said

"Here you go. Guys guess what, boss gave me cash for new shoes"

"Wow really" Supriya exclaimed

"Yes and she also promised me new work uniform"

"What did you do to Gabby" Tracy chuckled

"I think she did that bcos of the way her son spoke to you earlier" Jane smiled.

"Yeahh maybe" Supriya and Tracy echoed together.

"Cause he spoke to you so rudely" Supriya said

"How do you guys know". They all turned to Jane.

"What! I love to gist. Have you all forgotten". They all giggled

"What are y'all gossiping about now" Sandra hissed

"Mind your fucking business Sandy" Supriya yelled

"Yeah Sandy, now run along"Tracy hissed

"What ever metcheeeewww" Sandra left. They continued washing the plates.


"Finally where done" Tracy jumped with joy.

Hey Jane, where are all the left over spices and seasonings" teresa asked

"They are in those plastic bags over there" Jane replied

"Okay thanks, would be needing these at home.

"Alright girls, let's bounce". Jane said. 

As they gathered their belongings and prepared to leave, Teresa's friends and colleagues approached her in a huddle, their voices filled with shared camaraderie. They couldn't help but discuss the incident with the owner's son, David, and the unpleasant memory it had left behind.

Teresa nodded in agreement, a forced smile on her face. She appreciated the support of her friends, but she didn't want to dwell on the uncomfortable encounter.

Jane, noticing Teresa's subdued mood, decided to shift the conversation to a brighter topic. She leaned in and said, "Hey, Teresa, why don't you come over to our place tonight? We're planning to have some fun, and it might be a great way to unwind."

Teresa hesitated for a moment, her thoughts drifting to her strict father waiting at home. She knew the consequences of defying his rules, and she wasn't prepared to face his wrath. With a regretful smile, she declined Jane's invitation, her gratitude evident in her voice. "I appreciate it, Jane, but I can't tonight. My dad is expecting me home early."

Her friends understood and bid her farewell, promising to catch up another time. As Teresa made her way home, she reflected on the support and friendship she had in her colleagues, grateful for their understanding during challenging times.

Dearest readers,

I hope you cherished every word of Chapter 1 in 'The Waitress.' Your thoughts mean the world to me, and I'd be so grateful if you could share your feelings on this initial journey. Your vote and encouragement are the fuel to my creativity, and your love keeps me going strong. ❤️

With heartfelt appreciation,


L1ONESS_X0X0creators' thoughts