
The Waifu App In The Apocalypse

Jason Augustus, he is an ordinary young man who enjoys reading Manga and playing Video Games. An ordinary man with a slightly odd last name and that's about it. When coming out of a corner store, Jason to his horror found out he was in the Apocalypse. Somehow, someway, he time traveled five years into the future, without aging one bit. How does he know his time traveled? Some mechanical voice In his head, of course. Furthermore, he even got some Waifu App on his phone that lets him summon them and buy their abilities and skills. ... At least something good came out of the Apocalypse, right? RIGHT?! ****** [ I write for Fun and for Entertainment. Don't take this too seriously. This Fanfic could be counted as Wish-Fulfillment. Also - I own nothing in this Fanfic but I my own creations and ideas ]

VoidShiro · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

[ Chapter - 2: Day 1 In The Apocalypse]


" So this is what they gave me, huh?" In a small clearing of the bloodbath that was 7/11, Is Jason looking at the items he got from his Apocalypse Starter kit. It's pretty basic stuff, actually.

He got ten MRE, a stainless steel cooking pot, a black sleeping bag, two 24 packs of clean bottled water and matches, and a Glock-19, with six magazines. Oddly enough, he got two small bags of gold coins. He's guessing the new currency here maybe Though, he's lucky he still has his pizza, big red and hot chips.

" Not too bad... Not too bad at all." He mumbled, taking a bite out of his pizza. Eating 7/11 pizza in the Apocalypse is something he thought he would never do. Then again, he never thought the Apocalypse is a real thing too.

' The world is sure full of surprises, eh?'

Taking a handful of hot Cheetos he crunched them and washed them down with some cold big red. At least eating this, is taking his mind off the dead bodies surrounding him. Strangely enough, he didn't lose his Appetite. No, rather the opposite. He felt more hungry... though, not eating for the last day before time traveling probably did that to him.


" So full...*Burp!*" Looking at the empty pizza box, Cheeto bag, and bottle of big red, he sighed in bliss.

' I probably shouldn't have eaten everything...' Jason reckoned, knowing he won't be tasting anything he just ate for a good while.

" Eh, still worth it." He shrugged his shoulders, honestly not caring right now.

Jason was a single child to his parents, but was taken in by his Grandfather, due to his parents dying in a drunk driver killing them In a car accident. At least the driver died too, were his thoughts at the time. He was only four at that time and he loved his Mom and Dad drealy. So when they died, it hit him hard, making him grow up much faster than other kids his age. When he graduated, his Grandfather followed due to old age, leaving him alone in the world, pushing him to play games and make friends.

He wanted to be remember. He doesn't just wanna be another person in the moving world like his family, like so many others before him. He wanted everyone to know his name. And In they did(in a way) being Number One in many FPS games. The gamer World knew him. However, not the whole world... But, at last, that's the farthest he knew he would come, being gaming is the only thing he's truly good at.


' Better get going.' Jason told him himself. He has already found an opening that is using cars as a passage out of the wall of corpses.

Thinking of putting the stuff in the inventory, they disappeared into colorless particles, all except the Glock-19 and the ammo for it.

Putting the ammo in his pockets, Jason held the gun and walked to the only exit this place has.


" *Gulp* I better hold my breath. I don't feel like throwing up." Jason shivered, seeing blood, guts, and body parts painting the floor and cars acting as a barricade. If he had to guess the walkout, is about half a minute. All he has to do is walk around and over rotting bodies and he's out of here.

' You got this Jason. This is nothing.' He repeated to himself, walking into the passage, using the top of his T-shirt to act to cover his mouth and nose, while holding his breath.

Like this, he walked out of the wall of corpses. Though he did almost throw up, seeing a kid's terrified rotting face with his blood painting the ground with his ripped out and guts and heart.

" Hahhh!" Now a good distance away from the place, he started to breathe again.

' That was fucking horrible!' He really wants to know what happen in the five years he was out. Was Eric or Jessica still alive? Was that Sarah girl still alive? Did anything bad happen to them? These types of thoughts kept running through his head, without stopping ever since he started to eat that pizza. He really has to pat himself on the back for not breaking down. If it was anyone else, they would have.

' Let's get out of here...'

Giving the place one last look, Jason started walking down the hunted roads of Brooklyn, with a Glock-19 in hand. The only thing pushing him forward was a primal instinct: Survival.

