
Chapter 2: The Dragons Awakening

After Void Found Out He Was human he went off to find his old village he used to rule until he left that is. :1 Hour later: he arrives with his new buddy he picked up along the way a egg that's almost close to hatching he thought it might be a Dragon like himself so he picked it up. As He Approached the village After A 1 hour walk he find a huge black and purple gradient portal consuming the land. "since it is my portal i should be safe to go into without landing somewhere bad right?" He Thought To His Self but reality has different things to offer he steps thru the portal and lands in a pile of dragon eggs with his signature color black and purple. "Wait A Second. These Are MY Eggs!" He Shouted But Quickly He Put A Hand Over His Mouth, As A Dragon Guard Looks Around The Area To Find The Shouting Person/Dragon But He Cant Find Anything "Phew.." Void Let Out A Sigh Of Relieve. As He Steps Back Into The Portal He came From He Was Put Back Into his House With The Egg Fully Hatched And A Dragon Flying Around The Room "Whoa! Its Me!" He Was Excited That His New Friend Dragon Is Himself In Dragon Form And Then Void Sees A Faint Purple And Magenta Light Coming from His Back and hands he notices that he has powers, powers to instantly hatch eggs with out a problem or consequence He Also Finds out that his dragon form has more powers that he has to unlock along the way. End Of Chapter 2 [Next Chapter] :The Dawn Of Blood Dragons:

As Void Finds Out His Powers Are Able To hatch Eggs With Out Problems We All Wonder What Does Chapter 3 Mean In Its Title? Well Tune In Next Time For That

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