
The Villainess Is Immortal

"where I now?" "choose your fate" "who are you! come out!" Jasmine said "I'm your ancestor" "Impossible" "that's are not possible and choose your fate" "why I need choose my fate? I'm not die" Jasmine said and weirding "die? you just die a few minutes ago" her ancestor said "what? how I'm die?" Jasmine ask "your husband, Lee Seojun just put the snake poison at your drink" "what?!" "just give up Jasmine, you need to glad b'cause you're blooding our noble Qecryt" "Qecryt?" "yes, the world magical, founder of Qecryt has manipulate power" "so, he's always help his descent until now" "now choose your fate" "but-" "first, be a noble woman" "second, be a normal human with life happiness" "last, be a servant" "ofcourse second choices!" "sure? but you need to die early before your ages achieve to 15 years old" "um, no" "I think first better" Jasmine said "I not suggest you about this choices, better you not choose that fate" "hah? why?" "do you want to be a queen when your age in 80 years old?" "what!" "hahh, better I die, I don't want life again" "how about you life in world magical?" "can I?" "yes, but you need to be a immortal, and for sure, you need to marry and loving one man" "who? I will do it" ......

MsHan · Autres
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16 Chs


QIRTAIN residence,

"ah! My son and Vio!"

"welcome back!"

Varina Hiateus said

"we greet at Grand Duke Qirtain and Grand Duchess Varina"

Violatte said

Hurm, actually Varina is kind women as the story tell, but Qirtain is quietly lie about everything at his face

I'm glad Qaesar not got on his nature! Or I maybe will be crazy when he got built love with other people and said at everyone that's his concubine!

But Qecryt said, if I got change Vio fate, maybe we can still alive without any problem...

"Vio? Are you alright?"

Varina ask

"ah, yes duchess, I'm alright"

Vio said and talk politely

I'm scared she scary with me again!

"we're not enter?"

Vio ask, she actually just ask and her nature to ask like want to kill someone if Varina not gift permission to them

"ah! Pardon me, let's we enter to the hall"

Varina said and hide behind Qaesar body's, she scared

"ah mom's I don't mean-"

"stop Vio"

"let my mom enter early before you"

Qaesar said, he talk seriously at Vio faces

"I hope you remember what you did at this place 2 years ago"

Qaesar said and walk enter

"what do you mean?"

Vio asking and hold Qaesar clothes


He ignore Vio


Them entering and sat at the chair

"Violatte need some rest, let's me bring you to your room"

Varina said and hold her to go her room

She serve Vio like a maid, she know where her place,

"my mom's not your servant!"

Sissy shout and cough

Them stopped,

She sick?

"I'm know you're Duchess Qecryt"

"b-but why you treat we family like this?!"

"we're family too and-"

"stop it Sissy!"

"where's your attitude as heir Qirtain?"

Varina said and close her faces, she shy and feels bad about Sissy nature

"pardon her, Duchess Qecryt"

"she still young, I will diciplines her later"

Varina said and bow her head

"don't mad at her mom"

"I'm okay, and I came here to meet Lady Sissy and greet you as Qaesar mom's"

Violatte said

Them shock,

Violatte not angry?

"do you get sick?!"

"let me check your condition!"

Varina said and panic

Actually, she calm since she came with Qaesar, she hold Qaesar hands too! Did I see wrong?!

"I'm not sick"

"and well, I want to get permission from you to go buy some jewels and dress for her debutante next week"

Violatte said

"ofcourse you can!"

Varina said and hold Violatte hands

"wait next week?"

"so you will stay here for one week?"

Sissy ask

"yes, for sure"

"why you ask? You not like I'm with Qaesar stay here more longer?"

Violatte ask

Varina cough and see at Sissy with her scary eyes,

"are you sick?"

Violatte ask

"ah! Let's we go to living room now!"

Sissy said and hold Violatte hand to going living room

"wait Sissy-"

"so, brother told you to be my partner at the debutante next week?"

"yes, don't worry, I have many experience to teach you how to dance or other etique"

Suddenly, Qinqin caming at Sissy side

"Nice to meet you Duchess Qecryt"

"actually, Lady Sissy has bought her items from my company and she has done to do a transaction with me"

Qinqin said

Violatte thinking something, then she wake up and greet back,

"nice to meet you Lady Qin, but can I see your necklace?"

Violatte ask

"pardon me Duchess Qecryt, but this necklace is only I can touch it"

"but you can-"

"I knew it, that's why I want to see it"

"can I?"

Violatte said

Sissy right! She's stubborn at everyone!

"I said can not!"

Someone enter living room,

"oh, let me see who there with my little sister and trying to provoke my wife?"

Qaesar said and entering with QinLin

"Qinqin, came here"

QinLin called

Qinqin run to go forward her brother,

QinLin flicked her head,

"why you provoke Duchess Qecryt and disturb in their problem?"

QinLin ask

"Lin! I'm not mean to do that, I'm just want help Sissy from her scary sister!"

Qinqin said

"I had told you to not run anyway in the carriange, futhermore, you want help her?"

"help yourself before help other Qinqin!"

QinLin angry

Qinqin sad,

"don't angry Marquess Qin, Qinqin still young and she just want playing with other people same ages like her"

"like now, she want attention from Sissy and want to play with her"

Violatte said

"she's right! I really not minded to provoke her!"

"I'm disappointed with you!"

Qinqin said and cry out from Qirtain residence

QinLin confused,

"why you still here?"

"go find and persuade your sister!"

Qaesar said

Then QinLin run searching her sister and go back to Qin residence, meanwhile Qaesar hold Violatte hands and bring her back to sit,

"so, you had discuss it with Sissy?

Qaesar ask

"not yet, but I'll told her about it later"

"I'm tired now, can you help me to go at my bedroom?"

Violatte said

"sure let's go"

Qaesar said and help Violatte back to her bedroom

"am I has seem something wrong with their relationship?"

Sissy said when she saw Qaesar help Violatte and treat her like a normal husband to wife

"you right!"

Qecryt said


"when she change?"

Sissy ask

Master of mind, SISSYLICH QIRTAIN, heir Grand Duke Qirtain, sister Qaesar, she can talk with Qecryt since five years old, everyone call her 'Lady of ghost' because she talk alone everyday

"she from other world, but she your cousin too"

Qecryt said

"from other world?!"

"what her world name?"

Sissy ask

"she from world named earth"

"and her name from earth is Jasmine Ophelp"

Qecryt said

"wait, Ophelp is my grandfather siblings"

"so, she's my auntie?"

Sissy said and ask

This impossible, how Ophelp can go to other world without any restrictions?

"so can I ask more about world named earth?"

Sissy ask

"no, but you need to built relationship with Jasmine, she being kind since she died and rencarnation to be Violatte"

"if you want to know more about earth"

"you can ask her"

Qecryt said

"what happen to Jasmine until she die at the world named earth?"

"I will do what Qecryt said!"

Sissy said and go to her room

To be continue...