
The Villainess Handbook to Survival

I hate "white lotuses", they have something to hide, another mission this time the Villainess will be victorious. Please check the original, this is for a contest.

Shiren_Icy · Romance
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18 Chs

Special Team

"Hello everyone, today we have several special ones out and with a nice high bet I'm sure you can take them home." The purity of passion from this man is just ruined by the job, his sweet smile sickens Retha to her core. 'A man this excited about selling other people is down right horrible he is the worst type of evil, the sweet talkers.'

The crowd grows curious by his words as Retha has locked eyes with Zekeru, his eyes watching her and searching her for something Retha old have never imagined. Her eyes falling over his entirety quickly to see everything she needed. Having sized each other up and searching the other's will, a short time in what could and did feel like forever had passed them by.

When the two of them realized the time that had passed they looked away.

'She has a bitter revenge she must be the one to help me exact my revenge… she is different enough for that.'

'He … he's the ace I need maybe our goals can align. I must get him!'

The Auctioneer begins the auction with a sweet looking girl whom of which had nothing special about her. She was a delicate and soft brown eyes, with hair to match. It was odd with her being so sweet and quiet, if she wasn't treated well she wouldn't do so well. For a very plain girl, her hands seem to be something of speciality.

"Now everyone I'm sure you guys think she is plain and nothing special, but she was a star from the Momokii Kingdom. She was the famous..."

"She was famous for her ability to sew with grace, speed and precision. She as was a from a low ranking noble family she had to have but one thing going for her, she could make dream dresses in mere days. She has an eye for measurement and has an error of only two notch's, she is also easy on the eyes."

The crowd began to murmur and uproar at the skill held in such an ordinary vessel.

"Do you really think she could really do that?" "Why would he lie to us?"

The crowd deeply interested in the coming bets.

"So, folks let's start the bet at 1 thousand alkas, you young ladies would benefit a lot. You? How about you?"

Pointing out into the audience, smiling with a glowing devilish give.

Soon hands are flying like the slowly growing price, the auctioneer face twisting more and more as well.

"Anyone for thousand! … bid to 29 the lady in yellow"

"Anyone for two thousand! … bid to 40 the lady in green"

Like that the bidding grow, this began to take to long. Retha had to hurry to catch the conflict and show Anais what was coming.

"2 million, I bid 2 million."

Cloaked in black and number 121, the crowd turns in shock.

"Number 121 in black, for 2 million. Going once ….. going twice and. Sold."

Like that the match and spoils go to Retha, and the rest jealous as the golden hands' home is decided.

The crowd was wild with question on the mysterious bidder.

'Sue how do you think it will affect the story if I collect the Prince.'

"I'm pretty sure the story would derail, they never crossed paths before."

What even Sue wasn't aware, the story now was only a shell crafted by the author to enjoy absolute satisfaction.

The story has a secret path only touched once. The resurrection of the Momokii and the rise of Penelope Vanguard, if only the prince could have crossed paths with Penelope.

'I want the prince, I'll become the real villainess this way.'

Retha eyes glowed with power and passion, desire and knowledge.

Shocked by the response but smirking in the right.

'Sue, help me get that prince. Could you silence the crowd? I'll make sure I make a bid so wild.' Smiling like business is on.

The auction continued, for the crowd the event was fun, but for Retha the moment couldn't come faster.

Sue, sent off for her mission, came across a wild card the would turn her mission into something much bigger than what she knew.

" Of course, just make sure to spread your dust . We are mute to the world, so the dust should mute them with enough. Don't you trust me?"

Slowly the auction continues with the rabble grabbing for all they could.

All I had to do was wait. I could bid, but nothing spoke to me.

A weeping Mother and orphaned children, the desperate maiden and the shell of a man.

Ramona, Lola, Josh, Gregory; All forgettable and my spark told me nothing. I pitied them, but they will suffer some for the sake of freedom if I focus on what I need to do.

"Sue, are you going to be ready soon? I'll need it soon."

The auction dragged on with the end nearly insight.

"100 thousand"

"12 thousand"

'The alkas being thrown about was horrendous, the price of a human life? They could allow them freedom and housing, if only they cared!'

"Alright everyone, the finale is upon us. Please welcome our last item for sell."

The Knight Prince; slow and clumsy, blinded by the light, as he takes the center stage.

From Knight to lamb in a moment, eyeing Retha, looking for comfort.

"What a gorgeous 'prince', isn't he˜"

"Such a strong back, broad and toned˜"

Trembling on the stage, in a pool of himself.

"Now this is the prince that was long awaited. Momokii Kingdom's fallen 'Knight Prince'! Don't you want to sleep with royalty or feel the protection of a fallen knight prince?" A devilish smile plastered across his face.

'Now is my time to win my golden finger. get ready fallen prince, you will rise again.'

Retha was beyond glowing with her golden sword dangling just outside of her reach. The plan was smooth in the making, no one could see the ending coming. The Prince was drowning in the eyes soul of hers.

"Now audience are you ready to place your bids on this charming prince?"

The crowd was ripped away in that moment. Retha smiled with a wild thought rolling through her mind.

"Now is time!"


" I bid 5 million!"

The silent crowd was stunned, Retha had s devilish smile spread across her face.

"Bid of 5 million, going once…"

Stiff as he can't hear another.

"Going twice… Sold to the black cloak."

Just the moment he closed the bid.

"What !?!?!"

"That isn't right!"

"Someone must have cheated!"

"This isn't right!"

Laughing at the chaos of the unhappy crowd. The chatting was overwhelming and devouring.

"I'm sorry everyone that was the last item of the day. The auction is over, please make your exit and collect your winnings." The auctioneer was nervous but unable to do anything about it.

They begin leaving to check out, watching for the winner we know well.

"Hey Retha, we are ready to go out blazing?" Sue says excited.

"Of course! Who can stop us now?" Dripping with confidence.

Will anything else happen? Come next time to see!

Please support me in the Webnovel Spirity Awards. Dreams of Beast City 2.0, Thanks!