
The Villainess Handbook to Survival

I hate "white lotuses", they have something to hide, another mission this time the Villainess will be victorious. Please check the original, this is for a contest.

Shiren_Icy · Romance
Pas assez d’évaluations
18 Chs

Set the stage

She dashes down the hall to finish dressing as the banquet and show is soon approaching. Then she'll finally meet the star of Calamity Anais and a divid in the road.

As if the world could tell a battle was going to start, it began to fog with anticipation. " System is the dress finished?" " I need a few more minutes." " Understood"

The sound of elegant lady and men full of youthful vigor chatting away. Then for a moment it seems time stops, as Anais burst forth from the door. Dressed simple yet elegant, the idea of a true saintess. Her pale blue hair waves gently like the tail of her dress, her skin fair like snow and match her crystal shoes and shimmering white lillies.

Just as she's about to steal all the attention the fog intensifies. " Now today won't be just any banquet. Let welcome the host and let the show begin." The doors swing open to reveal a Lady not in a dress but suited for battle. Blue light and free alongside a deep ferocious red. Delicate lillies acrossed her cape and rose wore on her front.

Her boots normally black are light blue and red, lined with lillies on the top and roses growing twisted around the ankle. Her black shirt now blue with lillies on the cuffs and roses gently placed on her vest. Everybody gasps forgetting the beautiful saintess and focused on a rarer sight, A battle maiden.

"Did you see that?" "What is Retha doing like that?" "Are we seeing correctly, where's her dress?" People murmur they couldn't understand this idea on Penelope at all. Smirking gleefully, "Now everyone I'm sure you are confused, if you would follow me to the side garden then you'll understand better. Once we are all there the show truly starts."

Retha with elegance and grace leads the group to the battle arena with 3 warriors awaiting their turn. Entering with a grand leap, " Now everyone knows me as this kingdoms most eligible bachelorette with perfect lady skills, but now I'll show you I have skills beyond that of a traditional woman."

The first to enter the arena to be my opponent was a new knight with nice speed status. He's tall, toned but slim in all areas of importance. This build being extremely important to speed. "Now sir Hart a newly appointed knight will be testing my speed."

"Now to test her speed I will lung at her using my fastest sword swings, plus for her reaction speed." I move to the center and close my eyes, everyone murmuring in dismay and disbelief.

" O what is she doing?" "She's a lady this is disgraceful." "I can't believe a noble woman would do that." "To think Retha thinks soo lowly of herself to act like a rowdy commoner."

And to the nobles surprise the commoners dress in nice clothes from Retha new business don't stay quiet. "So what if she wants to do this. She's great at it and she protects her citizens even without wanting anything, plus she gave us such pretty dresses."

The argument peaks and ends quickly as Sir Hart lunges and metal begins to collide. In awe and wide eyed, "Unbelievable" "She's that fast" "She's so swift so light"

Sir Hart swing after swing, each steps the distance decreases and the speed quickens. Breathing heavy, sweating and trembling, the skill lessening and the grace gone. Just then Sir Hart trips and Retha lands a decisive blow.

With that the match ends and goes to Retha, calm, collected, " Now everyone as you could see my speed and stamina matches that of a new knight and let's test my strength. Sir Cain could you enter the arena please."

Broad, tone, pulsating muscles and heavy foots steps, " I'm Sir Cain as she said and I'll be the strength test.", with a deep husky, yet gentle way about it.

I once again return to the center to face Sir Cain. Just barely over a feet away, he raises his mighty blade, with due hast but power not see against the likes of Sir Hart and a slower speed. Each clash, leaving neither of us moving a single step, with tremendous wind and shock to the crowd.

"My o my this is truly superb!" "My this is far too much for me to disagree with." "Our guardian angel is truly more like a guardian godess!"

The speed forth decreases and the stalemate begins to waver. "Sir Cain you are remarkable, but please don't hold back this time strike me with everything you have left." And with that we wait but a moment.

Drawing his sword with both hands above his head, those who were not careful fell and others lost their hats. Smiling having tested my strength to it's fullest, I met his sword both parring it and sending Sir Cain tumbling.

"My lady Retha, I had no idea a lady of your standing was so talented." "Please Sir Cain thank you quite the bit but I have one more show to but on and I'm sure you will enjoy as well"

Now you would think Anais being the white lotus she is would have tried to be noticed by the male leads and of course you would be right but to her dismay they were all far too focused on the match.

During the speed test Issac enamored by the speed of the fight, a speed of which just barely out pace his reading, "With such keen and elegant reflexes, could her ability to read match that of her feet. To think my best adversary would be the lady I looked down upon for being nothing but a doll."

In extreme awe and eyes glued to every movement, like a paint being painted right before his eyes, he failed to notice the white lily Anais fearful glance in the obstacle standing before her. I, my shadow ever looming, was far from what she thought she would face.

This moment of fear intensified as she realized Issac, the charming linguist, was falling in love with the image before him. She tried her best, with her world shaking before her, to be noticed by him. She fell at his feet, " O my, this show that of a monstrous woman! Ho-how could she be this kingdoms most eligible bachelorette??!"

But her plea for comfort and desire to draw a rift fell to deaf ears. Then again with Sir Jake during the strength test. Each blow and parred sword strike reminded him of his own abilities and how he trained. "She strength is remarkable to think she could go blow for blow with him of all the new recruits." The wind like a hellish storm only enthralled him more. As if ever gust of wind and the clashing of metal had him hypnotized.

My poor little Anais striking out yet again, let's herself get carried away by the wind into Jake. "O my, this wind too strong." She goes and falls in front of Jake, thinking he'll catch her.

" O my those red panties really don't make a pretty blue and white dress like that. Just what was she thinking?" "You are right, such a shame." Ashamed but not finished she tries for strike 3 with the Crown prince.

"Now everyone this is Miss Wanda, she is the most agile and flexible of our new knights. She's also one of few female knights."

" I will test the hand to hand speed and others under the category. Now shall we start the show." With that we dropped our swords and stepped to the center. Once we started, the Crown Prince whispered sweet nothings as he looked into the eyes of a strong unstoppable woman.

"Your moves have a grace no other could ever match, could I be the one to have you." Anais in fear, stumbling like a newly born fawn. "O please could you please help me.." "Damn that witch how could she bewitch them so easily!@##$@#$$!"

The anger of jealousy and the stench of defeat riddled acrossed her face, she takes the step to the stage. Kick for kick and blow for blow, she sends flying knees and elbows.

With ease hand by hand left and right I par them with a calm serenity. Just then she stumbles, I swipe her legs and pin her to the ground.

Just as I look up I see Anais on fire and black to the soul. "How could you?!#@$ Are you happy to see those men love you?? Hmm tell me you wretch woman!!!!!!" To think the white lotus took the first step.

My mind at an unbelievable excited state, "Yes yes I want to see this white lily stain herself red. Yes ruin this white lotus before you make a suitable debut. YES! I want you to ruin yourself and see if this saintess act goes once your black heart is revealed."

What will Retha do? Will this be enough to stop Anais's future plan? What will Anais do? Find out in chapter 8