
The Villainess's Revenge

“Give me a second chance, give me one more chance to exact my revenge and I promise to never love again.” _ She was on her deathbed. Everything had burnt to ashes. Flames engulfed her castle, all her precious belongings were now ashes. Her parents were dead. She swore that she’d do anything to take revenge on him. The crown prince she once loved but now despised. Melissa had been blinded by love, she’d swore never to fall in love again. But it seemed her mind was easily changed by three certain men. How’ll she exact revenge? Did they manage to get Melissa to break her oath? And who exactly were ‘they’? Read the Villainess’s Revenge to find out more!

Nyxielle · Histoire
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344 Chs

Chapter 19

"Here are our finest weapons."

The boss had taken out a few weapons for Lady Melissa to choose from, but Lady Melissa was so absorbed in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed he had already come back.

There were five swords, daggers, and bows sitting right in front of Lady Melissa, they were all unique and beautiful looking, but Lady Melissa didn't feel as if any of them were the 'right one' for her.

That was until she set her sights on a beautiful sword, it was a long old sword, and although it looked pretty common, it was beautiful in Lady Melissa's eyes.

Something about the sword just seemed to draw in Lady Melissa's attention, and it was as if the sword was made for her.

So she decided to choose that one.

"I'll have this sword, please."

"This isn't part of our collection Lady Melissa, and it's just a very common sword. Why don't you change your mind and choose another sword?"

"Are you challenging my tastes?"

"N-no, of course not!"

The owner was once again frigid. It was as if the sword was something important, but Lady Melissa completely brushed it off, thinking that he was still shaken up by Lady Melissa's attitude just now.

"Thank you for the sword. I shall go now."

Lady Melissa had left the shop, she had an hour or two more before 5 PM, and she was planning to make the most of it.

And what better way than buying cute items and eating street food? She was pretty sheltered growing up, and now it was as if she was seeing a whole new world.

So she wanted to make the most of it. Who knows when the next time she can go out?

She had to take advantage of everything going on, or else she would once again be used like in her past life.

Lady Melissa was walking along the streets but then she noticed that there was a crowd.

Now Lady Melissa was quite the curious person, but in her past life, she pretended she wasn't curious; instead, she hid that trait of hers as Lady Melissa didn't want the Crown Prince to dislike her because of her curiosity.

There were many rumors that men didn't like women to be curious, so she once again obliged to society's words.


After all, there was even a saying for it.

'Curiosity killed the cat.'

That was the famous saying, but what most people didn't know was the second line.

'But satisfaction brought it back.'

Lady Melissa approached the Crowd, and it was quite crowded.

Many peasants were standing and running and talking, and it was VERY loud.

Lady Melissa was still wondering what all the fuss was about before she saw him.

It was none other than the Crown Prince.

He had gotten back from the war he 'lead.'

Lady Melissa had completely forgotten about it, and here she was going to face the consequences.

What's worse was that the Crown Prince, Henry Dante Willis, was standing just a few feet in front of her.

Perhaps this was karma?

Hopefully, he didn't see her or recognize her as she had immediately fled off seeing his face.

'Ah, looks like the universe truly hates me.'

'Should I go back to the carriage? And go home?'

Lady Melissa jogged throughout the carriage before realizing she had bumped into someone.

It was a man with a hood hiding both his face and body, but she was in a hurry so she couldn't get a better glimpse of him.

"Sorry,I'm in a rush."

Lady Melissa apologized before running into her carriage.

"My, my what do we have here?I wonder why she was runnin.Well I can find out later."

After a few more minutes of running, Lady Melissa had finally arrived back into her carriage,with her maid.

"Lady Melissa, where did you go?"

"We need to go now!I'll tell you later."

The maid in a panic at why Lady Melissa seemed so shaken and taken aback immediately told the driver.

"Go now!"

And in a matter of seconds, they were heading towards the Shayla estate.

"Lady Melissa are you okay? Do you need any water?"

"No don't worry about me, I'm fine."

"And I apologize for leaving you here all alone, you must've been worried, I just wanted to have some fun. So you needn't worry about me. Though thank you for listening to my words."

"No worries, Lady Melissa, however next time please explain to me first before rushing.I was quite panicked."

"Haha yeah, my bad."

Lady Melissa put her hands together and apologized to her maid once more.

"Ah, you don't have to apologize Lady Melissa!"

"It's my fault, so I should apologize."

"No no, it's fine!"

"Well if you insist."

The carriage was approaching near the Shayla estate.

And in a matter of minutes, they were right in front of the Shayla estate.

"Welcome back Lady Melissa."

The butlers and maids greeted Lady Melissa.

"Yes, hello to you too."

Lady Melissa greeted the butler and maids back.

She walked towards the entrance of her house only to be met with her parents.

"It was almost 5 PM so we were worried about where you were."

Her parents explained themselves to her.

"Oh my apologies for returning home almost late, I'll make sure not to repeat the same mistake again."

Lady Melissa once again apologized.

"You don't need to apologize, dearie, we were just worried about where you were. Though it's good you won't be reaching home late again, after all, there's been news of murders happening everywhere in town these past few days."

Now Lady Melissa hadn't heard of this incident, well she did remember that there was something similar in her past life, yet the murderer was never caught.

The public had named the murderer 'Jack The Ripper' simply because of how brutally he had murdered his victims, and for some peculiar reason, his victims were all females.

Chapter 20's gonna be posted a few hours after this so bear with me<3

Nyxiellecreators' thoughts