
The Villain in Women's Clothing: Son Of Luck Seek Revenge at the Start

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100 Chs

Chapter 93: Step over my body first!

As soon as the voice fell, everyone in Suyun Pavilion also reacted.

Holy Son is right!

This is a secret realm, not the outside world. As long as all these people are dealt with, no matter how powerful the outside world is, it won't help. They can't find them if they seek revenge, but it is more dangerous to let them go.

The disciples of Suyun Pavilion gritted their teeth, and they were completely ruthless, killing intent secretly.

Thinking about what the Son of God said at the end, I couldn't help but feel swayed.

Such a stunning beauty at their disposal??!

All the members of Suyun Pavilion suddenly became excited, and their gazes towards Feng Qingran became more and more naked and presumptuous. "Seven One Three"

As the saying goes, the word color is the first knife, but even if there is a knife, it depends on whether the color is enough or not?

A peerless beauty like Feng Qingran, whose national beauty and fragrance are hard to find, is worth ten swords, let alone one sword!

The Holy Son of Suyun Pavilion gave a wicked laugh, and then continued: "Well, if you surrender to me now and make a destiny oath, this Holy Son may be able to let you go and let you serve me in this life, of course, not Let them spoil you, how? 99

In his opinion, although Feng Qingran is dangerous, there are correspondingly many benefits.

If he could completely surrender himself and become the princess-in-law of the county, wouldn't the royal family's family resources be too much to be used up?

At that time, what is the identity of a small Suyunge saint son? He will inherit the royal title directly from now on!

However, rather than letting him fall in love with him, he still prefers to directly force submission, which is highly efficient, and can slowly cultivate feelings and anything.

As for Feng Qingran's bad reputation, he doesn't care at all, he thinks that being so good-looking, the shortcomings can be ignored. Besides, as long as she makes a destiny oath, she can't go against her, even if she has a bad temper, she can't tell herself.

As soon as these words came out, both the Qingyuan Sect and the disciples of the Suyun Pavilion were all nervous.

They were all afraid, and the disciples of Qingyuanzong were afraid that Feng Qingran would give in and they would have no last chance.

The disciples of Suyun Pavilion were afraid that once Feng Qingran promised them, they would not be able to eat meat!

Such a peerless beauty, whoever is not willing to change, the Holy Son actually wants to swallow it alone!

The disciples of Suyun Pavilion were quite critical, how could the situation be better than others, the Holy Son and the others couldn't afford to provoke them, so they had to suffer.

"Oh?" Feng Qingran raised his brows, but he was not angry.

I'm pondering in my heart, I'm afraid you'll be scared back when the time comes~

With a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, Feng Qingran said softly: "This young master, just took back what you said just now? Are you not afraid that your junior and junior brothers will be dissatisfied?"

"They?" The Holy Son of Suyun Pavilion snorted: "Even if they are dissatisfied, I am the Holy Son, they can only and must listen to me, that's enough!"

The Son of Suyun Pavilion has a proud tone, The Weak are Prey to the Strong, and the weak belong to the strong. This law is very obvious in Suyun Pavilion.

Hearing this, although the disciples of Suyun Pavilion did not say anything, they were already secretly dissatisfied with their own holy son. They tried their best to follow, but in the eyes of the holy son, they were so contemptible?

Feng Qingran chuckled in his heart, his predecessor also thought so, so he was gone.

The exposed brows were wrinkled. Seeing that Feng Qingran had not given an answer for a long time, the Holy Son of Suyu Pavilion asked coldly, "How do you want to choose?"

"Even if you are powerful alone, can you still compare to so many people in my Suyun Pavilion? You don't think your junior brothers and sisters have any fighting power, do you? The Holy Son spoke again disdainfully, in an attempt to shake Feng Qingran's thoughts.

There is no way, this position of the princess' concubine is too tempting!

With the resources, coupled with his excellent talent, it is no problem to build a platform in the fourth realm! He really wanted Feng Qingran to give in directly, so that he would not have to work harder.

Because having said that, people who feel at the top are usually embroidered pillow-like goods, but after all, there are exceptions, right?

Usually, people who come out of the big forces will be one or even several grades higher than ordinary people, whether it is Cultivation Technique or Martial Skill, so it will not be too easy for him to deal with.

This time, Feng Qingran did not hesitate, and directly blocked the other disciples of Qingyuan Sect, and looked directly at the Son of Suyun Pavilion.

"Sorry. 35

Feng Qingran's red lips parted lightly, and his charming eyes were all firm at the moment.

The girl resolutely took a step forward, and the breeze blew the skirt, as if she was going to ride the wind away.


Everyone present was fascinated by this beautiful scene, and unconsciously pricked up their ears to listen to the beauty's choice!

"I choose, fight!

The girl tore a piece of red cloth from her sleeve with her teeth, and stood up her loose black hair.

Dazzling and dazzling.

Eyes lightly swept across the people in Suyun Pavilion, without a trace of fear.

"If you want to hurt my junior brothers and sisters, step on my corpse first!