
The Villain in Women's Clothing: Son Of Luck Seek Revenge at the Start

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100 Chs

Chapter 89: Enough to threaten the entire dynasty!

Although Feng Yueying's words were true to the heart, it was not so in his heart.

He really didn't want Wen Renyi to take power in the Wen Family Army again, his prestige was so high that it almost became a legend!

If Wen Renyi was there, the people who joined the army would definitely join the Wen family army with great enthusiasm.

In the past, the Wen family army had reached a time when the number of the army of the dynasty under his control was similar.

What a terrifying concept, as long as Wen Renyi had a little crooked thoughts at that time, his Yunqi Dynasty might be completely wiped out.

Because the Wen family army has always been known for being brave and good at fighting and not afraid of death, with the same number, he is not sure that the dynasty army can outperform the Wen family army.

Wen Renyi didn't hear anything unusual, or in other words, he never thought that Feng Yueying would see him as a thorn in the flesh.

He also thought that Feng Yue Ying was sincere.

Arch cupped hands, choked: "Thank you, Your Majesty 07."

Although his heart was full of grief, he still knew the priorities throughout his life in the army. Nothing was more important than the stability of the dynasty, and he should not act recklessly.

His Majesty promised him that he could do whatever he wanted after learning the result.


Wen Renyi gritted his teeth fiercely, his heart ached, but there was still a glimmer of hope.

Yun Zhao had an idea since he was a child, and he didn't believe that he would die like this!

Brat, you must come back alive!

Wen Renyi prayed silently in his heart.

"Okay, old general, you can go back first, and I will notify you as soon as there is news. 35 Feng Yueying waved his hand away.

Things are too chaotic, he wants to be alone.

"Yes, Your Majesty, the old minister retire."

After salute, Wen Renyi turned around and walked away with the same sprint as when he came, but at this moment, his back was a little more dejected.

The moment Wen Renyi left the Great Hall, Feng Yueying's face instantly darkened.

Picking up the dragon case and going up to the inkstone, he slammed down to the ground.


The delicate dragon-patterned inkstone became torn apart.

The gatekeeper outside was too overheard, so he hurriedly opened the door and wanted to come in.

"Get out!"

Before a few eunuchs could fully step in, they were scolded by Feng Yueying.

Shrinking his neck in fear, he all retreated, and carefully closed the door.

Others say that His Majesty treats people with kindness, but those who serve in front of them all know how terrible His Majesty's temper is behind his back.

A little careless, little life is hard to save!

But don't dare to touch the bad when your Majesty is in a bad mood.


Feng Yueying was so angry that he slapped the dragon case with another fissure.

He thought of such an excellent plan, and as a result, the two most important pieces were out of order!

How does this make him play this chess game?!

Feng Yueying's face was ferocious, and anyone who saw it would be startled. If he hadn't put on the dragon robe, he wouldn't have been associated with the Emperor Shengming of the Yunqi Dynasty at all.

But as a monarch, naturally he also has his palace.

He let out a long sigh of relief, and in the next instant, Feng Yueying returned to his honorable appearance in front of others.

Ye Mei frowned, pondering in his heart.

Both parties had an accident, and the chances of both surviving at the same time were too low.

If one died, he would prefer Wenren Yunzhao.

Because Feng Qingran's emperor's niece's temperament is known to everyone, and she is evil, but she also has no intentions and is easy to control.

That ill will also make it easier for him to take care of it at will in the future, so that the king of Zhenbei and his good imperial brother will be saved forever.

And Wenren Yunzhao, who joined the army at a young age, made countless military exploits, big and small, and the Cultivation Base Talent was also extremely top-notch, which made his peers look down on him.

On the other hand, looking at his unsatisfactory princes, they are far from each other.

For Wenren Yunzhao, he always had a sense of precaution and crisis in his heart.

He was afraid that in a few decades, or even more than a dozen years, Wenren Yun Zhao would grow up to be free from him, no, he would be free from the control of the entire Yunqi Dynasty.

Until then, rise and fall are all in one thought.

Feng Yueying's eyes froze, he hated the feeling of fate being manipulated.

All threats must be killed in advance.

Therefore, at the first moment of hearing the bad news of Wenren Yunzhao, he did not feel annoyed that the plan could not be implemented, but felt relieved like the long-suppressed boulder was suddenly removed.

If Feng Qingran and Wenren Yunzhao were both dead...

Needless to say, Wen Renyi, the only remaining Wen Renyi, is old, and the injuries he has been fighting all year round have made his strength not as good as before. Except for his influence, there is nothing to worry about.

As for Feng Yueping...

Feng Yueying smiled coldly.

Let's try again, if his good imperial brother really doesn't have any disobedience at all, since he did his best to stand on his side in his early years, just bypass him!