
The Villain in Women's Clothing: Son Of Luck Seek Revenge at the Start

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100 Chs

Chapter 74: Entering the secret room, empty?

Walking along the cave, along the way, it is surprisingly safe.

Walking further and further away, finally, a secret room was revealed in front of everyone, with a huge door wall blocking the way in the middle.

"There must be good things behind this stone wall!" Sun Ping's eyes lit up and he concluded.

Yun Fan rolled his eyes, this thing is so abnormal, he knows it without saying it!

Putting his hand on the stone gate, Yun Fan carefully searched for the mechanism.


Yun Fan put his hand lightly on a splicing point and pressed it.


Accompanied by the violent friction of rocks, the stone gate slowly rose, revealing a secret room inside.

As soon as the door opened, Sun Ping couldn't wait to rush in first.

A trace of disgust flashed across Yun Fan's face, he turned his head, and said to Feng Qingran warmly, "Let's go in too."

"Okay." Feng Qingran smiled and nodded.

The two followed suit.

Yun Fan looked around at the very smooth walls that had been polished and sighed: "This looks like a tomb, but I didn't expect it to be in this secret realm."

Such a construction could not have been done by those who broke into the secret realm before.

Because the limit of the secret realm is no more than the fifth level of the spiritual realm, it is not easy to open up such a secret room and add that heavy stone gate in this cave.

The Master also told him about the origin of the secret realm before.

The secret realm is the place where the world originally existed, but after a long period of time, it was enveloped by spatial turbulence, forming the secret realm that now appears and disappears.

It seems that which senior has passed away, the resting place is just involved, I don't know what kind of Cultivation Base?

Yun Fan thought to himself.

"What are you doing?! Don't talk about treasure, there is not even a single thing! 55 Sun Ping looked at the empty room in front of him and couldn't help cursing.

It's really in vain that he's gone so long!

"Let's go! A waste of time." Sun Ping shouted, turning around to grab Feng Qingran's hand.

Yuzu lightly tapped, Feng Qingran just happened to avoid Sun Ping's hand by coincidence.

Forget about Xu and Wei Snake, but he feels disgusting when he touches such a person.

Before Sun Ping's attack, Feng Qingran's lips parted lightly and said, "Let's check it out first! After all, the Shimen just now had some mechanism.

"That's right." Yun Fan didn't notice Sun Ping's actions towards Feng Qingran, and immediately nodded in agreement. He was speechless about Sun Ping's eagerness for quick success.

Although the chance is determined by heaven, but without the corresponding strength and temperament, even if it encounters it, it can only be regarded as a passer-by.

"It's such a big secret room, who knows when to find it?" Sun Ping was a little unreasonable, but still muttered in dissatisfaction.

In his opinion, picking more Spiritual herbs outside at this time is better than anything? Not only can it be used by itself, but it can also sell for a good price!

Yun Fan didn't pay attention to Sun Ping's mentally retarded remarks at all, and began to grope a little bit, but after working for a while, he didn't see anything wrong.

"Huh?" Yun Fan frowned and couldn't help but wonder: "Is this really an empty secret room?

But...what's the point of doing this?

Yun Fan was puzzled and sighed secretly.

At this time, if the Master is there, you can directly use Spiritual Sense to explore here.

His Cultivation Base is too low, and if there is something blocking it, there is nothing he can do.

"Let's just say it! If you don't have anything, it's a waste of time to stay! You must know that the secret realm is only open for fifteen days," Sun Ping suddenly became complacent.

In his opinion, since Feng Qingran admires him, if Yun Fan is hostile to him, she will definitely protect him.

Feng Qingran's Cultivation Base is higher than Yun Fan's, and Yun Fan's combat power is superior, but who knows what will happen in the real fight?

So no need to be so cautious!

Hearing this, 697 Yun Fan's face darkened.

Although his judgment is different, there is no need to say so!

Yun Fan was suffocating in his heart and had nowhere to vent.

If it weren't for Feng Qingran by his side, let's see how he would take care of this stuff! It's really good-tempered when he looks after his fellow disciples on weekdays???

Feng Qingran looked at Yun Fan's face like the bottom of a pot, a little funny.

If he knew what Yun Fan was thinking, he would definitely tie his hands to show his determination.

Hit, hit to death!

Whoever stops who is the dog.

Bright eyes glanced around the secret room, Feng Qingran pondered, and said, "I chose it in the mountain, and there is a door left outside. If it is a tomb, I want someone to find it."

"Then there are only two possibilities. Do you want it, the people who come will get the inheritance.

Feng Qingran paused and said word by word, "Or, come and be buried with us!