
The Villain in Women's Clothing: Son Of Luck Seek Revenge at the Start

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100 Chs

Chapter 47: Delicious! Men Only Understand Men!

Feng Qingran felt his arm being grabbed by a hand, and then a force started to pull him out.

Although the strength is very strong, the hand that can be held is very measured and does not hurt.

Feng Qingran struggled for a while, then followed the force "reluctantly" and left, before leaving, he smiled apologetically at the Yellow Shirt Youth Daily.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 1000 Love Points (Admiration)! ]

Get it!

Seeing the alluring girl in front of her being forcibly dragged away by a teenager, the young man in yellow shirt felt a little empty.

It turns out that the famous flower has its owner, which is a pity!

Thinking about the appearance of the young man, the young man in yellow shirt is very unconvinced, this is not much better than him!

How can this kid have such good luck? !

"Feng Qingran, Feng Qingran. The city is not dyed." The yellow-shirted youth murmured a few words, really a good name!

But just after the admiration, the yellow-shirted boy let out a small whimper, with a bit of thought on his face.

"Feng Qingran…"

Why did he seem to have heard this name before...

What the hell!

The young man in the yellow shirt almost jumped up from the chair, his eyes widening.

That stunning girl just now! She is the holy (demon) woman of Qingyuanzong, the first evil in the imperial city, Feng Qingran! ! !


After walking for a short distance, Feng Qingran pulled his arm "forcefully" and broke free.

Hehe smiled: "I didn't think that Junior Brother Yun Fan was quite rich. Forty silver, he paid for me without blinking an eye."

Yun Fan's face was a little embarrassed, he rubbed his nose, and explained seriously: "I'm helping you, it's better to ignore that kind of person, he just got angry."

"If you accept his love, he will have to start getting close."

Yun Fan said everything right.

He didn't know what was wrong just now?

Anyway, seeing that man looking at Feng Qingran with a pig face, he was very uncomfortable!

Seeing that he actually used the trick of lowering the price of goods to deceive him, his mind went up as soon as he got hot.

"So, Junior Brother Yunfan, do you understand so well?" Feng Qingran tilted his head and jokingly said, "Have you often used this to other women before?"

"how come?!"

Yun Fan hurriedly retorted.

Scratched his head, he said again: "It's just because they're all men! Ordinary minds know each other."

What a coincidence!

Feng Qingran's mouth was slightly raised, and his heart was happy.

It is also for this reason that he understands men so well~

"It's only once. It's not an example next time." Feng Qingran said lightly.

"Okay." Yun Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought Feng Qingran would be even more angry! so far so good.


The atmosphere has calmed down a bit.

The two continued to hang out in the market, and Feng Qingran's demonic beauty once again became the focus.

Just the man who noticed Feng Qingran.

Those who talked were stopped talking, those who were walking didn't leave, and even those who bought Qi Dan accidentally dropped the medicine bottle they just took from the seller to the ground, and Medicine Pill rolled everywhere.

Of course, this is limited to single cultivators.

Some men who have a partner and are in love are not lucky enough to see the girl's beauty all the time.

For a time, a hissing sound was heard.

Grinning his teeth, rubbing the soft flesh around his waist, looking at the angry eyes of their respective dao companions, they invariably said, "What are you pinching me for?"

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100 love points (favorable feelings)! ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100 love points (favorable feelings)! ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 10 points of love (favor)! ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100 love points (favorable feelings)! ]


The system prompts to continue to refresh the screen.

Unlike in Qingyuanzong, although his predecessor also had a bad reputation, among the other Sect disciples of the Yunqi Dynasty, very few people had actually seen him.

So in the case of no negative impact, it is still very easy to get rid of the initial favorability value.

A man only decides whether he falls in love at first sight by his looks, and it just so happens that this is what he lacks the most.

Look at the prompt messages that are skipped one by one on the system light screen.

Feng Qingran nodded slightly.

It seems that he still has to find such a big occasion to do things!

Nowadays, the cultivators in the city are basically inner disciplines of various sects, and the quality of luck is much better than in the Sect.

Seeing these sect disciples in a trance, Yun Fan lowered his face, slowed down his steps calmly, and stood in front of Feng Qingran.

Feng Qingran was a little funny, but acquiesced to Yun Fan's behavior.

After all, he is a 'weak woman', and he must be protected by someone when he goes out!

Otherwise, you will be missed...


After walking for a while, I watched all the way, and I also came to the end of Fang Market.

Suddenly, the old Lin in Yun Fan's mind opened his mouth.

"Xiao Fanzi! Go to the booth on your left! There might be something good!"

good stuff? !

Yun Fan suddenly stopped, a little doubt in his heart.

But he didn't hesitate and did as he was told.

Master is a ninth-grade alchemist, so he can't be fooled.

Behind Yun Fan, Feng Qingran also stopped his feet in time, so as to avoid the "difficult" accident.

Seeing Yunfan, he walked straight to the booth on the left as if there was something to guide him.

Feng Qingran narrowed her bright eyes.

Here's to finding something good!