
The Villain I Longed To Be

If I could bring back the time, I will make sure to erase your very existence. I will become the villain I so long desired. ——- Raphael was a cunning, mischievous, and manipulative run-away noble from the Olphiticus family who served as the Knight Commander of the West. He tarnished the King's reputation, hoping to dominate the nation. Several years after, he faced a calm but agonizing death due to the King's fiancé, the woman he manipulated the most. Unexpectedly, he finds himself back in his own body thirteen years ago. ——- Author’s note: There is a high possibility that you’ll hate the MC, just informing you ahead of time. Also, the first chapters of the story are meant to give you confusion about the plot. Also, the book cover was made by Lou for the story itself.

Euchan_Ard · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Unexpectedly Dreamt of Lia

It didn't take me long to recognize her young image. I had no idea that seeing her again would make me tremble. I ran away as fast as I could after being reminded of what she had become. I found myself at the second building, where the dorm rooms are, without any intentions.

Since I am already here, I might check my room as well. "Can I get my dorm key, please?" I asked. The guard seemed cheerful and asked for my name. He scanned the paper when I replied, "Raphael Olphiticus. Ah, what a good name." He opened his key drawer, picked up a key, and gave it to me. "Your room is on the fifth floor, and your room has a name tag placed on the door."

I can clearly remember how direct the academy is, especially when it comes to your dorm room, so no wonder why my room has a name, although I can't remember who my roommate was.

"Your roommate asked for his key before you just now. You might be able to see him when you enter." Can this guard read my mind?! It was probably a coincidence. I thanked the guard and straightly walked away.

Not long after reaching the fifth floor, I am overwhelmed by the number of doors. How am I supposed to find it easily? I have no choice but to look one by one. It took me almost ten minutes until I found my name. There is another name tag on the door, 'Alhan Demarcus' what a lovely name. I wonder who he is.

I knocked on the door three times and announced that I was coming in. A stern-looking guy with glasses appeared before me when I opened the door. "You reminded me of four eyes." Oops, I loudly expressed my thoughts. He looked confused and asked, "I haven't met you before, sir." I scratched my head and apologized, "Oh, I'm sorry, please don't mind it. You just reminded me of someone." He reminded me of himself.

Alhan considered me a good friend, but I viewed him as a scapegoat that I never got to use. He transferred academies after two years, so I have no idea of what happened to him in the future. Maybe he's been acquainted with Lia, but who knows?

"Why are the early-level students located on the fifth floor?" He asked. I innocently smiled and replied, "I believe that the lower floors are for the higher-level students. Those in the last level will only be staying for a year. That's why they're on the second floor so that packing up will be easier after."

He understood the logic, and he nodded at me with gratitude. I sat on my bed and noticed how I was still holding Lael's letter. I glanced at Alhan, "I'll read this for a while." I opened the letter directed to me and read it thoroughly.

[ Lael's Letter ]

Dear Young Master Oplhiticus,

I prepared this letter in advance with high hopes for your good news.

On behalf of your family, I would like to congratulate you on earning your spot at Central Academy. Your grandmother and I are probably near the West's border right now, and I will be delighted to inform your father of your achievement. He will surely be proud of you. Young master, you will be temporarily on your own for now. That's why I wish you excellent performance at the academy and take care.

Sincerely yours, Lael

[ End of Lael's Letter ]

Lael sure does treat me like a young master. However, he doesn't need to sugarcoat my family's ignorance of me.

"Your letter seems to arrive too fast. Do you live near the city?" Alhan curiously asked. "No, my butler prepared it in advance." Alhan had a cold expression and replied, "Good for you, my letter might arrive after two weeks. It might even come after a month or two." Why is he looking forward to his letter? The only content he'll see is a letter of congratulations.

"Well, at least your letter will come from your family, unlike mine." I expressed my thoughts to be pitiful. Maybe I can get to his vulnerable side.

"Don't you consider your butler as a family?" He gave me a severe atmosphere through his question. My calm and steady expression changed right after hearing his question. It's not that I only see him as a scapegoat. It's just that... I haven't really considered anyone as my family.

"Ahh, who knows?! By the way, with what you said about the length of your letter's delivery, where did you come from?" I deliberately changed the topic. I hope he won't mind and just go with the flow, "I'm from the East. How about you?" Phew, he didn't care, but his answer was suspicious because of the geography I knew in mind.

"I'm from the West, but Mister..."

"Alhan, you can call me Alhan."

"Alhan, East is the nation nearest to the Central City. How could the delivery length of your letter take too long?" I asked.

"A noble-looking person like you should know which nation is the most prosperous, right?"

"Yes, it's the East," I answered. He continued to fix his luggage as he conversed with me.

"You're right. That's why it's also the busiest. There will be too many letters up for delivery before my turn." I nodded before responding, "It makes sense. Too many things are happening inside a prosperous nation." Alhan seems to be agreeing with me.

Now that the atmosphere loosened, I can try another approach to get to his vulnerable side.

"Mister, may I know what I can call you?" He asked. I forgot that I hadn't introduced myself. I confidently glanced at him as I showed my palm to shake hands before responding. "Call me Raphael. Looking forward to a smooth year with you." He grinned and shook hands with me. "I'm looking forward as well."

We can generally converse with each other now, so the mood of this place is not just loosened but also lightened. Alhan stopped what he was doing. He crossed his arms and glanced at me, "So Raphael, do you really not consider your butler as a family?"


"I'll take a quick rest for now. Wake me up when it's time for the banquet." I lay down on my bed and tucked myself in. I went easy on him. I shouldn't have lowered my guard.

He nodded and continued to organize his belongings. "It's not like I'm pressuring you to answer, but alright."

Who would have thought that an older adult like me would get cornered by someone aged fourteen? I really shouldn't forget that most students in this school are meticulous. If Lia is asked the same question, she can probably answer it directly, but why can't I? It reminds me of the old times. I think I forgot something I should be worried about, well I'll just leave it be.

Since I acted impulsively just now, I'll just keep the act together and sleep until Alhan wakes me up.


"Raphael, we really can't slack anymore. We need to finish this report for the student committee." Lia nervously handed me the documents as I ignored her intention. "Lia, relax. Just put it on my seat. I'll finish it later at night." Why is she so pushy? I still have many tasks to finish for school.

She ignored me as she placed the documents inside her bag. "Victor needs it tonight. I'll just do it myself." Is she guilt-tripping me? I got annoyed and replied, "Is it always my fault?!" Lia stepped an inch away from me. "You should know my struggles from all people, but why do you always pressure me? I'm just a human Lia. How could you sleep at night knowing I'd feel this way?"

Knowing Lia, she hates it when other people feel hurt because of her, and I can just use that to persuade her to think I am the victim here. She looked concerned as she replied, "I...I'm sorry that I made you feel that way. I... I really didn't mean it. I..." She's stuttering, but she continued, "I've been too harsh."

I glanced exhaustedly and replied, "No, I'll just push myself to work. It's what I always do anyway." She smiled reassuringly and responded, "I can do it independently and don't worry, I won't badmouth you to Victor. Rest assured, Raphael." She exhaustively walked away from the study hall right after.

Yes! I successfully persuaded her. Her performance rates are 5, but she's not meticulous when it comes to the people around her. That's why she's the easiest to coax out of all my schoolmates.

Who would want to do a job for the student committee? Being part of it adds to your good reputation as an outstanding Central Academy student. However, the job you'll do is a waste of time. Good thing Lia is around to do the tasks for me. I can just keep on coaxing her.


"Raphael, why are you slacking again?" Lia calmly asked me as she handed out the documents. "Relax Lia. I'll be able to finish tonight." It's just the first semester here in Core Academy and she's already being pushy.

Lia expressed a confused expression and asked, "So are you saying you have not finished yet? I need it for the school committee tonight." Why is she addicted to doing tasks regarding the school committee? I uttered a sigh and replied, "Yes, I'm not yet done. I have so many tasks to do."

Lia looked at me with a stern expression. I've been with her since we were early levels at Central Academy. She won't be able to keep that expression with a bit of coaxing. "Lia, put yourself on my shoe. I just escaped from my family. I live alone and need to maintain a performance rate of 4 to 5."

Lia is a very compassionate girl. That's all she's ever been. On the contrary, she kept her stern expression and replied, "I can't blame you if you feel suffocated because of the unfortunate events happening around you. However, I want to remind you of your commitment before joining the committee."

I was surprised that she could answer now. Isn't she just a dog who can't even bark? I got annoyed, stepped an inch away from her, and replied, "Lia, I just said I'm going through something right now. You should understand me." Lia seems disappointed, "I don't need to understand you, Raphael. You need to understand your position." What does she want to imply? I just need to act like I'm the victim and get to her vulnerable side.

"Lia, I do understand my position. That's why I'm doing my best to help you and the rest of the student committee." No matter what, I never stutter, unlike you, Lia.

She uttered a sigh and held the bridge of her nose before replying, "It seems that you don't understand. Raphael, you failed to attend every single meeting held, and you also failed to make a draft of your report. Before accepting the position, you should've thought about how you will handle your responsibilities when things get complicated. Remember, the student committee is not all about you. That's why you need to compromise despite how suffocated you are."

Why? Why are you telling me this? I angrily responded, "I know Lia, I am not worthy of the position. It's just that I did not expect you to think of me that way."

"Don't misunderstand. I said nothing about thinking of you that way. It's just that actions speak louder than words." Lia replied.


"I thought of you as my friend Lia. How could you do this to me!" I angrily responded. However, Lia was still as calm as she was when we started to converse. Instead of hastily replying, she handed out a resignation form. "What is this?" I asked.

"A resignation form. It's written on the paper Raphael." Why isn't she stuttering? Is my coaxing not working on her anymore? "Why are you giving it to me?" I curiously asked.

"You know you can't handle the job, yet you still applied for the position. I trusted you because you have been my friend since we studied at Core Academy, but it seems that you need time to find yourself." She calmly replied. I just noticed that she's looking at my eyes the whole time. What happened to her before going here to Core Academy? Heh, I wonder.

She spoke just before leaving, "Think about what I said and consider my suggestion. I'm doing this to you because I'm your friend. Please don't misunderstand. I can keep you company if you ever need someone to listen to. Take care, Raphael." She left the room and she left me speechless.


"LIA, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" I tightly held her shoulders as she struggled to get away. "HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN?!" I kept cornering her. I don't know what happened to her throughout the years, but she has been too much! I need to end this rude act of hers once and for all.

She looks exhausted and effortlessly holding back her tears for what? To make me think she was the victim?! She has been doing the same thing ever since we were at Central Academy. She won't be able to deceive me this time.

"LIA, ANSWER ME! WHY CAN'T YOU EVEN APOLOGIZE?!" Without a doubt, it's her fault... It's ALL HER FAULT! I punched the wall beside her to vent my anger. "Be thankful I'm kind enough to vent my anger on the wall rather than you," I stated. She seemed disappointed and annoyed with what I said.

Why isn't she answering me right now? Is she too scared now that I've shown my anger? "What, Verphillia? Cat got your tongue? Why can't you answer just like you usually do with your twisted statements?" No matter how I try to make her talk, she still won't answer.

Victor arrived on the scene and hastily grabbed Verphillia away from me with a worried expression. He doesn't need to come here and protect her. "I won't apologize; I am not at fault." She finally answered. "You have the confidence to answer now that Victor's around, huh?" I asked; She nodded. "How could I hastily answer when you're emotionally unstable? I'm not digging my own grave." She replied.

I am at my limit. I was going to hurt her, but Victor's better physique managed to protect her.

"Enough! Raphel, there's no point in arguing with you. Even a kid could understand things better. Eri, Let's go and clean you up." Victor tightly held Verphillia as they left without any hesitations.


"Lia... why are you running away?" I asked as I faintly saw her blurred figure running away from me.

"Lia... don't leave me..." I stated as her blurred figure got farther and farther away from me.

"Lia... Please!" I shouted as I chased her only to find out I was too late.

"Lia..." I kept on calling her name... I can't see where she is anymore.



"RAPHAEL, WAKE UP!" Alhan nearly slapped me as I hastily opened my eyes in shock to see his prepared stance and him dressed appropriately.

What just happened? "Was it all a dream?" I asked. Alhan looked worried, but he still replied, "Are you alright? I tried waking you up since a while ago." I'm not yet back to my senses, "So it was just a dream...Phew." Alhan replied, "Yes, you even started crying and kept calling a name."

"A name?" I asked. I don't talk in my sleep, so I'm curious about what happened.

Alhan nodded. "You kept on calling someone named Lia." I got surprised as soon as I heard her name. I wiped my tears and thanked Alhan for waking me up on time. Although he was still worried about me, I reassured him I was okay.

"Well, if you say so. The banquet will start. I'll wait for you outside as you prepare yourself." Alhan still had that worried expression on his face despite my reassurance. "Alright, thank you for waking me up on time Alhan." I smiled as he exquisitely walked away from our room.

I don't know why I dreamt of something like that, but I need to get rid of Lia once and for all.

I stood up and prepared myself for the banquet as I also prepared for Lia's death.

Please consider adding my story to your library. That's all I ask for now. Thank you so much for reading this chapter!

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