
The Villain's Story

"So, I'm supposed to just go along with the flow?" He questioned, his refusal evident. "I'm expected to surrender to whatever destiny has planned? To accept whatever hand I'm dealt by the cursed fate of this vessel?" He rejected the idea outright. "After finally thinking I'd broken free from the clutches of that accursed snake, now this? The transgressions of this vessel's original owners are not mine to bear! I'm not the same; I'm an entirely different entity!" His laughter reverberated maniacally, filling the air. Because, let's be honest, who wouldn't teeter on the edge of madness when the mightiest entities, armed with their colossal power, are relentlessly pursuing you? Those supreme and primordial beings, capable of obliterating galaxies with casual ease... how could anyone endure such overwhelming fear? Could anyone really accept the cursed hand that fate had dealt them? Yes, He would. He had to. "Fuck it." He declared with a fervor. "I don't care...I don't care if it's destiny or fate or whatever! Even if it's the supreme beings...I...I don't give a damn! If they feel the need to dictate my life, decide my ending on sins I am not guilty of...than I have only one thing to say. BRING IT ON!" ---------------------------------------------------------------- Discord: https://discord.gg/Sgxw6QEsgE

Blazuku · Fantaisie
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622 Chs

[302] Your but a Mere Marquis.

A/N: I have released a new book called "Primal Hero.". Please go and give it a read. Thank you for supporting me.

Also, I plan to continue writing both books. the villain's Story has not been dropped. I will be writing both books.

Both of them will end in the way I already planned. So you can continue reading leisurely.

Thank you for your time.


Alan waited, yet the Quest completion notification had not popped up.

He looked up at the skies. When he saw no beacon he became concerned.

Every beacon had fallen, their guardians should have also been defeated. Yet...the quest completion notification didnt pop up.

A sense of concern washed up over Alan. He looked at Adam's head, separated from his body. Then...he remembered something.

The Altar absorbed Adam's soul...Along with the countless other souls.

'Don't tell me!'


A massive gust of wind ran throughout the city as a creepy sound resonated.