
The villain's side of the novel

[ Discord: name : Merciless Clan lien: https://discord.com/invite/2m7XzWyEDQ] In this unique twist on the typical hero-villain dynamic, our protagonist, the villain, finds himself compelled to save humanity from powerful races threatening its existence. Meanwhile, the hero is preoccupied with gathering a harem. The story unfolds as the villain must not only confront external threats but also challenge so-called heroes, proving his perspective and ultimately taking on their responsibilities to ensure humanity's survival. As alliances shift and moral complexities emerge, the narrative explores the unexpected journey of redemption and sacrifice.

Fri123 · Fantaisie
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229 Chs

The Bersek class

"Isabel, are you ok ?" Nora asked using all of her power to bear the pressure

" HuHuHu Nora, Yes I'm fine but I don't know how long can I bear this "

Although Isabel, Nora, and even Mia, Sophia, and Olivia have power bases between the second and third kingdoms, they are not used to fighting or using their power, so they find it difficult to bear such pressure.

"Noah, Noah, are you okay?"

Noah is the son of Mia Parada and the youngest member of the Parada family. Although he is a gifted child and he is already in the second kingdom, despite his young age, his mental development is still a little weak, which made him unable to maintain his consciousness while facing this tyrannical aura and this fierce pressure. Mia, who was not better off than Isabel and Nora, used all the strength she can gather and sprinted to her son, who fell to the ground with a pained expression on his face.