
The Villain's Lament

In a world filled with pain, fear, and prejudice, Eleanor faces accusations and judgment from her former lover Gabriel and his lover Alice. As tensions rise, Eleanor seizes a sword and confronts them, defying their expectations. Gabriel pleads for her to stop, expressing concern, but she remains determined to free herself from oppression. She died, and upon awakening, found herself transported back to the age of fifteen. Determined to alter her destiny, she embarked on a journey of transformation, only to discover that everything she had experienced was built upon deceit

Reveries_ · Fantaisie
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63 Chs


After we finished our heartfelt embrace, we slowly released each other and took a seat. Feeling a sense of calm settling over us, I called Jennie and kindly asked her to prepare some tea for us. With a nod, she swiftly went to fulfill the request, leaving the room momentarily.

Soon enough, Jennie returned with a tray, delicately balancing the teacups and a steaming pot of fragrant tea. She carefully set it before us, and we gratefully accepted.

We were calmed but we still axsious . Specially me , because my aunt's words were bordering me for some reason ' you have to help your blood not her ' she was referring to me . I know, I'm sure of this but should I tell my mother.