
The Villain's Hero

for personal use

Peto · Anime et bandes dessinées
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30 Chs


Of course, this is just a rumor, but it also adds a touch of mystery to Vientiane Tower.

As the top auction house in the imperial capital, Vientiane House is not accessible to everyone. Only those who have an invitation letter from Vientiane House are eligible to enter and exit. WeChat Mini Program

And these individuals are either wealthy or noble, possessing great prestige or being family tycoons. Some are even young talents with limitless potential!

Today is also the day when Vientiane House will hold another auction, which naturally attracts a lot of influential figures.

Vientiane Tower has a radius of hundreds of miles and reaches thousands of feet high. It soars directly into the sky, even surpassing the clouds. It is truly magnificent and deserving of its name.

In front of Vientiane Tower, powers and princes continuously arrive, eliciting exclamations from the onlookers nearby.

Although they are not qualified to enter Vientiane Tower, it is a great pleasure for them to catch a glimpse of the true faces of those prominent figures who are usually unseen outside the tower.

Moreover, the splendor of these dignitaries is astounding, with divine beasts and countless treasures on display!

"That's Xiang Qiankun, the headmaster of Tiancheng Academy. Tiancheng Academy is one of the four major academies in the imperial capital. It is said that Xiang Qiankun has reached the pinnacle of Nirvana!"

"Li Changsheng, the young master of the Li family, is also here!"

"That's Uncle Zhongyong's nephew! Uncle Zhongyong is now a powerhouse at the pinnacle of God's Palace, and rumor has it that he is just one step away from the Heavenly Palace!"


One by one, the well-known figures that everyone has heard about in ordinary days appear, captivating everyone's attention.

These individuals are all high-ranking figures, and the onlookers are from completely different worlds.

Now, they get to see them up close, which truly satisfies their curiosity...

In front of Vientiane Tower, a middle-aged man in a green shirt is always smiling, warmly welcoming numerous powerful and influential people.

His smile is both respectful and reserved, and his aura is extremely formidable, clearly indicating that he is a powerhouse at the Jade Terrace Realm!

The fact that a Jade Terrace Realm powerhouse is involved in attracting guests demonstrates the background of Vientiane Building...

As the dignitaries of the auction house participating in the event approach the middle-aged man, they present him with their invitation letters, accompanied by an air of arrogance mixed with a hint of self-satisfaction.

These invitation letters not only represent their eligibility to enter Vientiane Tower but also signify their noble status!

The middle-aged man carefully examines each invitation letter, then politely instructs the maid by his side to lead these important figures to Vientiane Building.

Meanwhile, the spectators are amazed and enthusiastically discuss among themselves.

Suddenly, a booming voice resounds through the sky.

All eyes turn towards the source, as rays of light rise from the ground in the distance, extending for thousands of miles and forming a rainbow bridge in the air.

A treasure swiftly approaches, reaching the skies above Vientiane Tower in a short span of time.

This precious gem, with its dreamlike and ethereal qualities, is surrounded by radiant light. Many powerful individuals with awe-inspiring auras follow alongside, creating a breathtaking spectacle!

A young man with extraordinary bearing emerges from the treasure. He possesses handsome features, yet exudes an extremely terrifying aura that makes one's heart race.

Some people recognize his identity and exclaim, "He is Chu Xu, the son of Sushenhoufu!"

This statement immediately stirs up an uproar,

and everyone's expressions are filled with shock.

Unexpectedly, today they are fortunate enough to witness the presence of this divine son!

Chu Xu holds the most noble status in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

His father, Sushen Hou, is a powerful figure in the imaginary god realm, ranking among the top ten giants in the Great Zhou Dynasty. His mother, Princess Duanchang, is the Emperor Zhou's only sister and holds immense favor with the Emperor. She commands countless powers and is a prominent figure in the Great Zhou Dynasty!

Chu Xu himself is an exceptionally outstanding individual, possessing the Tai Xuan divine body and unparalleled talent. He is the top prodigy of the Great Zhou Dynasty!

It can be said that Chu Xu is a legendary figure in the Great Zhou Dynasty, revered by many young monks!

The middle-aged man, who had always maintained composure and reserve in the presence of numerous powerful individuals, finally reveals deep emotions.

He hurries forward, bows deeply before Chu Xu, and excitedly proclaims, "Vientiane Tower welcomes the Prince of Shenhou! The presence of the royal son in our Vientiane Tower today is an everlasting honor for us!"

Taking the initiative, he personally escorts Chu Xu into Vientiane Tower, foregoing the customary invitation letter verification process.

Chu Xu doesn't need an invitation letter from Wanxiang Tower because it is unnecessary for him.

While some dignitaries may have high status, they still require an invitation letter to enter Vientiane Tower. They are content with their qualifications to enter and feel recognized by Vientiane House.

However, true powerhouses do not require an invitation letter; they can freely enter and exit Vientiane Tower. Their mere presence brings great honor to the auction house!

And Chu Xu belongs to the latter category...

Upon entering Vientiane Tower, Chu Xu discovers an interior filled with caves. Mountains, flowing water, and an independent space and time create a picturesque scene.

Palaces are scattered throughout, emanating brilliant light and surrounded by divine radiance and mystical visions. It is an extraordinary sight.

The middle-aged man leads Chu Xu into an incredibly grand hall and respectfully states, "Prince, the auction will take some time to commence. It would be best for the Prince to rest."

After a deep bow, he bids farewell and departs.

Not long after his departure, a formidable aura suddenly appears. An elderly man dressed in black enters the hall and respectfully addresses Chu Xu, "I am Mr. Xu Yinxuan, known as Mr. Lou Da in Vientiane. I have the honor of meeting the Prince!"

This elderly man in black is none other than Mr. Xu Da, the head of Vientiane Building!

His aura is immensely terrifying, signifying his god-level strength.

However, Chu Xu smiles and replies, "So, it's Mr. Xu Da."

Although Mr. Xu Da is a god-level powerhouse, he shows utmost respect in the presence of Chu Xu and addresses him with great deference, as if treating a monarch!

If others were to witness this scene, it would undoubtedly cause a commotion throughout the imperial capital!

In fact, Wanxiang Tower is under the ownership of Guanghan Tower. It not only generates wealth but also gathers information.