
What world do you want?

"I murdered my family…."

The man stood at the center of the living room, in his hands, a kitchen knife, clenched tightly around his fingers.

He panted heavily, his frightened gasp leaving in his mouth. The blood splattered on his face and leaking from the tip of the knife only added to the insanity.

Right in front of him, two individuals lay dead on the ground, their whole vicinity covered in blood, the woman had a wide opening on her neck, although dead, one could still see the horrific expression on her face.

While lying beside her, a dead man, his white shirt soaked in blood while his guts were spewed outside, a truly brutal scene for anyone who witnessed it.

"I had no choice…. I had to kill them," The boy muttered to himself, his hands shaking in fear as he held the knife out.

"They wouldn't listen… I just wanted a normal life… but they wouldn't listen, why didn't you ever listen…mom, dad?" The man, as if contemplating his actions, mumbled to himself, his eyes falling on the dead corpse of his parents.

He looked at least 22 years of age, his hair scattered and beards rough, but even then, the sight before him still made him tremble in fear, every fiber of his being shaking.

"Since it has come to this…. I don't see any reason why I should still be here… right… I don't need to be here, this world isn't for me anyway… I can just leave, it would be like bathing ever happened, right, it'd be alright".

A crazy smile formed on his face as he spoke, the tip knife slowly moving to his neck. As soon as the sharp tip made a little contact with his skin, blood immediately trailed down the point, flowing to his chest.

"Yeah…I should just end this, then it'd be like nothing ever happened." His hands were trembling as he slowly pushed the tip of his knife deeper inside his neck.

But just a brief moment later, his demeanor changed and an evil grin showed on his face just before he forcefully plunged the knife inside his neck.


Almost immediately, the man found himself transitioning to a different place, everything should have gone blank, he should be dead, but instead, he found himself in an unfamiliar place, isolated as if he was the only one there.

"Where am I?" He asked himself, looking around anxiously.

Around him, white clouds and empty voids that seem to stretch out to infinity, he couldn't see a single thing other than white clouds and a vast space, probably going to contain three huge cities.

Looking down, he noticed he was naked, his ding dong sticking out as his bare butt was pressing against the cold rocky ground, a bit soothing.

Snapping him from his distraction, a female voice, majestic in tone and very godly spoke, "Eren Dione was it? Seems you have caused quite the racus in the god realms".

Eren's gaze immediately turned to his front, right in front of him, a majestic looking throne, and sitting right on top of it, a woman, dressed in a strange white sitting, her blonde hair, plaited and placed over her shoulder to fall on her impressive knockers.

"Who are you?" Eren asked as he stood up, his gaze fixed intensely on the woman, one thing only came to his mind at the time, he was in front of God.

"Why, oh my, for a mare human, you sure pack a lot down there, I can see why Afrina was so persistent." The woman spoke, her eyes narrowing down to Eren's junk that was hanging out.

Yes, it indeed was impressive, which is something he had known all his life, but at the moment, he knew that wasn't the main issue.

"Where is this place?" He asked another question, completely ignoring the woman's earlier comment, while maintaining a calm yet stern gaze.

"I guess you're impatient too." The woman spoke, her hand finding its way on her chest as she spoke boldly, "My name is Piron, the goddess of sex and humility, and you my dare, are in heaven".

"No, before you say anything, I'll just get right along… I hate it when you mortals die and I have to start explaining the process." Piron sighed before she continued, "Not only did you kill your parents, you killed yourself too, and I don't even want to go into the details, but what is wrong with you?".

"Is this the part where I go to hell?" Eren asked.

"No, sadly, instead, I want to give you a second chance at life. I'll send you to any type of world you want, you want to be the son of a rich family? A prince? You name it and I'll make it so." Piron noted, her finger dangling in the sky as she spoke with her eyes closed.

Interrupting her words, Eren spoke, his expression serious, "I want a world where I have multiple loyals girl, I get to have sex as many times as I want with them, they are loyal and pretty, free from the touch of other man and only made to serve and satisfying me, and the same time".

Piron paused, her eyes slowly opening, "That is the kind of world you want? One where you dominate women?" She asked, almost disgusted by it.

"Pretty much, so can you grant it or what?" Eren responded, his gaze unwavering as he stared back at the goddess.

The goddess stared at Eren for a while, anyone could tell she was trying to hide her disgust as best as she could.

Sighing, she sat up right, "As you wish, you're quite lucky one of the goddess is fond of you, you are messed up to the core." She spoke, a faint golden light shining at the tip of her finger.

The light shone so bright its vibrant color could be seen from miles away, it illuminated everything around it, including Eren who was a bit surprised by the power.

"You're about to be reincarnated, I'll add in a little gift to help you with your depraved wish, so try not to misuse it… bye now." Piron spoke behind the flashy light and with a sudden spark, Eren was gone, drifting into the ends of the world.

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