
It began in 1992

As a little boy from a remote area that only few people knew about, thought life was all about going to the farm and catching finish in the near lake. The little education we got from my village got me interested in learning how to read and write, a thing that was not so common among my age mates at that time. I read a magazine that had media personality stories and that got me fascinated and decided to go that route. The sad reality was that I didn't know where to start from or even knew who could help me out in achieving my goals that I had set for myself, instead I was just a village boy with a big dream of becoming a media personality. I spoke my local language very well and English was a challenge as I only spoke little during school time, what help me was through reading books that I borrowed from my village teacher Mr Mulenga who came from a well to do family that sent him to become a teacher in the City of Lusaka Zambia and after he was done he came back to work as a teacher in our village.