
The Vilain Wife of PDG

We all know her stories where the evil sister steals her poor sister's husband then humiliates her sister. Do you hate the villain too? You know, I'm the bad guy in this kind of story and I don't care if people like me or not. ----- - I told you that I was going to make you regret ever setting foot in my family -That's why you drugged me -Haha yes, she giggled, good luck for the rest I'll leave you His gaze darkens as his breathing becomes heavier. -You're not going anywhere, he said as he approached, if I suffer then I'll make you suffer -What do I have in exchange?, she whispered, biting her lips impatiently.

Lilitee · Urbain
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26 Chs

Sorry the party is over for me

As we finished dessert, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I glanced at the screen and saw my parents' names appear. I quietly got up from the table and headed out into the hallway to take the call.

-Hello ? I said as I picked up.

-Where are you ? It's late, my mother asked me, her voice tinged with worry.

I sighed, already annoyed by their tone. They knew very well where I was.

-You don't have to pretend, you already know where I am, I tell him, my patience wearing thin.

There was silence on the other end of the line, then my father spoke.

"It's time to go back," he said firmly. You've spent enough time there.

I look around, listening to the muffled sounds of dinner continuing in the dining room. A mixture of frustration and resignation passes through me. I sigh again.

-Very well, I'll be there, I said before hanging up.

I return to the dining room, trying to hide my irritation. All eyes turned to me when I entered.

-Sorry but it's time for me to leave, I said, forcing a smile.

Damon stands up, his look slightly surprised.

-Already?, he asked me 

-I know but my parents are waiting for me, I replied shrugging my shoulders. See you again soon.

Lorenzo said nothing, just gave me an indecipherable look. Damon's mother gets up and shakes my hand with genuine warmth.

-It was a pleasure having you with us this evening. See you soon, she said with a smile 

Damon's father nodded, his gaze as piercing as ever.

-Be careful when you come home, he adds, his tone more serious.

-Lorenzo you could make an effort!, exclaims his mother 

-I'm going to miss you, he grimaces, trying to smile at me 

-Useless son, his father murmurs, sighing. 

I left the dining room and headed towards the exit, Damon following closely behind me. When we reached the door, he leaned towards me. 

-Next time, try to stay a little longer. You have a talent for making things interesting, he whispers to me.

-I'll do my best, I replied, staring at him mischievously. Good night, Damon.

-Good night, he replies watching me leave.

I got into the car where a driver was waiting for me. As I left the Lorenzo property, I couldn't help but think about everything that had happened and what could still happen. The night was cool and silent, providing a calming contrast to the inner turmoil I felt. One thing was certain, this was just the beginning of something much bigger.

As the car drove through the still night, a thought crossed my mind. If only Damon knew that I was out to destroy him just because I don't want him to marry my sister, I don't think he would find me interesting honestly. But I don't care. 

I smile mischievously as I think back to our exchange this evening. Damon, with his dark eyes and mysterious demeanor, had no idea of my true intentions. In his eyes, perhaps I was just an interesting woman.

The car glided along the winding roads, my thoughts focusing on the plan me and my friends were going to implement. It wasn't just about unearthing secrets or creating conflict. No, he had to strike where it would hurt the most, in the very foundations of his relationship with my sister.

I smile again, eager to put my plan into action. The memory of the locked drawer in his desk comes to mind. Surely there was incriminating evidence somewhere, and I had to find it. Lorenzo could be a key.

I felt the adrenaline rush through me as I played out scenarios in my mind, each detail becoming clearer and clearer. Yes, the game had just started, and I was determined to win.

When I arrived home, the driver turned off the engine while I sat there for a while, enjoying the tranquility of the night. My smile didn't leave my lips. 

-Uh… excuse me, but do you plan to stay in the car for a long time?, the driver suddenly asks me, observing me in the rearview mirror.

-Why?, I asked him, I no longer have the right to be in my thoughts 

-Yes, yes, said the driver quickly, it's just that it's starting to get late 

-Just say you want to kick me out of the car, I replied amusedly as I got out 

-On the contrary, I am honored to bring you back to your extraordinary home!, he quickly exclaimed nervously

-Don't worry, you won't be fired any time soon

-Oh good?, he asked shortly after. 

I nodded confidently. 

-So, how does he scratch his head, yes honestly I'm not tired it's just that I would like to join my friends for a beer