
The Vilain Wife of PDG

We all know her stories where the evil sister steals her poor sister's husband then humiliates her sister. Do you hate the villain too? You know, I'm the bad guy in this kind of story and I don't care if people like me or not. ----- - I told you that I was going to make you regret ever setting foot in my family -That's why you drugged me -Haha yes, she giggled, good luck for the rest I'll leave you His gaze darkens as his breathing becomes heavier. -You're not going anywhere, he said as he approached, if I suffer then I'll make you suffer -What do I have in exchange?, she whispered, biting her lips impatiently.

Lilitee · Urbain
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26 Chs

Do you like what you see ?

After discussing the plan at length, we decide to take action. I take Nyx's car keys and we head to the nightclub where one of my friends works. When we arrived, the waiters immediately recognized us and escorted us upstairs to a room where the boss was waiting for us.

As we enter, I notice his playful smile, a sign that he is ready to help us.

"So what kind of trouble did you bring this time?" he said, standing up to greet us.

I take out the director's phone and place it on the table.

-We need to check what's inside this phone. I'm sure we'll find something interesting there.

Nyx and Rhea look at each other impatient to see what the boss will do.

-How can you be so sure there's something to be found in there? asks the nightclub owner

I smile, confident.

-We all have something to hide, I said. The director is no exception.

The boss, still smiling, begins to examine the phone, looking for a way to bypass possible security features.

-Okay, I'll see what I can do, he said, sitting down at his computer. But first of all, tell me, are you really going out with Lorenzo? I heard rumors...

I laughed lightly.

-In your opinion?, I asked him

-I don't think so, he replied.

-Good answer it's just a collaboration. We have a common goal, so we team up to achieve it. Nothing more.

He nods, then his expression becomes more serious.

-You should know that Lorenzo's big brother is here tonight. Damon, is that it? He was downstairs when you entered. He probably saw you.

A shiver of tension runs through the room. I cross my arms, quickly thinking about this new information.

-Very good, I said after a moment. We're going to have to be discreet. If Damon saw us, he might start asking questions. We don't need these kinds of complications right now.

The boss goes back to work on the phone, and we remain silent, anxious but determined. After a few minutes, he managed to access the phone's files.

-There you go, I succeeded, he said, showing us the screen. Now let's see what our dear director is hiding.

The three of us lean in to watch, the excitement palpable. The contents of the phone reveal a series of compromising messages, questionable transactions, and even compromising photos with influential people.

"Jackpot," Nyx whispers, her eyes wide. We have everything we need.

I smile, satisfied.

-Perfect. Tomorrow we're really going to make a splash, adds an excited Rhea

But in the back of my mind, the thought of Damon still hovers. If he decides to meddle in our affairs, things could get even more complicated. For now, though, I'm focused on our goal: bringing down the headmistress.

As we revel in our imminent success, the owner of the company suddenly stops me, a playful smile on his lips.

-Now that I think about it, it's been a long time since I saw you do a striptease on stage, he said, looking at me intently.

I raise an eyebrow, intrigued.

-Is this the price I have to pay for asking you for help? I asked him, crossing my arms.

He nods, an amused smile still on his face.

-Actually, I'd like to see Damon's face when he sees his brother's girlfriend dancing here. It would add a little spice to the evening. You do not think ?

I laughed, amused by his bold proposition.

"Very good," I said, still confident. I'm going to change in one of the cabins.

I thought I was avoiding Damon, I sighed inwardly.

Rhea and Nyx exchange a surprised look but don't intervene. They know that I am always ready to take on a challenge, even the most unexpected. I head to the cabins to change, donning an outfit that leaves little to the imagination.

When I come out, I feel eyes on me. The stage lights blind me for a moment, but I quickly regain my composure. Just before going on stage, I spot Damon sitting at the bar, his dark gaze fixed on me. A mischievous smile appears on my lips and I wink at him.

The music begins, a sensual melody that resonates through the room. I let myself be carried away by the rhythm, my movements fluid and assured. Every gesture is calculated to capture attention, and I feel the eager eyes of the crowd falling on me.

Damon doesn't take his eyes off me, a glint of disbelief mixed with fascination in his gaze. I play on this attention, my movements becoming even more provocative. The boss watches the scene with a satisfied smile, savoring every moment.

-Things are becoming more and more interesting, smiles the boss while staring at the scene

As I finish my performance, applause erupts in the room. I get off the stage, feeling as confident as ever, and head towards the bar where Damon is sitting. He looks at me, a mixture of anger and curiosity in his eyes.

-So, did you like the show? I asked him, smiling.

He doesn't respond immediately, just stares at me intently.

-You know you're playing with fire, right? he finally whispers.

I shrug, still smiling before whispering in his ear.

-Maybe. But fire doesn't scare me.

I feel a palpable tension between us, but I don't let anything show.

-See you soon, I added

I turn back to the boss and thank him for his help, before motioning for Rhea and Nyx to follow me.

We leave the nightclub, the excitement and adrenaline still present.