
The Vilain Wife of PDG

We all know her stories where the evil sister steals her poor sister's husband then humiliates her sister. Do you hate the villain too? You know, I'm the bad guy in this kind of story and I don't care if people like me or not. ----- - I told you that I was going to make you regret ever setting foot in my family -That's why you drugged me -Haha yes, she giggled, good luck for the rest I'll leave you His gaze darkens as his breathing becomes heavier. -You're not going anywhere, he said as he approached, if I suffer then I'll make you suffer -What do I have in exchange?, she whispered, biting her lips impatiently.

Lilitee · Urbain
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26 Chs

Code black activated

Rhea nodded, aware of the seriousness of the situation. Nyx frowned, clearly intrigued.

-Why did you activate code black?

I glanced at Rhea before answering.

-As I told you, Lorenzo's brother asked my sister to marry him, I said in a firm voice. And there's no way he'll ever set foot in my family.

Nyx opened her eyes wide in disbelief.

-It still shocks me so much!

-We have to find a solution, Rhea intervened. 

-Yeah and quickly because the more time passes the closer they will get, I told them, grimacing 

-A horror, added Rhea 

Nyx straightened up, her expression changing from disbelief to determination.

- Yeah, we have to prevent this marriage by all means!

We stood in silence for a moment, thinking about our options. Nyx got up to close the door, making sure we wouldn't be disturbed. She returned to the bed, looking resolute.

-We could reveal his secrets, she suggested. 

I nodded, approving the idea.

-Yes, but you need solid proof, I added. Otherwise, he could turn the situation against us.

Rhea stood up, her eyes shining with determination.

-We could follow him, look for clues, proof of possible illegal activities in which he would participate. I'm sure he's hiding something big.

Nyx nodded, her mind already racing.

-And if we can prove that he's dangerous, not only will your sister call off the wedding, but we could also bring him down for good

I felt a wave of satisfaction wash over me. For the first time since I heard the news, I finally found a solution to prevent this damn marriage.

-So, it's decided, I said, holding out my hand. We activate code black.

Nyx and Rhea placed their hands on mine, sealing our pact.

-Code black activated, they confirmed in unison.

Determination hovered in Nyx's room as we began to form our plan. Nyx, sitting cross-legged at the foot of the bed, took out a notebook and pen to jot down our ideas.

-Well, she began, we need proof of the true nature of Lorenzo's brother. Photos, recordings, testimonials, anything that can convince your sister to give up on this marriage.

Rhea, as pragmatic as ever, sat up to add her two cents.

-We could start by following him. Observe his habits, see where he goes and who he hangs out with. He must have some shady activities that he's hiding.

I thought for a moment, trying to clarify our strategy.

-Yes, and you will also have to talk to your old friends, or even ex-girlfriends if you find any. Someone must have a story to tell about themselves.

Nyx noted all this carefully, then looked up at us.

-We could also try to find compromising documents, she suggested. Bank statements, email exchanges... If he has illegal activities, there must be a trace somewhere.

Rhea nodded, looking thoughtful.

-We could also hire a private detective, she suggested. It's risky, but it could give us results faster.

I nodded, knowing it would be difficult to finance.

-Yes, but in the meantime, let's focus on what we can do ourselves. We must be ready to act as soon as we have the slightest evidence.

Nyx raised her hand to get our attention.

-Wait, what if we organized a meeting between your sister and an ex-girlfriend of Lorenzo's brother? she asked. If she hears directly from someone who suffered because of him, it might convince her more easily.

This idea seemed particularly interesting. I felt a glimmer of hope light up.

-Yes it's a good idea. But for that, you first have to find someone willing to talk, I added. And it won't be easy.

Rhea then had another idea, a sly smile on her face.

-We could also organize an event where he would be forced to reveal his true nature in front of everyone, she suggested. For example, a party where we invite him and where we provoke a situation that makes him lose his temper.

Nyx noted this idea, her eyes shining.

-It could work, but it has to be well orchestrated, she clarified. Otherwise, it could backfire.

We continued to bounce ideas off each other, each suggestion bringing us one step closer to our goal. The atmosphere was studious, almost professional. We knew time was against us, but we were determined to succeed.

After several hours of discussion and planning, we had a draft action plan. We knew we had to remain careful and methodical, but the hope was there, bright and tenacious.

-So, it's decided, Nyx concluded, closing her notebook. We start tomorrow. Let's meet in front of the café near the school to take stock and decide on next steps.

-It works, I replied with determination. Thank you girls. We'll get there, I'm sure.

Nothing could stop us now.

Becomes what they hate.