

|SUTON| n. The approach of death or the end of something "What did I do to deserve this?" He chuckled at my question before saying, "You were born princess." She bathed in her own tub of blood, And he watched her, Finding pleasure. He was killing her When she tried saving him

theAkuhle · Urbain
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74 Chs

01| the victim of Kelly


"Had a voice, had voice but I could not sing." - SIA, Bird Set Free



"I want you to go back to when you first met Alexander McCann and I want every single detail," the detective ordered.

I sighed before speaking up, "I was 17 turning 18. Senior year was a few months from ending..."



I sat there with the lightly gingered girl with cute freckles whom I called my best friend, Levine, and also a brown haired named Sarah whom was my other best friend.

"It's totally sick Serine. You're so freaking talented, I mean this is a freaking masterpiece," Sarah gasped and I rolled my eyes. "Way too exaggerate Sar,"

"You seriously think she's exaggerating?" Levine raised her voice. "Why do you have such little faith in yourself? You know I hate it when you do that," Levine complained.

"You know I have my reasons Vin," I said chewing my fry. "But those reasons are not good enough reasons, for you not to recognize your talent." Sarah stated placing her palm on my chocolate skin and placed her tray of food. "Can we change the subject?"

Painting was a great "talent" of mine you could say. I enjoyed doing it. My at first time was when I was fifteen, I never really knew how to paint. I was never the greatest painter. But my dad always loved it, it was his specialty. I was always so envious wondering how I could be talented in art like he was. He was my biggest muse.

My mom, well she died giving birth to me. But I love her anyways. One day, I went into my dad's workshop where he does all his paintings, and I grabbed all his painting equipment. All my emotions were painted in my portraits.

No one would ever understand it. Only the artist.

"Not like that's anything new," Sarah muttered and continued eating her burger. When all of a sudden she rolled her eyes and Levine muttered 'oh God' shaking her head. I looked at them both confused and noticed Levine glance at something behind me.

Right as I was about to check what was going on I heard a voice that was way too consistent at being annoying on a daily basis."Hi Serine!"

I didn't answer and decided to keep eating my McDonald's fries, until my one fry got slapped out of fingers. Literally. "Didn't you hear me? I'm talking to you, are you deaf you addict?" I felt her finger poking the back of my head.

Unfortunately for me, we ended up in the same high school. God the horror of seeing that blonde for 4 more years in collage as well, once we finish senior year.. Hell will be unleashed if she ever tried anything.

I clenched my jaw trying my best to keep myself calm. "Okay, I'm going to be nice and actually pretend you didn't just do that. So I can go back to eating my fries and you and your friend I suppose, can leave me the heck alone. Okay? Sounds perfect to me,"

"You don't tell me what to do," Kelly the bitch squeaked. "Look, get fuck away from me," I snapped. She was really taking advantage at the little patience I had remaining. "What?" She sassed.

"Did I stutter?" Her lips parted as she stared at me. "Cat got your tongue Kelly? Didn't you hear her? Or are in need of a hearing aid? Leave." Levine shooed her away while I shook my head and snickered. Kelly stomped her way to her table as her minion followed.

"It's literally 4 months until we're out of this hell hole and she still thinks picking on people like we're juniors or some crap. Get a life," Sarah whined and I nodded in agreement.

It was true I mean... we were no longer 14 or 15 where we were bullied like no other. We're much older now and she hasn't matured, not one bit. It was honestly sad. It's getting old Kells.

Who am I kidding? It was old.

Suddenly a squeak brought me back reality when I saw Alexander McCann, one of the hottest guys in this school making his way inside the cafeteria.

You know it, you've seen it, you've heard it. All these romance books Alexander was the 'bad boy' the boy everybody drooled over, I can't lie, he was good looking: perfect grey eyes and black hair. Even Levine had a small crush on him.. until she witnessed how arrogant he was and she just lost interest. And it was indeed the arrogance for me.

On the other hand Sarah was just absolutely going solo. She was an extreme introvert, it was quite hard to actually make her upset and if she ever did, she'd loose it. Don't underestimate introverts. That's the one thing I learnt by being friends with one.

Levine, Levine, Levine, the two toned haired girl who wasn't afraid of anything. Herself and Sarah were complete opposites, we all were, but we just clicked. Levine was loud, an extrovert, she never ever backed down and she has a lot of sass. We were more alike than Sarah but we did have things we didn't have in common.

The difference between Levine and I is definitely the confidence. Also, I felt more different. I know that everybody is different but whether you get the intention or not you'll soon find out. I'm an addict and a goner. And to say it so freely, just shows how I'm used to all the labels I've been given my entire life.

I'm a little to wild for my own health. Literally. And I don't think that's ever gonna change.

"Hey, uh, sorry about Kelly. I apologize on her behalf," I jumped when I heard a voice that brought me back to reality.

Alexander McCann was standing right in front of me... apologizing?

Well yes on the behalf of Kelly but still, it was really odd. I couldn't find my voice I was just speechless. I wasn't expecting this.

At all.

"Serine?" I looked up him again realizing I hadn't said anything back to him. "Oh, uhm no it's okay." I say finding my voice. "I'm used to it," I waved it off like it was nothing. The edges of his lips twitched and he formed a smile that reached his perfect grey eyes.

"Alright, I'll get going." He nodded at three of us and we simply mirrored his actions. Once he was gone I felt pairs of eyes staring holes into me first I thought it was Kelly and looking into her direction she was indeed one of the pairs.

I looked back to Sarah and Levine finding them staring me as if they were awaiting for a reasonable explanation.

Makes three pairs I guess.

I knew exactly what they were thinking. "Serine." they both mimicked in unison and I rolled my eyes at their childish actions.

A smile that hadn't left my face was plastered.

Alexander McCann..

Reminder when I get home; find a brand new spot to have my lunch.


Trust me

It's not the cliché kind :)